Holistic Medicines To Treat Cancer

What is cancer?

Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the growth of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably, and destroy body tissue. Cancer can spread throughout your body. Sometimes, however, normal cells lose the ability to direct and to limit their growth. They divide and grow without any order and form excess cells which we call tumors.

Is cancer an epidemic?

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Half of all men and one third of all women in the United States will develop cancer during their lifetimes. Today, millions of people are living with cancer or at risk of developing the disease. The dramatic increase in cancer incidence is of great concern to anyone who has looked at the statistics. For instance, In 1996 more Americans died of cancer than died in World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam combined, with 550,000 Americans dying of cancer. In 2002, 1.25 million Americans will was diagnosed with cancer. Someone dies of cancer every single minute. Cancer today has become pandemic throughout the world, and whatever the conventional therapy propaganda machines keep telling us, the "war on cancer" being waged by the medical establishment and the drugs companies is unquestionably being lost.

In the U.S, billions of dollars has been spent on cancer research and the only result has been a frustrated citizenry and a sharp increase in the number of deaths from cancer and conventional cancer treatments that is evasive, toxic and extremely unpleasant. This increase in cancer incidence has been 1% every year, which means the cancer incidence in the population of the world, has increased by 40% since 1955!

What are the conventional therapies?

In the first instance, the oncologist will test the patient to determine what stage the cancer has spread from the starting point. There are usually 4 stages of cancer. Once the oncologist has identified the stage the cancer is at, they can plan to use the approved treatment for the particular cancer.

In The US, there are three legal ways to treat cancer-surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. In other words, they either carve the cancer out, burn it or poison it. Conventional medicine is very rigid in its control of how cancer is treated. This sounds pretty crude but unfortunately, these are the only approved conventional treatments for cancer!

It is a shame that despite the multi billions spent conventional cancer treatment has made no substantial improvement in cancer cures in the past several decades.

What are the Holistic medicine alternatives?

Cancer tumors can spread rapidly and threaten life; the treatments therefore used against this powerful disease must equally be powerful. The methods must be safe for the patient but effective in killing cancer cells. Using conventional treatment, It is rarely possible to limit the effects of cancer treatment so that only cancer cells are destroyed. Normal, healthy cells are usually damaged at the same time. For this reason, cancer patients receiving traditional treatments must suffer through a variety of unpleasant and often extremely painful side-effects. The fact also remains that these traditional methods not effective in dealing with cancer on the long term. As a result more and more people are turning to alternative, natural, holistic answers to this health challenge. Some of the therapies used to effectively treat cancer are:


This is a powerful mineral substance with the ability to kill cancer cells within days! They are powerful detoxifiers and improve the alkalinity of your body and activate the P21 gene which tells a cancer cell to die, and because they can literally destroy the nucleus of cancerous cells. Liquid zeolite is a MUST for detox.

Oxygen therapy:

Oxygen therapy is a form of holistic treatment based upon the premise that all harmful bacteria, viruses, germs and fungi (e.g. flu, colds, AIDs, candida albicans and cancerous cells) are anaerobic. In otherwords they cannot thrive in high oxygen environments. Thus, to maintain good health and vitality, the human body requires a rich supply of oxygen. This therapy is based on the work of Dr Otto Warburg, twice Nobel laureate.

Bio magnetic therapy:

Bio-magnetic therapy is simple and natural and its application is similar to acupuncture. It has brought health benefits to people around the world. Today there is a booming interest in the use of magnets to control pain. Some holistic medical practitioners believe that magnetic energy can help to reorient the polarity of the cancer cell and help induce differentiation which would make the cell non-cancerous.

Nutritional therapy

Nutritional therapy is a holistic medicine, using food, juicing and supplements to encourage the body's natural healing. It does this by: Detoxifying the body, correcting nutritional deficiencies, creating an appropriate PH Level and help develop a positive mental attitude. There are thousands of research articles which clearly link the lack of nutritional components to the occurrence of cancer. Thus the optimal intake of nutrients can help reverse cancer. Some of the nutrients studies have shown in that help fight cancer and other degenerative diseases are vitamins A, C, D and E, bioflavonoids and Co Q-10. Other reports indicate great benefit from the usage of selenium, germanium and other trace minerals to control cancer.

Thymus therapy: The thymus, a gland in the chest that shrinks as one grows older, has been recognized as the seat of the immune system. The thymus produces various hormone-like substances that influence the maturation and growth of T-cells which are crucial in the body's defense against cancer and AIDS. whole thymus extract plus a number of specific extracts; such as, thymosin and thymopoietin, have been used to build up the immune system to an incredible extent to defend us against cancer and assist in treating almost any disease.

These therapies are utilized in a hospital in Mexico that has been treating various types of cancer for two decades with the one of the highest cancer treatment rate in the world.

It it best in addition to the above therapies to undergo therapies that can help combat this deadly disease.

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that affects woman. The most common victims of cervical cancer are older woman (i.e. 40+). Cervical cancer is generally caused by HPV (human papilloma virus) which gets transmitted through sexual contact and over a period of time (which can last for years) leads to cancerous cervix cells.

Prevention against cervical cancer

Since HPV gets sexually transmitted, having multiple sex partners can increase the chances of occurrence of cervical cancer. The anti-bodies produced by our body are the best guard against HPV and anything that causes our immune system to weaken can also aid in development of cervical cancer. In that sense, taking good care of your health too is a preventive measure for cervical cancer.

Symptoms of cervical cancer

The most common symptoms of cervical cancer include pelvic pain or pain during intercourse, unexpected vaginal discharge or bleeding, increase in the frequency of urination etc. However, the occurrence of these symptoms doesn't necessarily imply cervical cancer. These symptoms just suggest that cervical cancer could be a possibility and hence point to the need of undergoing other cervical cancer tests

Detecting cervical cancer

One of the best ways of detecting cervical cancer is to undergo routine/ regular cervical cancer screening tests. The cervical cancer screening test (i.e. the pap test or the pap smear test) is one of the best ways of catching cervical cancer in early stages. This test is not at all painful and just involves brushing off of cells from your cervix for microscopic examination. The pap test results are generally given as a rating on a scale of 1 to 5 where in 1 indicates normal cervix cells and 5 indicates serious cancer signs. Though medical research is constantly trying to create new and better ways of detecting cervical cancer, Pap tests are the best technique that we have available today for early detection of cervical cancer. However, pap tests are not always accurate and if other symptoms strongly suggest cervical cancer, a second round of cervical tests might be recommended by the doctor.

Treatment of cervical cancer

The treatment of cervical cancer is effective mostly when the cervical cancer is detected while it is still in its early stages. The treatment involves surgical procedures (including removal of uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries), chemotherapy and radiation. The earlier you are able to detect cervical cancer, the better are your chances of cure. In fact, pap tests can even detect pre-cancerous stage and hence make the treatment of cervical cancer even more effective.

Cancer: Causes and Remedies (Part Two)


Parasites and Cancer

Many people are familiar with the great works and writings of Hulda Clark, author of The Cure For All Cancers. Do I agree that parasites cause cancer? NO! However, parasites may be implicated and involved in cancer as parasites can greatly survive in anaerobic environments.

Like many other individuals who practice wholistic and naturopathic modalities (and with great and miraculous results), Hulda Clark was ran out of the country by the federal U.S. government medical regulatory body (criminals, terrorists, tyrants) - FDA (Food & Drug Administration). She now operates in Mexico where most of your good alternative cancer clinics are located.

The Sun and UV Rays

The false notion that God's sun in the heavens causes skin cancer is absurd. The earth and everything on it is dependent upon the sun, so how in the world can the natural sun be the cause of cancer (abnormal cell activity and growth)?

No, it is the fact that the sun penetrates the skin and boils the toxins in the blood which causes skin cancer. The sun is merely cooking the toxins underneath the skin. The sun itself is not causing cancer. This is absurd!

If the sun causes skin cancer, how come animals don't get skin cancer? This is something to think about! The only thing the sun causes is natural vitamin D production in the skin and a tanning of the skin for certain light or fair-skinned individuals. However, Rev. Phil Valentine is 100% correct when he says our sun is now a purging sun instead of a healing sun due to all the poisons now circulating in the earth's atmosphere. When you think about it, man has done a lot of damage to the very planet he lives on and that sustains him. Surely man is at a loss!

Caucasians generally suffer from skin cancer because of the lack of melanin (dark pigmentation) in their bodies. However, Caucasians still need natural sunlight. They do not need or require long durations of direct sunlight, just a few hours of sunlight, especially in the morning. The best sunlight (for all of us) to get is in the morning with the rising sun. Why do you think every news station has a weather report telling you what time the sun rise and sets? This is done for those health conscious individuals who get direct sunlight every morning (from their glasshouses).

One should not think melanin is a guaranteed protector of skin cancer because heavily melanated individuals (Africans, Black people) are also developing and dying of skin cancer just like white people, although not at the same rate. Cancer is not a race thing! It doesn't discriminate. Every human being is subject to cancer.


Diet, a poor diet, undoubtedly plays a pivotal role in cancer. The greatest so-called food-based causation of cancer is MEAT. I have been saying for years that protein malutilization is the number one dietary causative factor of cancer.

It is a medical and scientific fact that eating cooked foods raises white blood cells (leukocytes) in the body. White blood cells only increase when a so-called foreign invader or substance is in the body. These cells do not attack the so-called foreign invader or substance but actually sacrifice themselves to protect the red blood cells. Yes, white blood cells sacrifice themselves for the benefit of red blood cells.

Why does eating cooked meat raise the white blood cells count in the body? Simply because MEAT is foreign to the human body and should not be in the human body.

The more you cook the flesh (meat), the greater your chances for cancer, especially colon and rectal cancer. African-Americans have the highest incidence of colon and rectal cancer because they cook their meat more "well done" than any other group or race of people.

