Why Do Most People Believe That Cancer Is A Disease?

Everyone has the capacity to heal themselves

There is no cancer that has not been survived by someone, regardless of how far advanced it was. If even one person has succeeded in healing his cancer, there must be a mechanism for it, just as there is a mechanism for creating cancer. Every person on the planet has the capacity to do both. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you may not be able to change the diagnosis, but it is certainly in your power to alter the destructive consequences that it (the diagnosis) may have on you. The way you perceive the cancer and the steps you choose to take following the diagnosis are some of the most powerful determinants of your future wellness, or the lack of it.

90-95 percent of all cancers appear and disappear of their own accord

The indiscriminate reference to cancer as a 'killer disease' by professionals and lay people alike has turned cancer into a disorder with tragic consequences for the majority of today's cancer patients and their families. Cancer has become synonymous with extraordinary suffering, pain, and death. This perception continues despite the fact that 90-95 percent of all cancers appear and disappear of their own accord. Not a day passes without the body making millions of cancer cells. Some people, under severe temporary stress, make more cancer cells than usual and form clusters of cancerous cells that disappear again once they feel better.

According to medical research, secretions of the DNA's powerful anticancer drug, Interleukin II, drop under physical and mental duress and increase again when the person becomes relaxed and joyful. Low secretions of Interleukin II increase the incidence of cancer in the body. However, people are generally not under severe stress all the time. Therefore, most cancers vanish without any form of medical intervention and without causing any real harm. Right at this moment, millions of people are walking around with cancers in their body without having a clue that they have them. Likewise, millions of people heal their cancers without even knowing it. Overall, there are many more spontaneous remissions of cancer than there are diagnosed and treated cancers.

Cancer treatments do more harm than good

The truth is, relatively few cancers actually become 'terminal' or are even detected. The vast majority of cancers remain undiagnosed and are not found until autopsy. Typically, these people don't die because of cancer. They don't even have symptoms that could prompt the doctor to prescribe any of the standard cancer-detecting tests. It should raise everyone's eyebrows that 30-40 times as many cases of thyroid, pancreatic, and prostate cancer are found in autopsy than are detected by doctors. The British medical journal Lancet published a study in 1993 that showed early screening often leads to unnecessary treatment. The reason for that? Although 33 percent of autopsies reveal prostate cancer, only 1 percent die from it. After age 75, half of the males may have prostate cancer, but only 2 percent die from it. New official recommendations (August 2008) call for oncologists to no longer treat men with prostate cancer past the age of 75 years because the treatments do more harm than good and offer no advantages over no treatment at all.

It must be noted that these low mortality rates only apply to those who have neither been diagnosed with cancer nor received any treatment for cancer. Mortality rates, however, increase drastically if cancers are being diagnosed and treated, which clearly shows what does the killing. Once diagnosed, the vast majority of cancers are never given a chance to disappear on their own. They are promptly targeted with an arsenal of deadly weapons such as chemotherapy drugs, radiation, and the surgical knife. 'Sleeping' tumors that would never really cause much harm to the body, may now be aroused into powerful defensive reactions and become aggressive, not unlike relatively harmless bacteria that turn into dangerous superbugs when attacked by antibiotic medication. It makes absolutely no sense that at a time when you need to strengthen the body's most important healing system - the immune system - you would subject yourself to radical treatments that actually weaken or destroy the immune system.

The problem with cancer patients is that, terrified by the diagnosis, they submit their bodies to these cutting/burning/poisoning procedures that, more likely than not, will lead them more rapidly to the day of final sentencing: "We have to tell you with our deepest regret that there is nothing more that can be done to help you."

The most pressing question is not, "How advanced or dangerous is my cancer?" but, "What am I doing or not doing that puts my body into a situation of having to fight for its life?" Why do some people go through cancer as if it were the flu? Are they just lucky, or is there a mechanism at work that triggers the healing? On the contrary, what is the hidden element that prevents the body from healing cancer naturally, that makes cancer so dangerous, if indeed it is dangerous at all?

