How to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Science has made some incredible discoveries and breakthroughs in the last century, but still we die in vast numbers from deadly diseases such as cancer. Why are we still allowing this to happen? So the big question then, how to reduce the risk of cancer?

We as humans are very complex beings and like to think of ourselves as the most supreme. But as a whole and unlike the rest of the animal kingdom, we have lost faith in believing in our instincts.

There is a flaw in us that allows us to suffer untold misery.

We have all been given a great gift and that gift is our immune system and it is the most effective protection against disease including cancer. So why then, do we choose to take drugs that destroy it?

The answer may be that we have been conditioned into believing that the development of cancer fighting drugs is the only way we can keep this deadly disease at bay.

It is well worth questioning why wild animals don't suffer from the many deadly diseases that we as humans do. Only those animals we have as pets are likely to develop cancer.

The fact is that animals lead their lives instinctively, where as a whole, human beings choose not to. We prefer to rely on our intelligence and reject instinct.

If you were to make something then would you be the expert in the maintenance of it? Of course you would! All the animal kingdom is made from nature so it is nature, who is the expert in maintaining us all-this, is our instinct! So to answer the question-"how to reduce the risk of cancer?" It is nature and therefore our instinct.

Cancer and Diet

The words "scientific evidence" is more believable and taken more seriously to most people when considering any type of therapy, and it is wonderful to see that science is back-tracking and researching more natural ways in the treatment of cancer and those who wish to be advised on how to reduce the risk of cancer. Part of this evidence is the success found by eating the right diet or foods.

Scientific evidence for cancer-fighting effects of fruit and vegetables is well supported by the National Cancer Institute. The "5-a-Day for Better Health" program was designed to encourage everyone to increase their daily intake of fruits and vegetables.

Recently it has been found that although introducing more fruit and vegetables is helpful and is very much encouraged, it is suggested that this type of diet seems to be most effective against the following cancers:" Bladder" Cervical" Colon" Lung" Mouth" Rectal" and also Stomach cancer.

Clearly for those who don't drink heavily and don't smoke, it is their healthy diet that has the greatest influence on their overall health and it is suggested that if everyone was to eat the recommended five or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day, then this would have a great effect in keeping 25 percent of diet-related cancers at bay.

Eating vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and onions amongst others will be a good move as they contain a chemical called Sulforaphane.

This chemical has been found to boost the production of enzymes that neutralize cancer-causing substances and for those people who prefer to microwave these vegetables rather than eat them raw, then that's fine as this chemical is able to withstand this method of cooking.

Also when applied topically (directly to the surface of the area being treated) it may protect skin against UV radiation damage.

Recent research studies have concluded that there appears to be a connection between low levels of vitamin C and a higher risk of some cancers. There is a higher risk from this disease if we do not have enough vitamins and this can be easily rectified through our diet which in turn will build up a healthy immune system and is well documented of a way on how to reduce the risk of cancer.

Drinking orange juice or any fruit containing Vitamin C will definitely have a positive effect for an influential protection against cancers such as breast and cervical cancer, plus other types of cancers too.

Meat in our Diet and Cancer

Although meat does have nutrients, overall it will do more harm than good. Meat, especially red meat, being the most readily assimilated protein, becomes a slap-up meal for cancer cells. For those who have cancer, the advice usually given is to eat a meat free diet as nothing should be consumed that doesn't build up the immune system.

How to reduce the risk of cancer? Meat certainly does not contribute to the curing process of cancer nor does it help the reduced risk, so it is never on the menu for cancer patients.

Are we or are we not designed to eat meat?

The human structure is inadequately designed to deal with the processing of meat and it cannot be processed in the intestine without some decay (taking into account that the meat has already undergone some decay before it is even consumed).

This may lead to a condition known as toxemia which is the result of the presence of bacterial toxins in the blood, usually with tissue or organ damage, and severe intestinal upset.

This is the starting point of gradual deterioration in the structure of a body part and in the worse-case-scenario, the loss of the part's ability to function. Examples are:" Arthritis" Heart disease" Hardening of the arteries" Stroke" Cancer etc. However, regardless of what our bodies are going through, we need protein to build muscle, so we're advised to eat meat. Maybe the same advice should be given to the elephant!? Perhaps we should eat a piece of chalk or a few bones to get our daily calcium requirements!

Orthodox V Alternative Cancer Treatment

How to reduce the risk of cancer and what would be the best route to take in the fight against cancer or even curing cancer? Maybe an orthodox treatment such as Chemotherapy and/or Radiation or an alternative therapy, in which there are many.

The problem with the alternative cancer methods is that they may be alien to most. However it is worth considering that by pursuing the orthodox cancer treatment course, this may also be alien to people and moreover have actually been proved to not have any effect on many types of cancers.

Below this page is a table which list some cancers and the success rate of the use of chemotherapy as published in the journal of Clinical Oncology in December 2004.

Varying individuals may look at the statistics in the table and make different choices to the treatment of their cancer.

For example on studying the statistics within the table, some may choose to opt out of taking the direction of chemotherapy, whilst others will look at the statistics and may wish to pursue chemotherapy hoping that they will be on the cancer survival rate list, but be aware of the effects chemotherapy as a treatment has on the immune system- it drastically weakens it!

It is a strong immune system one needs, to help in the treatment and cure of this disease. Again, for those who wish to know a method of how to reduce the risk of cancer, maybe after having this monstrous disease already, then Chemotherapy has been proven not to be the cure otherwise it would never have re-attacked your body a second time!

If a patient chooses to pursue an alternative method in the fight against cancer, then it has been suggested by the American Cancer Society that one should ask for published research papers from the alternative cancer specialist that is under consideration.

However obtaining such data may prove difficult as this kind of extensive research will probably not exist due to the lack of budget alternative therapy has. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the lack of such data doesn't mean that it hasn't been successful in the past.

Any drug what so ever must pass extensive testing by the Food and Drug Administration for approval before it can be used by the public, which takes many years of research work as well as requiring many tens of thousands of pages of reports, and the costs run into millions of dollars. It is only the pharmaceutical companies that have the kind of funding that is required to undertake this kind of research.

Of course this will never happen unless a substantial profit can be made through eventual sales and that means a patent must be obtained. Nothing from nature can be patented only artificial chemicals.

This means any alternative cancer curing substance/drug will never be tested due to the FDA regulations and therefore will never be 'officially' approved irrespective of how effective they may be. This is the reason that alternative cancer therapies are 'unproven'.

So, how to reduce the risk of cancer? There are more than enough testimonials to research from real people who have suffered from different cancers, who have taken the path of an alternative cure to rid this disease, rather than weakening their immune system by choosing chemotherapy. Diet plays a significant part in the treatment of all cancers when following this type of therapy.

On the other hand there will be plenty of published research papers for any orthodox methods used as the budget is far greater, and therefore tend to have the assistance of academic medical centers and a large network of patients.

Important Note: It is worth mentioning that the advice given by alternative therapists in whichever alternative cancer care a patient chooses when they are wanting to rid themselves of, or are wanting answers on how to reduce the risk of cancer, then one should stick with it and not fluctuate between different methods of treatment. As not following one chosen therapy may have an adverse effect on the treatment of any particular malignancy.


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