I used to always wonder as a teen why many white people ordered their meat cooked "rare" and almost raw at restaurants. They knew something Blacks still don't know today. Heat produces carcinogens, especially the heat from barbecuing. And nobody barbecues more than Black folks. Black people, generally, love a good barbecue. Give them some pork ribs, some music, some brew (beer) and alcohol, and a set of dominoes and it's on and poppin'! Let me stop stereotyping! Naw, I'm just having some fun being real because the above scenario is true, generally-speaking, and plus, I witnessed this firsthand from family members and friends growing up.

What the overwhelming majority of Black people (and all other people, for that matter) don't know about barbecuing and its carcinogenic effect is that when you cook slaughtered animal flesh (meat) on an open grill, the juice from the meat (which is usually beef, chicken and pork) falls on the charcoal briskets and converts into HAs (Hetero-cyclic amines) which in turn rises in the form of smoke and deposits itself in the source flesh (meat) and creates a new substance called PAH (Poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon). Basically, this is cooked-originated cancer.

Meat lacks enzymes unlike fruit and vegetables, so therefore, meat inhibits the digestive process by sitting in the colon (causing constipation) and just rotting and putrefying. Nothing causes fouler flatulence (gas) and stools than meat does.

Meat sits in the colon and rectum and just rots and decay. This process causes the cells to become abnormal and the result is cancer of the colon and/or rectum.

A meat eater (disillusioned herbivore acting as a carnivore) would be very wise to periodically perform enemas and go get a series of colonics (hydrotherapy) performed to help flush the intestinal tract of decayed animal flesh (meat), mucoidal plaque, and worms and parasites.

Yes, yes, yes! Meat is a serious causative factor of cancer, especially colon and rectal cancer. You like eating: steak, pork ribs, pork chops, lamb chops, fried chicken, pastrami, hamburger, Deli slices (salami, bologna, etc.); ham, turkey, and fish? Just understand the risk involved.

Did you know that many of your commercial so-called foods contain industrial products? Supermarket cupcakes and other pastries may contain propylene glycol which is used in car antifreeze. Now what in the hell is an industrial chemical doing in so-called food? Check your ingredients, People!

And these so-called cooking oils - soybean oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, lard, cottonseed oil, palm or palm kernel oil, and canola oil, are deleterious to human health. Many so-called foods are cooked in these oils and at very high temperatures. Nothing is alive that has been cooked in oils at temperatures ranging from 400-1200 degrees. To be technical, nothing cooked at a temperature of more than 118 degrees is alive. If a thing is dead at 118 degrees, then you tell me what the thing is at 800 or 1200 degrees.

Americans are paying for all of their so-called luxury foods and habits. All the Starbucks coffee, smoking cigars and cigarettes, eating cheap fast food burgers and fries; pastries (pies, donuts, cookies and cakes); acidic beverages, especially the effervescent ones (soda pop - Coca Cola, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, Sprite, etc.); and the new pseudo energy drinks (Red Bull, Turbo Charge, etc.); lattes and cuppacinos; quick snack/junk foods (potato chips, crackers, popcorn, etc.), etc, etc. ARE DOING AMERICANS IN!

Pulling up to Micky D's (McDonald's), Burger King (Booger King), Taco Bell (Taco Hell), H. Salt Fish & Chips (H. Salt Fish and Shit), Chick-Filet (Shit-Filet), Kentucky Fried Chicken (Kentucky Fried Shit-ken), Harold's Chicken (Harold's Shit-ken), Wendy's (Farty's), Jack-N-The Box; Krispy "Casket" Crème donuts, etc. and ordering death from their menus will eventually do you in. This stuff is not food, People! The ingredients used in these fast food products will eventually kill you. Just watch the movie "Super Size Me." The dude in this movie almost died from just eating McDonald's stuff/junk alone for one month. Now you may not eat at McDonald's everyday, but you may be supplementing McDonald's with other fast foods which ingredients are just as dangerous as McDonald's which was displayed in "Super Size Me."

The so-called foods your child(ren) is being served at the Public Fool System (Public School System) is just as insalubrious as the crap sold at fast food restaurants. These schoolhouse meals are laced with genetically engineered foods, SUGAR, and chemical additives which negatively impact learning and behavior. Watch the documentary entitled "Hidden Dangers In Kids Meals" (www.GMFreeSchools.org)

The same thing applies for the foods served in American penal institutions and corrections facilities. It's all crap to keep the people deaf, dumb and blind and DEGENERATE!

There is a food conspiracy in the U.S. which helps to dumb us down, to make us frightened and fearful (just like many of these animals we are unwisely consuming), to enhance stress in our lives, to weaken and debilitate us, to make us savage more savage, violent and brutal; to make us more fleshly and lustful, and to change our demeanor and attitudes.

The lack of real foods containing life force (aura), enzymes, nutrients (minerals, so-called vitamins), chlorophyll (liquid sunlight), and fiber is causing premature death due to cellular degeneracy predicated upon oxygen and alkaline deficiency.

continues in PART 3

The Truth Behind Metastatic Lung Cancer

Unlike other forms of lung cancer, metastatic lung cancer is the result of a cancer from another part of the body spreading to the lungs. When a malignancy develops in the body (most often in the breasts, colon, prostate, or bladder, though almost all cancers have the ability to spread) it can sometimes spread through the blood stream. When these malignancies settle into the pulmonary tissues, such as the alveoli (the final vein-like branches of the respiratory system) and the supporting tissues of the respiratory structures, the cancer has metastasized to the lungs.

Unfortunately, treating metastatic lung cancer presents significant challenges. Since the cancer has spread from another part of the body, treatment not only involves addressing the cancer in the lungs, but also the original cancer and any other areas of the body that may have also become affected. In some cases, if the primary tumor is successfully removed and if the spread of the tumor cells to the pulmonary regions is relatively localized, then the management of the cancer by surgical techniques may do the job. However, if the metastatic lung cancer is extensive, because so many areas of the body may be under the influence of the cancer, certain treatments (such as surgery, and in many cases, radiation therapy as well) may prove ineffective. Which leaves most patients with chemotherapy as the primary treatment of choice.

Chemotherapy often uses a combination of drugs (often referred to as "anti-cancer" drugs) to kill cancer cells, though a single drug may be used as well. While the aim of these drugs is to stop cancerous cells from multiplying, they also can damage healthy cells. This is what creates the side effects that are often associated with chemotherapy, such as the loss of hair, nausea and vomiting, and fatigue. The good news, however, is that the healthy cells will generally repair themselves once the chemotherapy process is over.

Chemotherapy can provide a cure (when the cancer disappears and does not return) or help to control the cancer (to keep it from spreading and perhaps kill cancerous cells that have already spread to other areas of the body, such as is the case in metastasized lung cancer) or relieve the symptoms of the cancer (to provide the patient with a better quality of life, even in the face of a poor prognosis). How it's used in any particular situation is dependent upon the type of cancer, the stage of the cancer, the prognosis, and the plan as set out by the patient and his or her physician.

In addition, there are complementary and alternative treatments. These can include everything from proper nutrition to pain management, from spiritual approaches to natural herbs and supplements. Of course, such alternative plans will vary much the same as traditional treatments, depending on the location and size of the tumor, the age and general health of the patient, and other factors.

Metastatic lung cancer is certainly more challenging to overcome than other forms of lung cancer because the fight against the cancerous cells is not confined to the lungs. And while a cure is unlikely in most cases, in rare instances (usually when the primary tumor has been removed and the spread of the cancer has been limited), the lung metastases can be removed surgically, with a prognosis of long-term survival.

Please note that the information provided in this article is for information purposes only. It should not be used during a medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of lung cancer or metastatic lung cancer. Such situations should always involve the expertise of a physician or health care provider.

Should We Treat Cancer or Prevent Cancer?

Cancer is one of the biggest killers around the world. In America alone, 25% of all deaths are related to cancer.

Many people think of cancer as a single problem but in fact, it is a number of problems spread throughout the body. Generally speaking, if cancer is caught in the early stages of development, it can be treated and cured.

Although there are several different types of cancer, the most common ones are Lung, Prostate, Breast, Testicular, Skin and Colon cancers.

Genes control the multiplication and growth of cells. If these genes are defective in the first place, then the cells will not be able to grow or divide properly. As a result of this abnormality, cancerous cells are born.

There are a number of factors which cause cancer. Factors which are controllable by humans are smoking, toxic elements and radiation. These can be controlled to some degree and therefore it would be wise to avoid them by changing lifestyle habits. However, there are certain elements which are outside our control.
These include mutation and inherited DNA.

As a result of studies conducted by the American Cancer Society, more than 180,000 people have died as a direct result of smoking. Another 200,000 people have died due to lack of changing lifestyle habits. Obesity, laziness and malnutrition can have an effect on the growth of cancer. Needless to say, cancer has risen by more than 50% since 1995.

Let's take a look at some of these cancer causes in more detail.

Smoking: The most prevalent and easily avoidable type of cancer is the one caused by the use of tobacco. This includes the use of cigarettes, cigars and pipes. Even though smokers are addicted to nicotine, the fact that 200,000 people die every year due to smoking caused cancer should be enough motivation to quit. Some experts say that cessation of smoking can increase lifespan by up to 20 years.

Although nothing has been proven, studies indicate that stress may also be a contributing factor to cancer. Many cancer patients are also employed in stressful jobs. Some theologians believe that stress lowers the bodies immunity to cancer.

Exercise and Healthy Eating: Healthy eating and exercise is universally known to be beneficial in many aspects. But, many people don't know that food full of nutrition can reduce the risk of cancer. Specific foods such as fruit and veg can help prevent cancer whilst fatty foods such as meat can increase the likelihood of cancer.

Skin cancer can easily be avoided by simply listening to good advice. Wear sunglasses, hats, sun cream and other sensible items of clothing to avoid the onset of this type of cancer. Although this may seem like common sense, more than one million people have been diagnosed with skin cancer in a single year.