People believe cancer is a vicious killer

The answers to all these queries lie with the person who has the cancer, and does not depend on the degree of a particular cancer's 'viciousness' or the advanced stage to which it appears to have progressed. Do you believe that cancer is a disease? You will most likely answer, "Yes," given the 'informed' opinion that the medical industry and mass media have fed to the masses for many decades. Yet, the more important but rarely asked question remains, "Why do you think cancer is a disease?" You may answer, "Because I know cancer kills people every day." I would then question you further, "How do you know that it is the cancer that kills people?" You would probably argue that most people who have cancer die, so obviously it must be the cancer that kills them. Besides, you may reason, all the expert doctors tell us so.

Let me ask you another question, a rather strange one: "How do you know for sure that you are the daughter/son of your father and not of another man?" Is it because your mother told you so? What makes you think that your mother told you the truth? Probably because you believe her; and you have no reason not to. After all, she is your mother, and mothers do not lie about these things. Or do they? Although you will never really know with absolute certainty that the person you believe to be your father is, in fact, your father, you nevertheless have turned what you subjectively believe into something that you 'know', into an irrefutable truth.

Although no scientific proof whatsoever exists to show that cancer is a disease (versus a healing attempt), most people will insist that it is a disease because this is what they have been told to believe. Yet this belief is only hearsay based on other people's opinions. These other people heard the same 'truth' from someone else. Eventually, the infallible doctrine that cancer is a disease can be traced to some doctors who expressed their subjective feelings or beliefs about what they had observed and published them in some review articles or medical reports. Other doctors agreed with their opinion, and before long, it became a 'well-established fact' that cancer is a vicious illness that somehow gets hold of people in order to kill them. However, the truth of the matter may actually be quite different and more rational and scientific than that.

Understanding The Viciousness of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the result of malignant cells forming in the tissues of the lung, usually in the cells lining the air passages. The cells in our bodies are constantly dividing and reproducing. Usually, there's an orderly pattern to this reproduction as cells develop and specialize to meet particular needs. Occasionally, however, a cell becomes damaged. There's a mutation in its DNA, and rather than maturing and dying as is normal, it continues to reproduce unchecked. In essence, this is cancer - uncontrolled reproduction and growth of abnormal cells in the body.

Most lung cancers are believed to start in the epithelial lining of the lungs - the linings of the large and small airways that perform the task of extracting oxygen from the air. Because of this, lung cancer is sometimes called bronchogenic carcinoma - cancer arising from the bronchia. A smaller percentage of lung cancers begin in the pleura - the thin tissue sac that surrounds the lungs. These cancers are called mesothelioma. The most common form of mesothelioma is linked to asbestos exposure.

Cancer of the lungs is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. While it may take a period of years to develop, the cancer often goes undetected until late in the process. In addition, it tends to metastasize (migrate to other parts of the body) early, which leaves fewer opportunities to fight the mutated cells with surgery or radiation. Once the lung cancer does metastasize, it quickly spreads to the most vulnerable and important organs of the body, particularly the adrenal glands, the liver, the brain and the bones.

There are two primary forms of lung cancer - Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Small Cell Lung Cancer is less common, though far more deadly. It's directly linked to cigarette smoking - less than 1% of SCLC is diagnosed in non-smokers. It's also extremely aggressive and fast-moving, metastasizing rapidly to other organs, and often undiscovered until it's already widespread.

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, on the other hand, is far more common, accounting for nearly 80% of all diagnosed lung cancers. There are three main types of non-small cell lung cancer, generally characterized by the size, shape, and chemical composition of the cells that form the cancer:

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (also referred to as Epidermoid Carcinoma): accounts for around 25% - 30% of all lung cancers, and is associated with a history of smoking. This cancer is nearly always found in the central chest area, near the bronchus.

Adenocarcinoma (also referred to as Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma): accounts for around 40% of all lung cancers, and is found in the external region of the lung. Treatment for this form of lung cancer often leads to a more successful outcome than that of other lung cancers.

Large-Cell Undifferentiated Carcinoma: accounting for only 10% - 15% of lung cancers, this form may show up in any area of the lung. It tends to spread quickly, and often results in a poor prognosis.

It's also possible for lung cancer to be a combination of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer types.

