Part 1 of 2 - The Cancer Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know About
Hippocrates (460 BC - 370 BC) proposed a cancer cure based on the humor theory of four bodily fluids: black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood. According to the humor theory, if a patient's humor became unbalanced, the patient developed cancer or other illnesses.
To rebalance the patients' humor, treatment consisted of diet, bloodletting, or purging. Surprisingly, humor-theory treatment remained popular until the 19th century. The humor theory was later proven to be twaddle.
Surgery as a possible cancer cure was described in the 1020s by Avicenna in "The Canon of Medicine." He promoted the surgical removal of diseased body parts or tissues. In the 16th and 17th centuries, more doctors dissected bodies to discover the cause of death.
Between 1871 and 1874, English surgeon Campbell De Morgan formulated that cancer spreads from a tumor to other body areas. Nevertheless, using surgery to cure cancer had poor results due to hygienic problems of that time period.
With hygienic improvement, surgery eventually became an effective cancer cure for early-stage cancer. But the later the cancer stage, the less effective surgery became. And cancer sometimes returned despite surgery.
At the end of the 19th century, Marie and Pierre Curie found radiation to be a possible nonsurgical cancer cure. Surgeons began working with radiologists, improving cancer-cure results. But radiation's effectiveness depended on the cancer's location.
In the 1940s, several patients with advanced cancer of the white blood cells were given mustard gas intravenously rather than nasally. The patients improved remarkably - but temporarily! Researchers began searching for other anticancer substances, giving birth to chemotherapy.
Since then, many anticancer drugs have been developed, exploding drug development into a multibillion dollar industry. So is chemotherapy the cancer cure? No. Unfortunately, some cancers are resistant to chemotherapy.
As you can see, the search for a cancer cure has been going on for hundreds of years. And you can see that a "real" cancer cure doesn't exist. Hundreds of years of seeking a cancer cure has only led us to radiation, chemo, and surgical therapy. And even these don't work well on all cancers. So what are we to do?
Actually, a "real" cancer cure exists - but it's so new that it's not widely known!
Cancer involves groups of bodily cells growing and dividing uncontrollably, refusing specialization for specific bodily functions, invading and destroying other bodily tissues, and sometimes spreading throughout the body. Most cancers form a tumor, but not all. For example, leukemia (cancer of the blood or bone marrow) doesn't.
Cancer affects people of all ages, but affects older people more. According to the American Cancer Society, cancer killed 7.6 million people worldwide in 2007!
Cancer is caused by damaged genes within bodily cells. These damages can be caused by tobacco smoke, asbestos fibers, radiation, chemicals, or viral infections. Cancer-promoting genetic damages can also be inherited.
Normal cells are programmed to kill themselves if they become damaged beyond repair. Nevertheless, this program is turned off in cancer cells - allowing them immortality!
Basically, cancer cells are immortal "brain-damaged" cells that act crazy, killing normal cells, interfering with normal bodily functions.
Vitamin D isn't really a vitamin. Since vitamin D is usually produced by the body's largest organ, the skin, it's really a hormone. For a chemical substance to qualify as a hormone, it needs to be produced by one of the body's organs.
Not only do plants need sunlight to be healthy, humans also need it. Long ago, sunlight exposure was the only way humans got adequate amounts of vitamin D. Most foods are vitamin D-free or contain small traces of it - not enough for best health! The human skin is designed to photosynthesize large amounts of vitamin D from sunlight exposure.
Researchers recently discovered vitamin D deficiencies among the following people:
People spending most of their time indoors,
People regularly covering all their skin with clothing,
People regularly slathering on sunscreen,
People aged 50 and older,
People with excessive body fat,
People with inflammatory bowel disease, and
People living far from the equator. For example, the following cities have high cancer rates: Seattle, Toronto, Boston, London, Dublin, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Berlin, Moscow, and Anchorage.
Also researchers found that dark-skinned people are more susceptible to vitamin D deficiency, because their skin filters out more sunlight than light-skinned people.
Additionally, researchers discovered that many of these vitamin D-deficient people developed medical conditions such as cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, heart disease, clinical depression, chronic anxiety, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis, eczema, high blood pressure, bone softening diseases, chronic pain, muscle weakness, viral infections, polycystic ovary syndrome, and migraine headaches.
But since this article is about cancer, we'll stay focused on cancer.
Can vitamin D cure cancer? Surprisingly, the answer is yes.
Vitamin D is a powerful hormone that regulates and repairs bodily cells. If you have adequate amounts of vitamin D in your body, the cancer cells in your body stop growing and dividing uncontrollably, stop invading and destroying other bodily tissues, stop spreading throughout your body, and begin specialization for specific bodily functions.
Also the cancer cells lose their immortality, and begin to die normally. Vitamin D forces cancer cells to behave like normal cells!
The singular most important cause of cancer is vitamin D deficiency. Most, if not all, cancer patients are vitamin D deficient.
In the past, people believed that taking 600 IU of vitamin D daily was enough for good health. Currently, researchers found that adults need at least 4,000 IU of vitamin D daily for therapeutic anticancer effects!
But how much is too much? Doesn't vitamin D become toxic at high doses? Vitamin D does become toxic at high doses, but it's much higher than you think. Researchers recently found that to poison yourself with vitamin D, you need to take at least 40,000 IU of vitamin D daily.
So if you have cancer, a strong and safe therapeutic dose of vitamin D could range between 10,000 IU and 20,000 IU daily.
You can buy vitamin D tablets at vitamin and retail stores. It's more convenient to buy tablets that have the highest dose per tablet. For example, I buy bottles of vitamin D containing 2,000 IU per tablet. So I need to take only five tablets to equal 10,000 IU - very convenient!
Vitamin D tablets come in two forms, vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Since vitamin D3 is more potent than vitamin D2, I recommend that you buy vitamin D3 tablets.
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