In summary, some cancers can be avoided. New research and studies are being conducted all the time. So, rather than concentrating on how to treat cancer patients, maybe we should all be looking for more ways to prevent the cancer in the first place.

Liver Cancer

Liver cancer

Liver is an important organ that performs a number of different functions like maintaining fluid balance in the body, handling toxic substances etc. It also produces bile that is instrumental in breaking down fat. Occurrence of cancer in the liver is termed as liver cancer.

Types of Liver cancer

On a broad basis, we can classify liver cancer as primary liver cancer and secondary cancer. When cancer originates in the liver itself, it is called as primary liver cancer. Liver cancer is known as secondary liver cancer when it originates in some other part of the body and then spreads to liver (e.g. due to proximity of liver to the place where cancer originated in the body). Hepatoma and bile duct cancer are the two main types of liver cancer.

Causes of Liver cancer

The two main causes of Liver cancer are: Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks and occurrence of infections like Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. It's unfortunate to note that though a number of people know that alcohol can increase the risk of Liver cancer, they still don't cut down on alcohol.

Symptoms of Liver cancer

Liver cancer can lead to enlargement of Liver which can result in discomfort e.g. pain in the upper abdomen or pain in the right shoulder. There are some other common symptoms of Liver cancer (none of them are too conclusive though) like nausea, weakness, loss of weight etc. Other symptoms of liver cancer include jaundice and fluid disbalance in the body (e.g. building up of fluid in the abdomen). However, these too are just mildly indicative of liver cancer and are in no way conclusive symptoms.

Diagnosis of Liver cancer

Recognizing the symptoms and seeking professional help (from qualified doctors) can help early diagnosis of liver cancer. So, consult your doctor and let him/her know all the symptoms that you have been experiencing. The doctor might do a physical examination and prescribe certain tests as the need may be. The physical examination is basically to check the enlargement of liver. Other tests include liver ultrasound scan, abdominal CT scan, liver biopsy etc.

Treatment of liver cancer

Based on the type of liver cancer, the stage of liver cancer and your general health etc, the doctor might prescribe one or more liver cancer treatment techniques. Surgical procedure to remove the affected part of liver is one of the treatments for liver cancer (especially if it has not spread elsewhere). Besides surgery there are other techniques that use laser and other procedure for removal or destruction of tumor/ liver cancer. Chemotherapy is also one of the liver cancer treatments.

Breast Cancer Screening and Medical Malpractice

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women. Every year, more than 40,000 women die in the U.S. from breast cancer. Early detection with routine breast cancer screening followed immediately with appropriate treatment could prevent many of these deaths. A doctor's failure to recommend routine breast cancer screening to their female patients and to follow up on abnormal test results may constitute medical malpractice.

Screening for breast cancer

Cancer specialists generally recommend that a doctor should order a yearly mammogram and conduct a yearly clinical breast examination on all female patients age 40 or older, even if the patient has no family history of breast cancer and has no symptoms. A doctor should perform a breast examination every 3 years for female patients in their 20s and 30s. If a patient is at moderate (15%-20%) lifetime risk the doctor should discuss the option of adding a yearly MRI as part of the screening process. For patients at high (>20%) lifetime risk, the doctor should add a yearly MRI to the screening process. The lifetime risk is assessed based on such factors as family history, the presence of gene mutations, characteristics of the breast, and personal medical history.

The clinical breast examination determines whether there are any palpable lumps or other abnormality in the breast that could indicate the presence of cancer. The mammogram and MRI use imaging technology to identify changes or masses in the breast that may not detectable from a clinical breast examination. Should an abnormality be found, a biopsy (sampling of breast tissue) is then performed to rule out or confirm the presence of cancer.

The progression of the breast cancer is tracked through stages

Once breast cancer is diagnosed, the cancer's progression is categorized using a five-level staging system:

  • Stage 0 (Also known as Carcinoma In Situ): There are 2 types - (1) Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) which is a noninvasive condition which involves the presence of abnormal cells confined to the lining of the breast duct, and (2) Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) which involves the presence of abnormal cells in the lobules of the breast.
  • Stage I: The tumor is less than 2 cm and has not spread outside the breast.
  • Stage IIA: Either (1) no tumor is found in the breast but cancer is found in at least one of the axillary lymph nodes (the lymph nodes under the arm), (2) the tumor is 2 cm or smaller and has spread to the axillary lymph nodes, or (3) the tumor is between 2 cm and 5 cm and has not spread to the axillary lymph nodes.
  • Stage IIB: Either (1) the tumor is between 2 cm and 5 cm and has spread to the axillary lymph nodes, or (2) the tumor is larger than 5 cm and has not spread to the axillary lymph nodes.
  • Stage IIIA:Either (1) no tumor is found in the breast but cancer is found in axillary lymph nodes that are attached to each other or to other structures, or cancer may be found in lymph nodes near the breastbone, (2) the tumor is 2 cm or smaller and the cancer has spread to axillary lymph nodes that are attached to each other or to other structures, or cancer may have spread to lymph nodes near the breastbone, (3) the tumor is larger than 2 centimeters but not larger than 5 centimeters and the cancer has spread to axillary lymph nodes that are attached to each other or to other structures, or the cancer may have spread to lymph nodes near the breastbone, or (4) the tumor is larger than 5 centimeters and the cancer has spread to axillary lymph nodes that may be attached to each other or to other structures, or cancer may have spread to lymph nodes near the breastbone.
  • Stage IIIB:The tumor may be any size and the cancer (1) has spread to the chest wall and/or the skin of the breast, or (2) may have spread to axillary lymph nodes that may be attached to each other or to other structures, or cancer may have spread to lymph nodes near the breastbone.
  • Stage IIIC:The cancer is operable if it is detected (1) in ten or more axillary lymph nodes, (2) is found in lymph nodes below the collarbone, or (3) is found in axillary lymph nodes and in lymph nodes near the breastbone. The cancer is inoperable if it has spread to the lymph nodes above the collarbone.
  • Stage IV: The cancer has spread to other organs in the body, usually the bones, lungs, liver, or brain.

Breast cancer treatment and prognosis

Cancer specialists associate a statistic called the 5 year survival rate with each stage of the cancer. This statistic reflects, for each stage, the percentage of women who will survive 5 years or more after a diagnosis with that particular stage.

For Stage 0, treatment options include a breast conserving surgery (lumpectomy or partial mastectomy) with sentinel lymph node biopsy or lymph node dissection and radiation therapy, mastectomy (for women at high risk a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy may be an option), and/or hormone therapy (such as Tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor). The 5-year survival rate is nearly 100% for Stage 0.

For Stage I, treatment options include a lumpectomy (breast conserving surgery) with sentinel lymph node biopsy or lymph node dissection and radiation, mastectomy, and chemotherapy and/or hormone therapy. The 5-year survival rate is also nearly 100% for Stage 1.

For Stage II, treatment options include breast conserving surgery (a lumpectomy or modified mastectomy) with sentinel lymph node biopsy or lymph node dissection and radiation, mastectomy, and chemotherapy and/or hormone therapy. The 5-year survival rate is 92% for Stage IIA and 81% for Stage IIB.

For Stage IIIA, the treatment options remain the same as for Stage II. The relative 5-year survival rate is 67% for Stage IIIA

For Stages IIIB and IIIC, treatment options vary depending on whether the cancer is operable. Chemotherapy is often the initial treatment in order to attempt to reduce the size of the tumor. If the tumor is operable, then treatment options may include breast conserving surgery (a lumpectomy or modified mastectomy) or mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy or lymph node dissection, radiation, and chemotherapy and/or hormone therapy. If the cancer is inoperable, the 5-year survival rate is 54% for Stage IIIB.

For Stage IV, treatment normally consists of radiation therapy, hormone therapy and/or systemic chemotherapy, Tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy, radiation therapy, surgery and medications to relieve pain, and clinical trials. The 5-year survival rate drops to approximately 20%.

Failure to screen for breast cancer may constitute medical malpractice

Unfortunately, even though the statistics make it very clear that early detection through breast cancer screening saves lives, there are still doctors who fail to screen female patients for breast cancer. They fail to perform breast examinations and fail to order mammograms. And some doctors ignore abnormal breast examination results and even abnormal mammograms results. By the time the cancer is discovered - often because the patient sees a different doctor who finally conducts a clinical breast examination or orders a mammogram, or the patient starts to feel back pain or other symptoms - the breast cancer has already advanced to a Stage III or even a Stage IV. The prognosis is now much different for this woman than it would have been had the breast cancer been detected early through routine breast cancer screening. As a result of the failure on the part of the doctor to advise a female patient to undergo routine screening, or to follow up on an abnormal mammogram or MRI result, the breast cancer is now much more advanced and the woman has suffered a "loss of chance" of a better recovery. In other words, she now has a reduced chance of surviving the breast cancer.

Contact a Lawyer Today

If you or a family member suffered a delay in the diagnosis of breast cancer due to a doctor's failure to recommend routine screening or to follow up on abnormal breast examination or mammogram results, you need to contact a lawyer immediately.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal or medical advice. You should not act, or refrain from acting, based upon any information at this web site without seeking professional legal counsel. A competent lawyer with experience in medical malpractice can assist you in determining whether you may have a claim for a delay in the diagnosis of breast cancer due to a failure on the part of the doctor to offer breast cancer screening. There is a time limit in cases like these so do not wait to call.

Green Tea Helps With Cancer Treatment

One of the biggest health concerns most people have today is preventing cancer. Incidences of cancer and in the cancer mortality rate in the United States have risen each year for the last fifty. The age-adjusted cancer mortality rate in 1930 was 143 per 100,000 members of the population, but by 1990, it had risen to 174 per 100,000 in 1990.

Medical technology has come along way in treating this insidious disease, but we still don't appear to know a great deal about preventing many types of cancer. And, even with the treatments that we do have, 300 people in the United States die from cancer every single day.