There are other, less common types of lung cancer. For instance, bronchial carcinoids are small tumors often found in people under 40 years of age. They tend to grow slowly, and be amenable to treatment. Carcinoid tumors account for approximately 5% of lung tumors. Some are non-cancerous. The others are generally slow-growing and can be successfully treated with surgery.

Finally, some cancers discovered in the lungs aren't lung cancers at all. Since the lungs are prone to metastatic cancers from other sites, it's not uncommon for tumors from other primary cancers to find their way to the lungs. When this occurs, the tumors are often discovered in the peripheral tissues of the lungs rather than in the central tissues.

Please note that the information provided in this article is for information purposes only. It should not be used during a medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of lung cancer. Such situations should always involve the expertise of a physician or health care provider.

How to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Science has made some incredible discoveries and breakthroughs in the last century, but still we die in vast numbers from deadly diseases such as cancer. Why are we still allowing this to happen? So the big question then, how to reduce the risk of cancer?

We as humans are very complex beings and like to think of ourselves as the most supreme. But as a whole and unlike the rest of the animal kingdom, we have lost faith in believing in our instincts.

There is a flaw in us that allows us to suffer untold misery.

We have all been given a great gift and that gift is our immune system and it is the most effective protection against disease including cancer. So why then, do we choose to take drugs that destroy it?

The answer may be that we have been conditioned into believing that the development of cancer fighting drugs is the only way we can keep this deadly disease at bay.

It is well worth questioning why wild animals don't suffer from the many deadly diseases that we as humans do. Only those animals we have as pets are likely to develop cancer.

The fact is that animals lead their lives instinctively, where as a whole, human beings choose not to. We prefer to rely on our intelligence and reject instinct.

If you were to make something then would you be the expert in the maintenance of it? Of course you would! All the animal kingdom is made from nature so it is nature, who is the expert in maintaining us all-this, is our instinct! So to answer the question-"how to reduce the risk of cancer?" It is nature and therefore our instinct.

Cancer and Diet

The words "scientific evidence" is more believable and taken more seriously to most people when considering any type of therapy, and it is wonderful to see that science is back-tracking and researching more natural ways in the treatment of cancer and those who wish to be advised on how to reduce the risk of cancer. Part of this evidence is the success found by eating the right diet or foods.

Scientific evidence for cancer-fighting effects of fruit and vegetables is well supported by the National Cancer Institute. The "5-a-Day for Better Health" program was designed to encourage everyone to increase their daily intake of fruits and vegetables.

Recently it has been found that although introducing more fruit and vegetables is helpful and is very much encouraged, it is suggested that this type of diet seems to be most effective against the following cancers:" Bladder" Cervical" Colon" Lung" Mouth" Rectal" and also Stomach cancer.

Clearly for those who don't drink heavily and don't smoke, it is their healthy diet that has the greatest influence on their overall health and it is suggested that if everyone was to eat the recommended five or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day, then this would have a great effect in keeping 25 percent of diet-related cancers at bay.

Eating vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and onions amongst others will be a good move as they contain a chemical called Sulforaphane.

This chemical has been found to boost the production of enzymes that neutralize cancer-causing substances and for those people who prefer to microwave these vegetables rather than eat them raw, then that's fine as this chemical is able to withstand this method of cooking.

Also when applied topically (directly to the surface of the area being treated) it may protect skin against UV radiation damage.

Recent research studies have concluded that there appears to be a connection between low levels of vitamin C and a higher risk of some cancers. There is a higher risk from this disease if we do not have enough vitamins and this can be easily rectified through our diet which in turn will build up a healthy immune system and is well documented of a way on how to reduce the risk of cancer.

Drinking orange juice or any fruit containing Vitamin C will definitely have a positive effect for an influential protection against cancers such as breast and cervical cancer, plus other types of cancers too.

Meat in our Diet and Cancer

Although meat does have nutrients, overall it will do more harm than good. Meat, especially red meat, being the most readily assimilated protein, becomes a slap-up meal for cancer cells. For those who have cancer, the advice usually given is to eat a meat free diet as nothing should be consumed that doesn't build up the immune system.

How to reduce the risk of cancer? Meat certainly does not contribute to the curing process of cancer nor does it help the reduced risk, so it is never on the menu for cancer patients.

Are we or are we not designed to eat meat?