Many of our country's deaths from cancer are completely preventable. For example, about 90 percent of the one million skin cancers in the United States that were diagnosed in 2005 could have been prevented by protection from sun. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2006 about 170,000 lives will be lost to cancer because of tobacco use, so these too are completely preventable.

However, there are many other cancers that we cannot prevent, in part because we don't know what causes them. But, there may be a product already in your cupboard that can help prevent, or even treat, cancer. Over the past several years, medical science has begun to scientifically prove out what Asian culture seems to have known for years; tea, particularly green tea is effective in preserving health.

The Chinese have used green tea for centuries to treat everything from headaches to depression. One of the most significant health benefits that green tea appears to provide is prevention against certain types of cancer. But, the studies are getting even more promising. It looks as though green tea can be an effective treatment for certain types of cancer, too.

Tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. Therefore, what we refer to as "herb tea" is not really tea at all, but rather an herbal infusion. There are many different types of tea; most of the differences come from the way the tea is processed.

Tea leaves naturally contain catechins. Catechins belong to the flavan-3-ol class of flavonoids. EGCG is one of the many catechins contained in tea, and is considered to be the most powerful anti-oxidant in tea leaves.

Fermenting the tea leaves, which is part of processing tea leaves for black tea, converts these catechins to other compounds and reduces their health benefits. Therefore, green tea, because it is not fermented, retains more of its original anti-oxidants than black tea. Scientists have discovered that tea is healthy primarily because of these anti-oxidants.

Each day, as we convert the foods we eat into energy, we create free radicals in our body. These free radicals are oxygen containing molecules that can damage our cells and our DNA if we don't combat them. It is believed that unchecked free radicals contribute to the development of cancer.

Anti-oxidants are powerful free radical combatants. Fruits and vegetables are also high in anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are linked with preventing cancer, and a decreased risk of stroke, heart disease and lower blood cholesterol.

In addition to these anti-oxidants, all teas, whether black, white or green contain calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins C and K. Green tea is also appears to be very good for your teeth.

As exciting as it is to think that green tea may be helpful in preventing cancer; what's even more exciting is that it may also be a powerful treatment for cancer. In one recent study by the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka, Japan*, research showed that green tea, when combined with the drug Adriamycin, was more effective in treating a certain kind of ovarian sarcoma (cancer of the ovaries) than using the adriamycin alone.

In fact, the cancer cells in the rats in the study were not very responsive at all to the drug when it was administered alone; but when administered along with the substance in tea called theanine, the rats became extremely responsive to the treatment. The rats showed a much higher concentration of the drug in their cancer cells when the drug was administered along with the theanine.

This combination of andriamycin and theanine appears to inhibit the growth of tumors; suggesting that cancer patients might be able to avoid progression of their tumors and might be less susceptible to developing new tumors, when green tea substances are used in conjunction with cancer drugs.

This is, of course, very exciting news. Cancer treatment typically has two facets. The first is killing the cancerous cells that already exist in the body. The second is preventing new cancer cells from growing, both in the organ where the cancer originated, and in other organs (metastasis).

If green tea can help with both aspects of cancer treatment, as well as preventing cancer in the first place, we may be closer than ever to dramatically reducing the incidence of or even eradicating this disease. Of course, far more research is needed, but these results are promising, indeed.

Treating Cancer Without Drugs

Cancer is undoubtedly the disease that the majority of people fear the most.

Are you one of those?


Is it because a friend or a loved one has cancer or has died of cancer after a debilitating period of excruciating pain, loss of dignity, unbelievable suffering and finally a premature death?

Is it because so many people have one or other type of cancer and that the death rate of cancer patients is so high?

Or is it because most of us don't understand the true facts about cancer and all of the treatment options available to us to successfully treat cancer, or the true survival rates of these various options?

Confusion and Misinformation

It's all of these things, but one other thing that is for sure, there is a lot of confusion and misinformation around all aspects of cancer and specifically cancer treatments and survival rates.

I hope that some of the facts in this short article will help you to minimise the confusion and give you some guidance on what causes cancer, how you can prevent getting it as well as understanding the various credible and proven natural treatment options that are available to you.

So where do you start?

"Awareness and Knowledge" are the best medicine. The first thing you need to do is take control of your own healthcare and that of your family. Then you need to become fully aware of all the cancer treatment options available to you. Only once you have this knowledge are you empowered to make the best treatment choice when you or a family member gets cancer. This should include both the devastating "modern medicine" treatments that most people are forced into and the highly successful alternative treatments that very few people are aware of. Only then will you be able to make an informed decision and realise that Cancer does NOT have to be a "Death Sentence."

What is Cancer?

Lets start by defining cancer and looking at some of the statistics and the inevitable possibility of you or a family member getting cancer.

Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body and is often referred to as "malignant tumours". The main feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, forming malignant tumours. These tumours invariably invade adjoining parts of the body and metastasise (spread) to other organs, which is usually the cause of death.

There are about 10.9 million new incidences of cancer every year worldwide and about 6.7 million deaths a year from cancer. There is still an upward trend in most of the western countries where people live a "Modern Lifestyle", with 1 in 4 adults expected to get some form of cancer in their lifetime.

Are you or one of your loved ones a cancer candidate?

We all have Cancer!

Did you know that every one of us has cancer cells in our body, but most of us aren't even aware of it. That is because of the bodies amazing Immune System that continuously patrols our body and eliminates foreign invaders, including the newly forming cancer cells. However if the immune system gets compromised in any way, then it can't control the cancer cells and they become established usually resulting in one form of cancer or another. Often the cancer may have been developing over many years before it is identified.

However, many doctors use this threat of urgency to rush you into a specific cancer treatment regimen of their choice, which may not be the best treatment for you. Unfortunately, most of us are unaware of the various treatment options available and blindly trust our doctors, oncologists and specialists to make the choice for us.

Regrettably, a very good friend of mine did that when his wife was diagnosed with Liver Cancer, and she suffered devastating pain, uncontrollable nausea, loss of hair and other bodily functions, and eventually died prematurely from the chemotherapy. He knows now that he could have prevented that and she could have regained her health and wellness if he had been aware of the available "natural cancer treatments".

Once you have the "Awareness and Knowledge" about Cancer and the available treatments then you can participate in that decision, after all it's YOUR LIFE.

So what is the main reason for our Immune Systems being compromised?

The "Modern Lifestyles" most of us live!

Main Cause of Cancer

Cancer is a "Modern Lifestyle" disease that is mainly caused by the stressful and toxic lifestyles we live.

It's an undeniable fact that in this modern era that we are living in, everyone of us is exposed to a toxic and acidic onslaught, every moment of our lives. Most of us are exposed to toxic air and water pollution, fast fried fatty foods, processed foods, carcinogenic filled groceries, sugar filled foods and drinks, fruit and vegetables grown in pesticide poisoned soil; alcohol, smoking, lack of exercise, prescription and recreational drugs to mention the main culprits. This is exacerbated by the huge stress levels that most people are suffering from, which result in an acidic inner terrain.

In addition we are also faced with toxic products in our homes, with some household cleansers, personal care and cosmetic products having carcinogenic ingredients, and what we eat and drink is significantly acidic, with most "processed" and "convenience" foods containing toxic additives.

Very few of the modern day degenerative diseases, including cancer, were common just a hundred years ago and are unquestionably caused by our modern lifestyles. As a matter of fact the cancer rate 100 years ago was one in 8,000 while today it is one out of every four adult persons. This correlates directly with the increase in the use of acidic foods and toxic chemicals and pollution.

Carcinogens - the Cancer Curse

It is a proven fact that "carcinogens" cause cancer. So the question is, "How exposed are we to these cancer causing chemicals?"

The following statement is off the scorecard.org website who monitor air pollution in the US. "Over 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released by industry into the nation's environment each year, including 72 million pounds of recognized carcinogens".

Friends of the Earth's analysis of the Environment Agency's Pollution Inventory shows that Britain's biggest factories are still releasing over 10,000 tonnes of cancer-causing chemicals into the air every year.

The Chemical Industry in a Bottle

The Environmental Working Group have researched Personal Care products to establish their safety for five years now, and have published their findings.

Here are just 2 of the ways that we are continually exposed to these nasty chemicals.

Industrial chemicals are basic ingredients in personal care products.

• There are about 10,500 unique chemical ingredients in these products that contain carcinogens, pesticides, reproductive toxins, endocrine disruptors, plasticizers, degreasers, and surfactants, which equates to about one out of every eight of the 82,000 chemicals registered for use in Personal Care products in the US

• One of every five adults are potentially exposed every day to all of the top seven carcinogenic impurities common to personal care product ingredients - hydroquinone, ethylene dioxide, 1,4-dioxane, formaldehyde, nitrosamines, PAHs, and acrylamide.

The real damage is done by what we eat and drink.

In recent years, thanks to extensive research into food additives, it has been established that the main "additive killers" are "excitotoxins".

Through a pathological process caused primarily by eating and drinking excess glutamate, aspartate and l-cysteine, powerful excitotoxins that over-activate receptors in the body, cause nerve cells to mutate or be damaged and killed.

Put in layman's terms, excitotoxins "excite your brain cells to death!" and have been found to dramatically promote cancer growth and metastasis. When you increase the glutamate level, cancer just grows like wildfire, however when you block glutamate, it dramatically slows the growth of the cancer.

So, if nothing else, you must understand which additives are excitotoxins, what the consequences are of consuming them, and how you identify foods that generally have excitotoxins in them.

Although there are about 70 excitotoxins, Nitrosamines (Sodium Nitrite), Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and Aspartame are the most dangerous, and are the main "additive killers" responsible for cancer and other degenerative diseases.

Nitrosamines - Sodium Nitrite is added to meat as a preservative, specifically to prevent the growth of the bacterium that causes botulism and to give it a cosmetic reddish look. When sodium nitrite is added to meat, it combines with the "amines" already present in the meat to form "nitrosamines". These are highly carcinogenic chemical compounds which can increase your odds of getting brain tumours, leukaemia and certain forms of cancer.

MSG - Is the most widely used "flavour enhancer" in the world. It is used in processed food, fast foods, canned, packaged and frozen foods, soups, sauces and in Chinese food.

MSG has been linked to cancer, migraines, asthma, neurodegenerative diseases, ADHD, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, heart irregularities and more recently to obesity.

Babies and children are most susceptible. Behavioural and physical problems as well as attention deficit disorder (ADD), have been diagnosed and successfully treated as MSG disorders.

Aspartame - Is an artificial sweetener and an "excitotoxin" with a significant history and dubious track record. Aspartame is found in more than 4,000 products and has poisoned and damaged millions of people worldwide over the last decade.

The damage also affects pregnant women, unborn babies and newborns. It can produce changes in the brain that are irreversible, depending on when it is stopped. It has been found to re-programme the wiring of the brain, particularly the hypothalamus, so it doesn't function normally. Children absorbing large volumes of Aspartame are abnormal for the rest of their lives in terms of their physiological function.

You should also be aware that these three excitotoxins, significantly compromise the Immune System. A diet drink that includes Aspartame can disable the immune system for up to 6 hours. During this time cancer cells get the opportunity to run amuck and start taking control of certain cells.

Wow! That's a lot of cancer for our Immune Systems to successfully process and keep our bodies "Cancer Free", so it is no wonder that so many people get cancer.

Cancer Treatments

Hopefully you have a better idea of what causes cancer and what you need to avoid, to prevent cancer. Unfortunately not everyone is able to prevent getting cancer so let's look at the cancer treatment options that are available to you if you or a family member are diagnosed with cancer.

The first thing to remember is that cancer is not a "Death Sentence" and can be successfully treated, especially if it's detected early.

"Early Detection"

Obviously prevention is the main goal but "early detection" is the next best alternative. There is an excellent Cancer test that can detect cancer long before the symptoms become apparent, and significantly improve the chances of a successful recovery. The test is called the HCG Urine Cancer Test, and utilises the "abnormally dividing cells" concept that can tell you the relative number or level of these cells regardless of where they are in your body or where they started.

This test is also very useful to track the progress of any cancer treatment that you might be undergoing, to see if it is successfully treating the disease or not.

Conventional Treatment (Orthodox / Modern Medicine)

In the US and most other developed countries around the world that practice "modern medicine", they have adopted a "standard cancer treatment" regimen that all conventional doctors, oncologists and other cancer carers must adhere to and administer.

This entails three treatments that are often used in conjunction.

• Surgery, to cut out tumours

• Radiation, to burn the tumours

• Chemotherapy, to poison and kill the cancer cells (and unfortunately - healthy cells)

I suggest you do your own research on these treatments to enable you to assess their efficacy and success rates, however here are some pointers from credible doctors and cancer researchers to start your research process.

It is important to note that cancer is the biggest and most lucrative "Disease Business" in the world, primarily controlled by "BigPharma", estimated to be more that a $trillion a year.

Consider this. IN 2001 ALONE, AstraZeneca made $630 million on the sale of Nolvadex (a.k.a. tamoxifen), a breast cancer drug. They made $728 million on the sale of Zoladex, a prostate/breast cancer drug. They made another $569 million on Casodex, another prostate cancer drug. Within two years, says Forbes, this company's sales of cancer fighter drugs alone will top $2.5 billion a year.

An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recently stated that oncologists (cancer doctors) make an average of $253,000 a year, of which 75% is profit from chemotherapy drugs administered in their offices.

Here is what others had to say:

"As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good."

Alan C. Nixon, Ph.D., Past President, American Chemical Society

"As a matter of fact there is evidence that the long term survival rate of cancer patients treated with Chemotherapy is between 3% and 6% whereas most of the best alternative treatments have a proven survival rate of between 50% and 70% when used alone, however using combinations of these alternative therapies that you will get access to in Bill Henderson's book, "Cancer Free"-Your Guide to Gentle Non-toxic Healing", boosts survival rates to an amazing 90%."

This is how Ty Bolinger, author of "Cancer - Step Outside the Box" defines chemotherapy.

"Chemotherapy is toxic, carcinogenic (causes cancer), destroys red blood cells, devastates the immune system, and kills vital organs. How toxic is chemotherapy? Think about it... your hair falls out, your immune system is destroyed, you are constantly nauseated, you get sick and vomit, you are constantly dizzy, and you have severe headaches."

It is "mindboggling" and unbelievable to accept that cancer can be treated with "carcinogens", that are known to cause cancer? Obviously the oncologists in Montreal believe so too.

"A recent survey of the 64 oncologists on the staff at McGill Cancer Therapy Center in Montreal found that 58 of them (91%) said they would not take chemotherapy or allow their family members to take it for cancer treatment. Why not? Too toxic and not effective. Today, 75% of cancer patients are administered chemotherapy."

Then the final word comes from the highly respected and experienced Dr Glenn Warner.

Dr. Glenn Warner is a board certified oncologist and one of the most highly qualified cancer specialist in the Seattle area. He uses alternative treatments on his cancer patients with great success. He has over 1,000 surviving cancer patients. On the treatment of cancer in this country he said: "We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison."

So lets look at some of the "Alternative Treatment" options mentioned by Dr Glenn Warner.

Alternative Treatments

Contrary to current medical rhetoric and "modern medicines" perverted claims, the cause of cancer is easy to understand and is readily preventable and reversible without the dangerous "modern medicine" therapies used as standard treatments in most countries - surgery (slash), radiation (burn) and chemotherapy (poison).

"It is pretty clear from all the research I have done that most cancers can be prevented by proper diet, supplements and exercise." - Bill Henderson in his book "Cancer Cure - Your Guide to Gentle Non-Toxic Healing".

Nobel Prize Winner Dr Otto Warburg, established in his research during the 1930's that cancer only lives in an "acidic" (low oxygen) environment, like most other bacteria. Every time Otto Warburg lowered the oxygen level by 35% in a healthy cell, it became cancerous.

Why is this not common knowledge that cancer cannot exist in an "alkaline body"?

Simply put - "Power, Lies, Greed and Profit".

Natural Cancer Treatments

Most successful "natural cancer treatments" involve 5 main activities:

• Assess the patients "Lifestyle Choices" and make the appropriate changes (stop smoking, as an example)

• Detox and cleanse the body of heavy metals and poisonous toxins

• Adopt a Diet that results in establishing a slightly "alkaline" inner body terrain

• Establish a "natural nutrient" supplementation programme that includes all of the necessary nutrients that the body needs on a daily basis to function at its peak

• Boosting the Immune System to perform at its peak at all times

Webster Kehr of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc, established the Cancer Tutor website in 2003. This is undoubtedly the best source of knowledge covering every aspect of Cancer and Cancer Treatments. It is considered to be among the most important websites on the Internet on the subject of alternative / natural cancer treatments.

Here are a few pointers from the Cancer Tutor to start you out on your "Natural Cancer Treatment" Journey.

"Mother Nature knows how to CURE cancer (i.e. restore the balance)!! In fact, Mother Nature has put more than 400 different ways to cure cancer on this planet!!

That is precisely why many people have no fear of cancer. They know exactly what to do if they get cancer."

Webster covers most of the 400 natural cancer treatments in detail on his web site, with special focus on the Stage III and Stage IV cancer treatments. The latter have even been successful in severe cases where "conventional" doctors and oncologists have sent the patient home to die as there is no hope for the patient to recover. As he will show you many did recover using "natural cancer treatments".

"Alternative cancer treatments have cured many, many cancer patients, including many advanced cancer patients!! But even those who do not survive can have a higher quality of life, their life can be extended significantly, they can be in less pain, and so on."

"As an example of the effectiveness of alternative cancer treatments consider that the late Dr. William D. Kelley, a dentist by training, used alternative cancer treatments to treat more than 33,000 cancer patients. He used special diets, proteolytic enzymes, and other natural substances. He was able to cure more than 90% of the newly diagnosed cancer patients who went to him first.

Now consider that the alternative cancer treatments of today are far stronger than the Kelley protocol because Dr. Kelley did not have access to many of the products which are now available."

"All of this is why alternative cancer treatments can have a 30 times higher true cure rate than orthodox cancer treatments. Alternative cancer treatments TARGET cancer cells or they do no harm to non-cancerous cells.Thus, alternative cancer treatments can be used in much, much higher doses than orthodox cancer treatments and thus they can be far more effective.

Cancer Clinics

It is unfortunate that many governments have outlawed all forms of natural cancer treatments, usually under pressure from the Pharmaceutical Industry lobbyists. Most of these highly successful practitioners, have moved their clinics to Mexico, or in some cases to Europe. Webster covers many of these clinics and the services they offer.

Finally - Bill Henderson asks the Question, "Would you accept the following 'odds'? "

"If a tumour is found early and removed, it will not regrow or appear elsewhere about 50% of the time. Once a cancer has metastasized (spread to other sites in the body), chemotherapy and/or radiation will heal it permanently only about 3% of the time. I don't like those odds and would not accept them.

Would you?

Health and Wellness Beyond Cancer

I hope this short simplified explanation of what causes cancer and how you can prevent it or treat it, using "Natural Cancer Treatments", has helped to expel some of the confusion and misinformation that surrounds "cancer".

Cancer Patients and Kinds of Cancer They Suffer From

An introduction on the disease

Cancer is a cluster of many associate diseases which originates inside a human cell and with time it grows and mutates and moves through the blood vessels taking a toll on the tissues and other organs of the body, damaging them and every other part that comes in their way of movement.

With over 100 varieties, it is a deadly disease for the cancer patients and can affect any part of the body and for any number of causes. Each known type of cancer has its own influence on the body and mostly all have the same intensity of damage.

Common Types

Among all diagnosed cancer types around the world, it is seen that both men and women suffer from skin cancer, which is common and predominant in most of the young people. Many patients get affected with skin cancer every year.