The human structure is inadequately designed to deal with the processing of meat and it cannot be processed in the intestine without some decay (taking into account that the meat has already undergone some decay before it is even consumed).

This may lead to a condition known as toxemia which is the result of the presence of bacterial toxins in the blood, usually with tissue or organ damage, and severe intestinal upset.

This is the starting point of gradual deterioration in the structure of a body part and in the worse-case-scenario, the loss of the part's ability to function. Examples are:" Arthritis" Heart disease" Hardening of the arteries" Stroke" Cancer etc. However, regardless of what our bodies are going through, we need protein to build muscle, so we're advised to eat meat. Maybe the same advice should be given to the elephant!? Perhaps we should eat a piece of chalk or a few bones to get our daily calcium requirements!

Orthodox V Alternative Cancer Treatment

How to reduce the risk of cancer and what would be the best route to take in the fight against cancer or even curing cancer? Maybe an orthodox treatment such as Chemotherapy and/or Radiation or an alternative therapy, in which there are many.

The problem with the alternative cancer methods is that they may be alien to most. However it is worth considering that by pursuing the orthodox cancer treatment course, this may also be alien to people and moreover have actually been proved to not have any effect on many types of cancers.

Below this page is a table which list some cancers and the success rate of the use of chemotherapy as published in the journal of Clinical Oncology in December 2004.

Varying individuals may look at the statistics in the table and make different choices to the treatment of their cancer.

For example on studying the statistics within the table, some may choose to opt out of taking the direction of chemotherapy, whilst others will look at the statistics and may wish to pursue chemotherapy hoping that they will be on the cancer survival rate list, but be aware of the effects chemotherapy as a treatment has on the immune system- it drastically weakens it!

It is a strong immune system one needs, to help in the treatment and cure of this disease. Again, for those who wish to know a method of how to reduce the risk of cancer, maybe after having this monstrous disease already, then Chemotherapy has been proven not to be the cure otherwise it would never have re-attacked your body a second time!

If a patient chooses to pursue an alternative method in the fight against cancer, then it has been suggested by the American Cancer Society that one should ask for published research papers from the alternative cancer specialist that is under consideration.

However obtaining such data may prove difficult as this kind of extensive research will probably not exist due to the lack of budget alternative therapy has. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the lack of such data doesn't mean that it hasn't been successful in the past.

Any drug what so ever must pass extensive testing by the Food and Drug Administration for approval before it can be used by the public, which takes many years of research work as well as requiring many tens of thousands of pages of reports, and the costs run into millions of dollars. It is only the pharmaceutical companies that have the kind of funding that is required to undertake this kind of research.

Of course this will never happen unless a substantial profit can be made through eventual sales and that means a patent must be obtained. Nothing from nature can be patented only artificial chemicals.

This means any alternative cancer curing substance/drug will never be tested due to the FDA regulations and therefore will never be 'officially' approved irrespective of how effective they may be. This is the reason that alternative cancer therapies are 'unproven'.

So, how to reduce the risk of cancer? There are more than enough testimonials to research from real people who have suffered from different cancers, who have taken the path of an alternative cure to rid this disease, rather than weakening their immune system by choosing chemotherapy. Diet plays a significant part in the treatment of all cancers when following this type of therapy.

On the other hand there will be plenty of published research papers for any orthodox methods used as the budget is far greater, and therefore tend to have the assistance of academic medical centers and a large network of patients.

Important Note: It is worth mentioning that the advice given by alternative therapists in whichever alternative cancer care a patient chooses when they are wanting to rid themselves of, or are wanting answers on how to reduce the risk of cancer, then one should stick with it and not fluctuate between different methods of treatment. As not following one chosen therapy may have an adverse effect on the treatment of any particular malignancy.

Seven Secrets About Breast Cancer

Secret #1 The Money Spent On Research Into Breast Cancer Is Not Ensuring That Less Women Get Breast Cancer.
Secret #2 You Do Need To Act Against Getting Breast Cancer Before You Reach 50 And You Cannot Rely On Mammograms.
Secret #3 You Are At Risk Of Getting Breast Cancer Even If You Don't Have It In Your Family.
Secret #4 Most Of The Money Spent On Research Is Not Going Into Prevention To Ensure That Less Women Suffer The Devastating Effects Of Breast Cancer In The Future.
Secret #5 Most Women Are Not Breast Aware And Are Afraid Of Breast Cancer.
Secret #6 Women Are Not Given Lots Of Advice On How They Can Protect Their Breasts Against Breast Cancer.
Secret #7 Most Women Do Not Appreciate How Important Their Breasts Are And Do Not Do Everything They Can To Look After And Protect Them.