The other common types of the disease listed on the basis of diagnosis report are:

• colon
• endometrial
• leukemia
• lung cancer
• melanoma
• pancreatic
• prostate
• bladder
• breast
• kidney (renal cell)
• non-Hodgkin lymphoma
• thyroid

A brief on the Types

The list of common class of the disease is determined with its regular and frequent occurrence in patients and the estimated rate of annual incidences have to touch 35000 or even more.

If the highest incidence rate stands for skin cancer then the lowest on the occurrence list is of thyroid cancer. The probable number of new cases of thyroid cancer patients for the year 2009 is 37200.

Rectal and colon cancers are collectively referred to as colorectal cancers and are jointly responsible for 146970 new cases. The individual cases of colon cancer is 106,100 and rectal cancer with 40,870 respectively.

Renal pelvis cancers and renal parenchyma cancers are the main sub divisions of Kidney cancers. Apparently, 85 percent of the disease grow in the renal parenchyma and most of them fall in the category of renal cell cancers. The study brings about a probable 49,096 new cases of renal cell cancers.

Lastly leukemia, which is not very responsive to cancer treatment, has various forms including acute myeloid leukemia, chronic myelogenous, acute lymphoblastic, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and others. According to estimations, more than 44,790 new cases of this kind of diseases have been recorded in 2009.

Kinds categorized by body system

It is such a critical disease which can affect and damage your each and every body part, slowly destroying the tissues and organs in and around the way of the progressing cancerous cell.

Blood Cancer relates to

• Multiple Myeloma
• Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia
• Lymphoma
• Leukemia

Bone Cancer relates to

• Osteosarcoma
• Ewing's Sarcoma

Brain Cancer relates to

• Brain Stem Glioma, which occurs in childhood
• Cerebral Astrocytoma/Malignant Glioma, which occurs in childhood
• Ependymoma, which occurs in childhood
• Supratentorial Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors and Pineoblastoma, which occurs in childhood
• Visual Pathway and Hypothalamic Glioma, which occurs in childhood
• Adult Brain Tumor
• Cerebellar Astrocytoma, which occurs in childhood
• Medulloblastoma, which occurs in childhood

Breast Cancer relates to

• lobular carcinoma in situ
• Paget's disease of the nipple
• ductal carcinoma in situ
• inflammatory breast
• Invasive types

Gastrointestinal Cancers relates to

• Carcinoid Tumor, Gastrointestinal
• Esophageal
• Gallbladder
• Liver, Adult Primary
• Pancreatic
• Rectal
• Stomach (Gastric) Cancer
• Anal
• Colon
• Bile Duct, Extrahepatic
• Small Intestine

Endocrine Cancers relates to

• Carcinoid Tumor, Gastrointestinal
• Parathyroid
• Pheochromocytoma
• Thyroid
• Adrenocortical Carcinoma
• Islet Cell Carcinoma (Endocrine Pancreas)
• Pituitary Tumor

Eye Cancer relates to

• Retinoblastoma
• Melanoma, Intraocular

Genitourinary Cancers related to

• Kidney (Renal Cell)
• Prostate
• Renal Pelvis and Ureter Cancer, Transitional Cell
• Urethral
• Wilms' Tumor and Other Childhood Kidney Tumors
• Bladder
• Penile
• Testicular

Gynecologic Cancers relates to

• Endometrial
• Gestational Trophoblastic Tumor
• Uterine Sarcoma
• Vulvar
• Cervical
• Ovarian
• Vaginal

Head and Neck Cancer relates to

• Laryngeal
• Metastatic Squamous Neck Cancer
• Nasopharyngeal
• Oropharyngeal
• Parathyroid
• Hypopharyngeal
• Lip and Oral
• Paranasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity
• Salivary Gland

Respiratory Cancers relates to

• Lung Cancer, Small Cell
• Thymoma and Thymic Carcinoma
• Lung Cancer, Non-Small Cell
• Malignant Mesothelioma

Skin Cancers relates to

• Kaposi's Sarcoma
• Melanoma
• Non-Melanoma Skin
• Merkel Cell Carcinoma
• Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma

Natural Health Therapies and Cancer - Part II

This article is part of a series on Natural Health Therapies and Cancer. The material presented is meant to inform you of complementary cancer therapies that are available in the medical community. These therapies are to be used in cooperation with other cancer treatment methods. They are not meant to be done in place of your physician's care. In the last article, we covered the basics of cancer - what it is, what causes it, what are its various types and stages. This article will focus on the aspect of Dietary Changes and Nutritional Supplements as a form of cancer therapy.

Aside from tobacco and smoking, there is no greater factor for triggering and promoting cancer than diet and nutrition. When used correctly, diet and nutrition are also the factors that have the highest ability to reverse cancer. According to the National Academy of Sciences, 40% of all cancer in men may be directly related to diet. The statistics are even worse for women; 60% of all cancers in women may be linked to nutritional factors.

As I've pointed out in other articles, what we eat is important to our health. Equally important is what we don't eat. Our society has turned from a natural, raw food diet to a highly processed and refined diet. The average American meal consists of high-fat, high-protein, low-fiber foods in oversized portions. Our fast-paced society even calls some of them a 'Value Meal.' Where's the value? The nationwide increase in cancer has been parallel to the decline in our eating habits.

Several areas of our society's diet are excessive. In clinical studies, these excesses have been found to significantly increase cancer risks. The key sections of the American diet that contribute to cancer are:

· Excessive intake of animal protein (meat, cheese, dairy) - can increase the risk for cancer in the breast, colon, pancreas, kidney, prostate, and endometrium; certain preparation and cooking techniques (such as pickling, smoking, frying) add to the cancer risks; fatty meats contain higher levels of carcinogenic pesticides

· Intake of contaminated fish - mercury, nickel, oil, and PCBs found in many marketplace fish; 1/10 of a teaspoon of PCBs is enough to cause illness or cancer

· Excessive fat intake - can increase risk for cancer of the breast, colon, rectum, uterus, prostate, and kidney; partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are considered major problems along with insufficient intake of healthy Omega-3 fats

· Excessive intake of refined carbohydrates and table sugar - lowers immune system function; elevates insulin levels (which can promote breast cancer); tumors thrive in a high-glucose environment

· Excessive intake of iron - associated with red meat, fortified breads and pastas; cooking in iron pots and skillets can add to your iron exposure

· Excessive intake of alcohol - can increase risk for cancer in the breast, mouth, throat, pancreas, liver, head and neck; alcohol suppresses Natural Killer cells that help repel cancer

· Excessive intake of caffeine - cancer rates are higher for those who drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day; caffeine can cause DNA damage, adding to cancer risk

Although it looks like our diets doom us to destruction, there are steps we can take to reduce the cancer risk. Here are some ways to combat and prevent cancer through some simple changes in your diet -

· Eat more fruits and vegetables

· Drink green tea, fresh juices

· Eat nuts, seeds, legumes

· Avoid all red meats, dairy products, eggs and shellfish

· Avoid refined, sugary foods

· Avoid caffeine and alcohol

· Avoid all vegetable oils especially hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils

· Use olive, pumpkin seed, flaxseed, walnut, and sesame oils

· Avoid margarine, fried foods, creamy sauces and dressings

· Eat salmon, halibut, red snapper, and flounder for healthy Omega-3 fats

· Avoid cooking in iron or aluminum cookware

· Use stainless steel or glass cookware

· Avoid microwave use, particularly with plastic containers

· Eat organically-grown foods when possible

More advanced nutritional therapies include Vegan and Macrobiotic diets. These nutritional regimens consist of raw, natural foods and specific food preparation techniques. These diets are used to help cleanse the digestive system, allowing the elimination of excessive toxins.

Nutritional supplements can play a major role in cancer prevention and cancer therapy. There are many different approaches being practiced successfully. For example, antioxidants, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Alpha-Lipoic-Acid combat the free radical damage associated with cancer. Sea vegetables such as kombu are linked to a lower breast cancer rate in Japanese women. Garlic appears to boost the Natural Killer cell function and block cancer cells in the bloodstream. Certain types of digestive enzymes can be used to break down the protective coating on certain cancer cells. Minerals such as selenium, magnesium, calcium, and zinc are also used in varying dosages for certain cancer therapies.

As you may know, my PhD research is on the connection between nutrition and health. I'm concentrating on the importance of 8 basic carbohydrates called glyconutrients that help the cells communicate properly. 'Glyco' means sugar and these 8 simple sugars are involved in every cell interaction. The relatively new scientific field of glycobiology is making amazing discoveries on the impact of these simple sugars on our health. The studies show that many of these glyconutritional sugars, such as fucose, inhibit growth and/or tumor cell metastasis in certain cancers. The inhibition of cancer growth by glyconutritional sugars, such as mannose, appears to be partially related to immune system activation of Natural Killer cells, the white blood cell that destroys cancer cells. Research also demonstrates that glyconutritional sugars appear to inhibit tumor cell metastasis by preventing the attachment of tumor cells to normal cells. They do this by competing for glyconutritional sugar binding sites on the cell surfaces.

I personally know individuals that have had outstanding results against cancer with the use of these nutrients. Various glyconutrients are traditionally found in mother's breast milk, pectin from apples and oranges, specific types of mushrooms, and limu. However, most of these glyconutrients are not in our diets. Luckily, our bodies can manufacture many of these nutrients through a lengthy metabolic process. Unfortunately, the effects of stress, medications, and other environmental factors make this process difficult and prone to errors. For that reason as well as the nutrition lost from the over-processing of our foods, the only way to insure that you get all 8 glyconutrients is through nutritional supplements. For additional information on glyconutritional supplements, you may also refer to material posted at www.glycoscience.com or at www.glycoinformation.com. You can also research these nutrients on PubMed under glycobiology or by name of the sugar such as fucose, mannose, etc.

A couple of good books for Cancer and Nutrition that I recommend are:
Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Patrick Quillin, Ph.D., and Director of the Cancer Treatment Centers of America.

Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book by R. Walters

Alternatives in Cancer Therapy by R. Pelton and L. Overholser

Sugars that Heal by Dr. Emil Mendoa, MD

"Education is the best provision for the journey to old age" - Aristotle

Breast Cancer - How to Succeed


When a group of cells display uninhibited growth, which refers to division beyond the normal limits, this phenomenon is commonly referred to as cancer. Other characteristics include an attack and destruction of surrounding tissues, and the spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood, which is known as metastasis.

These malignant, which refers to a severe and progressively worsening disease, properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self-limited and do not invade or metastasise.

A tumor refers to a swelling or lesion formed by an unusually high growth of cells and occurs with most cancers. However, some, like leukemia, do not produce tumors.

Breast cancer becomes established, initially, in the cells of the breast in men and women. On a worldwide basis, the second most established form of cancer, after lung cancer, is that of breast cancer. It represents 10% of all cancers relating to both sexes. It is the fifth most common cause of cancer death.

The most common type of cancer specifically related to women, globally, is that of breast cancer. It occurs at more than twice the rate of that of colorectal cancer and cervical cancer and about three times that of lung cancer. Further, in the case of women, deaths, worldwide, is approximately 25% more than that from lung cancer.

In a study in 2005, it was found that breast cancer produced 502,000 deaths worldwide. To get this into context, this represents about 7% of all cancer deaths, and nearly 1% of all recorded deaths. Further, there has been a substantial increase, globally, since the 1970s. This statistic, it is suggested, may be associated with modern lifestyles in the western world.

On a global basis, the occurrence of breast cancer differs significantly according to region. It is less widespread in less-developed countries and more so in the further-developed countries. In the twelve designated regions of the world, the annual incidence rates per 100,000 women are as follows: Eastern Asia, 18; Southern Central Asia, 22; sub-Saharan Africa, 22; South-Eastern Asia, 26; North Africa and Western Asia, 28; South and Central America, 42; Eastern Europe, 49; Southern Europe, 56; Northern Europe, 73; Oceania, 74; Western Europe, 78; and in North America, 90.

The United States has the highest incidence rates of breast cancer in women, globally. A study has shown 141 cases among white women and 122 among African American women. Also in the US, breast cancer amongst women is the most prevalent cancer. After lung cancer, it produces the second highest occurrence of deaths from all cancers.

There is a 12.5% chance of women in the US developing invasive breast cancer within their lifetime. Further, there is a 3% chance that the breast cancer that they may contract will actually cause their death. A forecast has suggested that, in 2007, breast cancer would be the cause of 40,910 deaths in the US. This would represent some 7% of cancer deaths, and almost 2% of all deaths.

For the last few years, both the incidence and death rates from breast cancer in the US have been in decline. In 2005, a study conducted in the US by the Society for Women's Health Research concluded that breast cancer remains the disease that causes the most concern. This is an interesting outcome since heart disease is a much more widespread determinant when considering all deaths among women.

Breast cancer is also prevalent in men. This is due to the fact that the breast is composed of identical tissues in respect of both genders. However, it must be remembered that the manifestation in men is some 100 times less common than that in women. Conversely, men with breast cancer are considered to have the same statistical survival rates as women.

Breast Cancer - How To Succeed

Understanding Lung Cancer: When Is Lung Cancer Controllable

The lungs are the respiratory organs that are situated in the thorax of the ribcage and consist of a thin moist membrane that increases its surface area. Therefore, the exchange of oxygen as well as carbon dioxide takes place on one side with air on the other side of the membrane. Lungs are ventilated by respiratory movements using sacs attached to the bronchus via various bronchioles. Lung cancer is an illness that affects the lungs by uncontrolled cell growth that may spread beyond the lung in metastasis form to other body areas. The three main sub-types include: squamous cell lung carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and large-cell lung carcinoma, while small-cell lung carcinoma is less common. These cancers themselves metastasize to the adrenal glands, liver, brain, and bones.

Globally, this cancer is the most common type of death due to cancer in the United States and has caused 1.4 million deaths as of 2004. It is the third most commonly occurring cancer as the highest cancer related mortality in the United States with breast and prostate occurring more frequently. Less that 15% of these cancers are caught in the early stages, which make fighting against the disease more difficult.

Symptoms of lung cancer include:

  • · Shortness of breath including wheezing and a hoarse voice
  • · Chest pain or pain in the abdomen
  • · Chronic coughing, coughing up blood, or change in coughing pattern
  • · Weight loss, fatigue, and loss of appetite as well as difficulty swallowing

In the United States, smoking accounts for 87% of cancer cases, with 90% in men and 85% in women. Regular smoking habits are a major factor leading to lung cancer in patients. Additionally, exposure to repetitive secondhand smoke is of equal cause to smoking as a factor towards lung cancer. However, it can be attributed to various other factors as well including: radon gas, asbestos, air pollution, and genetics.

Among the major causes of lung cancer, cigarette smoking in particular accounts for a large percentage, about 85%, of those who are affected by the disease. 20,000-30,000 people are diagnosed with this cancer each year. Surprisingly, about 10-15% of these patients have never smoked in their lives, thus, suggesting that passive secondhand smoke has highly affected their ability to get cancer.

Furthermore, the other 15% may have cancer from environmental exposures, heredity or other unknown causes. Another factor is exposure to radon gas, which is a colorless, odorless gas that comes from the breakdown of radium from uranium in the earth's crust. Exposure to radon is the second largest attribution to lung cancer behind smoking, which accounts for 50% of increased lung cancer risk. Asbestos also accounts for a large amount of lung cancers with a synergistic affect between smoking and asbestos apparent in this disease.

Airborne pathogens from air pollution and genetics also play a role in lung cancer with a percentage of people being affected by these two factors. Studies created by the American Cancer Society suggest particulate matter as linked to lung cancer, with even a slight increase in airborne matter by 1% leading to an increase of cancer by 14%. Additional factors involve unhealthy dietary choices, which increase this cancer risk by 30%, and viruses.

The first step in lung cancer detection involves a chest radiograph, which determines an obvious mass in the lungs. However, if there is no detection in a radiograph a CT guided biopsy or bronchoscopy will provide the information needed to determine this form of cancer. Abnormal conclusions in cells suggest an increased risk in cancer. Positron emission tomography can also be used to determine whether the disease is available to be operated on or not. Radiotherapy is another method of helping those with non small-cell carcinoma that aren't available to be operated on where a high dose of radiotherapy is given for a small period of time. Several types of chemotherapy, radiology, and palliative care dependent upon the cancer type are available for treatment options if surgery or radiotherapy is not an option.

Also, the earliest detection method possible will help to deter lung cancer, however, as suggested lung cancer is detected in later stages. The problem of not having a proven tool to detect lung cancer in high risk populations has made patient recovery difficult. A recent research study performed by The National Lung Screening Trial team was published by The New England Journal of Medicine that proved benefit of early low dose Chest CT scan screening for a specific high risk population. A multidisciplinary approach is the best way to ensure the right care for patients with several specialists in areas of the body affected by lung cancer.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: A Whole Lot of Hoopla

As breast cancer awareness month comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on a month of grandstanding by an industry controlled by pharmaceutical drug companies designed to profit from women with disease. It is tragically a missed opportunity to provide real education on prevention, instead of merely promoting expensive diagnostic tools that some experts believe to be inadequate and even carcinogenic. The American Cancer Society remains fixated on damage control. If decreasing the number of fatalities is truly its first priority, why not prevent the disease before it starts? The use of the word "awareness" rather than the more appropriate word "prevention" is quite revealing. The big business of cancer is not about finding a cure.

FACT: Since 1940, the incidence of breast cancer has risen by one to two percent every year. In the past five decades, the incidence of breast cancer in females over 65 rose nearly 40% in the United States.

The American Cancer Society (ACS), held in such high esteem by so many, do more to squash legitimate natural approaches of cancer prevention and treatment than a room full of chain smokers – and they do this by using the FDA as their mighty hammer. The ACS is no friend to holistic medicine. In fact, this organization works directly against doctors offering viable natural options, placing their names on a blacklist without even verifying the efficacy of their treatment protocol. I realize this sort of talk is treading upon sacred ground and I have no doubt those responsible for passing out pink ribbons will be appalled at my beliefs but as a 41 year old woman at risk of developing this disease and active in the holistic community, I have a right to be disgusted with this obvious lack of progress and hypocrisy.

FACT: Fewer than one in 10 cases of breast cancer occurs in women born with a genetic predisposition for the disease and as many as 50% of breast cancer cases remain unexplained by traditionally-accepted risk factors.

So what is causing the substantial increase in breast cancer? Epidemiologists and other scientists increasingly believe many cases of breast cancer are linked to environmental factors. If the ACS would call on both government and industry to rethink the process by which new chemicals are authorized for use and call for accountability, we could make some real headway with regards to prevention.

For decades the ACS has spun tales of victories, so small in reality they have done virtually nothing to alter the course of this deadly disease. Meanwhile, chemical companies continue to develop insidious mixtures of cancer causing agents, spraying these chemicals on our food, adding these chemicals to the water supply, and the air we breathe. The ACS's financial ties with industry clearly influence its policies pertaining to environmental causes of cancer and in some cases have willfully suppressed information about environmental causes of cancer and is often silent on this issue, as is its accomplice, the FDA.

FACT: 9 out of 10 women will receive a false positive when screened for cancer, leading to anxiety, unnecessary surgical procedures, and toxic drugs.

A study performed on 500,000 women by researchers at the Nordic Chochrane Center in Denmark to determine whether or not cancer screening offers any benefit, determined that for every one woman helped by breast cancer screening, ten were harmed through false diagnosis leading to unnecessary treatments, which could be devastating to their health. This is partly due to the irradiation of breasts caused by mammography, increasing a woman’s chance for cancer but also because the numerous false positives lead to unnecessary biopsies and toxic treatment.

Since the introduction of mammographic screening, the incidence of a form of breast cancer called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) has increased by 328%. It is believed that as much as 200% of this increase is due to mammography. In addition to harmful radiation, mammography may also spread existing cancer cells due to the considerable pressure placed on the breast during the procedure. According to health practitioners, this compression could actually cause existing cancer cells to metastasize from the breast tissue.

Before writing this article, I spent some time on the web site for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, [http://www.nbcam.com], and found absolutely no information on prevention. It would seem mammography is the cancer industry's greatest achievement and yet if you look outside the information published by the ACS, you will find this particular diagnostic tool to be woefully inadequate. If you are pre-menopausal, it will provide you very little accuracy due to the density of the breasts. And yet it is women between the ages of 44 and 55 most at risk. Why is mammography such a great achievement?

FACT: Mammography is prone to missing the most aggressive and life threatening types of breast cancer while picking up tumors often found to be benign.

I am acquainted with a woman who was sick for a number of months but no doctor was able to diagnose what was wrong. She had a mammogram performed in an effort to rule out breast cancer and no tumor was found. Five weeks later when she was having difficulty raising her right arm because of severe pain she met with another doctor and was then diagnosed with breast cancer, advanced stage four.

Since that time, about four months ago now, this woman has had countless chemotherapy sessions and I have watched her grow weaker with each passing day – not from the cancer but from the treatment. She is almost unrecognizable. Then she had a double mastectomy followed by countless radiation sessions. The next plan is to put her on a drug called tamoxifen, known to have serious side effects. In fact, a handful of studies demonstrate that the majority of women who take tamoxifen live no longer than women who refuse it. It is with great alarm that researchers are finding some breast cancers actually learn how to use tamoxifen to stimulate their growth.

I would like to focus on tamoxifen, since it is touted by the cancer industry as a great accomplishment in preventing breast cancer. Here are just a few of the more serious adverse side effects associated with this drug: (1) some studies have found that pre-menopausal users are at risk of developing accelerated bone mineral loss and osteoporosis; (2) women using tamoxifen have experienced damaged retinas, increased corneal opacities, and decreased visual acuity as well as irreversible corneal and retinal changes; (3) several studies showed that the risk of developing life-threatening blood clots increased as much as seven times in women taking tamoxifen; (4) depression; (5) asthma; (6) vocal cord changes; (7) liver cancer and liver disease as tamoxifen is toxic to the liver and can cause acute hepatitis; (8) inducing a fast moving, lethal form of uterine cancer – uterine growths such as polyps, tumors, endometrial thickenings and cancers occur in a significant number of women. One study detected abnormal endometrial cells in subjects the day after the first tablet was taken! It is interesting to note that nearly every method of diagnosing and treating breast cancer is a known carcinogen.

FACT: In a survey of 79 oncologists from McGill University Cancer Center in Canada, 64 said they would not consent to treatment with Cisplatin, a common chemotherapy drug, while 58 oncologists said they would reject all the current trials being carried out by their establishment. Why? “The ineffectiveness of chemotherapy and its unacceptable degree of toxicity.” Philip Day, Cancer: Why We’re Still Dying to Know the Truth

Millions of women right now are developing undetectable, early-stage breast cancer, yet the cancer industry does nothing until the tumor is detectable. Once detectable, an authoritative cancer specialist will push chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and toxic drugs on a vulnerable patient. Never mind that these methods cause permanent, irreversible harm to the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and other organs. Does no one question the lunacy of poisoning cells in a person who needs their immune system to be strong?

Why are we so caught up in diagnosis when the real key is prevention? Is it because prevention would pay so little to the gluttonous industry of pharmaceutical drugs? Is it because it would shut down the big business of cancer? Detection is not prevention and prevention requires personal responsibility. It requires very little money and that does not work for the drug companies.

In an effort to reduce the risk of cancer, one should focus on strengthening the immune system because there needs to be a break down in the immune system in the first place for cancer cells to thrive. And as long as the FDA is unwilling to hold industry responsible, detoxification of harmful chemicals and heavy metals is of paramount importance and there are products available to help with this great challenge. It is also important to make valuable food and lifestyle choices, and avoid exposure to cancer causing chemicals. Do not wait until your doctor diagnoses you with cancer to make a radical change in your life. I encourage you to start protecting your health today.

Part 1 of 2 - The Cancer Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know About

Hippocrates (460 BC - 370 BC) proposed a cancer cure based on the humor theory of four bodily fluids: black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood. According to the humor theory, if a patient's humor became unbalanced, the patient developed cancer or other illnesses.

To rebalance the patients' humor, treatment consisted of diet, bloodletting, or purging. Surprisingly, humor-theory treatment remained popular until the 19th century. The humor theory was later proven to be twaddle.

Surgery as a possible cancer cure was described in the 1020s by Avicenna in "The Canon of Medicine." He promoted the surgical removal of diseased body parts or tissues. In the 16th and 17th centuries, more doctors dissected bodies to discover the cause of death.

Between 1871 and 1874, English surgeon Campbell De Morgan formulated that cancer spreads from a tumor to other body areas. Nevertheless, using surgery to cure cancer had poor results due to hygienic problems of that time period.

With hygienic improvement, surgery eventually became an effective cancer cure for early-stage cancer. But the later the cancer stage, the less effective surgery became. And cancer sometimes returned despite surgery.

At the end of the 19th century, Marie and Pierre Curie found radiation to be a possible nonsurgical cancer cure. Surgeons began working with radiologists, improving cancer-cure results. But radiation's effectiveness depended on the cancer's location.

In the 1940s, several patients with advanced cancer of the white blood cells were given mustard gas intravenously rather than nasally. The patients improved remarkably - but temporarily! Researchers began searching for other anticancer substances, giving birth to chemotherapy.

Since then, many anticancer drugs have been developed, exploding drug development into a multibillion dollar industry. So is chemotherapy the cancer cure? No. Unfortunately, some cancers are resistant to chemotherapy.

As you can see, the search for a cancer cure has been going on for hundreds of years. And you can see that a "real" cancer cure doesn't exist. Hundreds of years of seeking a cancer cure has only led us to radiation, chemo, and surgical therapy. And even these don't work well on all cancers. So what are we to do?

Actually, a "real" cancer cure exists - but it's so new that it's not widely known!


Cancer involves groups of bodily cells growing and dividing uncontrollably, refusing specialization for specific bodily functions, invading and destroying other bodily tissues, and sometimes spreading throughout the body. Most cancers form a tumor, but not all. For example, leukemia (cancer of the blood or bone marrow) doesn't.

Cancer affects people of all ages, but affects older people more. According to the American Cancer Society, cancer killed 7.6 million people worldwide in 2007!

Cancer is caused by damaged genes within bodily cells. These damages can be caused by tobacco smoke, asbestos fibers, radiation, chemicals, or viral infections. Cancer-promoting genetic damages can also be inherited.

Normal cells are programmed to kill themselves if they become damaged beyond repair. Nevertheless, this program is turned off in cancer cells - allowing them immortality!

Basically, cancer cells are immortal "brain-damaged" cells that act crazy, killing normal cells, interfering with normal bodily functions.


Vitamin D isn't really a vitamin. Since vitamin D is usually produced by the body's largest organ, the skin, it's really a hormone. For a chemical substance to qualify as a hormone, it needs to be produced by one of the body's organs.

Not only do plants need sunlight to be healthy, humans also need it. Long ago, sunlight exposure was the only way humans got adequate amounts of vitamin D. Most foods are vitamin D-free or contain small traces of it - not enough for best health! The human skin is designed to photosynthesize large amounts of vitamin D from sunlight exposure.

Researchers recently discovered vitamin D deficiencies among the following people:

People spending most of their time indoors,

People regularly covering all their skin with clothing,

People regularly slathering on sunscreen,

People aged 50 and older,

People with excessive body fat,

People with inflammatory bowel disease, and

People living far from the equator. For example, the following cities have high cancer rates: Seattle, Toronto, Boston, London, Dublin, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Berlin, Moscow, and Anchorage.

Also researchers found that dark-skinned people are more susceptible to vitamin D deficiency, because their skin filters out more sunlight than light-skinned people.

Additionally, researchers discovered that many of these vitamin D-deficient people developed medical conditions such as cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, heart disease, clinical depression, chronic anxiety, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis, eczema, high blood pressure, bone softening diseases, chronic pain, muscle weakness, viral infections, polycystic ovary syndrome, and migraine headaches.

But since this article is about cancer, we'll stay focused on cancer.

Can vitamin D cure cancer? Surprisingly, the answer is yes.

Vitamin D is a powerful hormone that regulates and repairs bodily cells. If you have adequate amounts of vitamin D in your body, the cancer cells in your body stop growing and dividing uncontrollably, stop invading and destroying other bodily tissues, stop spreading throughout your body, and begin specialization for specific bodily functions.

Also the cancer cells lose their immortality, and begin to die normally. Vitamin D forces cancer cells to behave like normal cells!

The singular most important cause of cancer is vitamin D deficiency. Most, if not all, cancer patients are vitamin D deficient.


In the past, people believed that taking 600 IU of vitamin D daily was enough for good health. Currently, researchers found that adults need at least 4,000 IU of vitamin D daily for therapeutic anticancer effects!

But how much is too much? Doesn't vitamin D become toxic at high doses? Vitamin D does become toxic at high doses, but it's much higher than you think. Researchers recently found that to poison yourself with vitamin D, you need to take at least 40,000 IU of vitamin D daily.

So if you have cancer, a strong and safe therapeutic dose of vitamin D could range between 10,000 IU and 20,000 IU daily.


You can buy vitamin D tablets at vitamin and retail stores. It's more convenient to buy tablets that have the highest dose per tablet. For example, I buy bottles of vitamin D containing 2,000 IU per tablet. So I need to take only five tablets to equal 10,000 IU - very convenient!

Vitamin D tablets come in two forms, vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Since vitamin D3 is more potent than vitamin D2, I recommend that you buy vitamin D3 tablets.