The above "secrets" are things which are not commonly known by most women and may be surprising to you. In this article, I intend to shed light on these facts and allow women to make up their own minds how they approach their breast health.


The Pink Ribbon and Breast Cancer Awarenss Month was introduced in the US in 1985 and introduced to the UK in 1993. The Pink Ribbon Foundation is fronted by the Estee Lauder group of companies (known for cosmetics and skincare).

Since then the pink ribbon symbol has become synonymous with breast cancer and during the past 15 years billions of pounds have been raised in its name. Every October the world celebrates Breast Cancer Awareness Month and fund raising during that month is phenomenal. All the breast cancer charities vie with each other to see who can come up with the most innovative "pink" fundraising. They run pink parties and sell pink products in order to raise money. Many companies take part and do special promotions during October for their preferred charity. "Pink" is big business.

So with all this money being raised during October and also at other times during the year through events like charity runs and walks, is there an impact on the breast cancer rates in the UK and around the world? Are they coming down? Are fewer women suffering from the devastating effects of breast cancer?

Unfortunately, the answer is 'no'.

In the UK, from 1993-2004, breast cancer incidence has increased 18.5%, that is 1% per year. 1 in 9 women will get the disease during their lifetime with current projections of 1 in 7 by 2010. 45,500 women were diagnosed in 2005, which equates to 125 women every day. Worldwide more than a million women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. It is also projected that breast cancer rates will rise most in developing countries, where women do not have access to top quality care and where they can also be treated as outcasts in certain societies.

Breast cancer survival rates have improved. Every year more than 12,300 women and 70 men die from breast cancer. Since the peak in the late 1980s breast cancer death rates have fallen by a third. Breast cancer drugs have helped to save women's lives but, as with any drugs, can have long-term side affects. Also the cost of these drugs puts great strain on the NHS. If breast cancer rates continue to increase as they have been doing, then, according to Professor Karol Sikora as reported in the Daily Mail on 09/09/08, "the next generation of drugs would keep patients alive longer, but could swallow half of the current NHS cancer budget within four years. (this refers to all cancer drugs at a cost of £50 billion).

With the billions being raised by people around the world in the name of breast cancer, is it right that actually more women are getting this devastating disease every year?


Women in the UK are offered breast screening by mammogram every three years from the age of 50. This is because breast cancer is still more common in women over 50 but also because the breast tissue of younger women is denser and, therefore, makes it more difficult for a mammogram to pick up on a potential breast lump.

However, this could be giving the message to younger women that they don't need to check their breasts themselves. Based on my experience during my breast health talks, very few younger women check their breasts. The main reasons for this are that no-one has shown them how to, they don't know what to do, they think that they only need to worry if breast cancer is in the family (see Secret #3) or they are afraid that they might find something.

For a younger woman it is even more important to check her breasts from her mid-twenties as breast cancer in younger women is usually much more aggressive as the breast cancer cells can multiply more rapidly than in older women. If girls were taught by their mothers to check their breasts from their mid-twenties, they would not be afraid - it would just be part of their general regime of looking after themselves. Also they would feel confident about what to do. Breast self-examination is easy to do once you have been shown how and there are even devices on the market which can help you do so with confidence and greater accuracy.

Breast cancer is the biggest killer of women aged 35-54, which means it makes sense for women in this age bracket to do everything they can to protect their breasts.

Furthermore, I do not believe that we should rely on mammograms either. Women are only screened every three years and, usually, a mammogram can only detect a breast tumour once it has been growing for 8 years. By the time the tumour reaches 10 years, it could be too late. The other thing to remember is that a mammogram can only screen the part of the breast which can be put into the "clamp". It cannot screen under the armpit or between the breasts for example.

Lastly, there is growing concern over the safety of mammograms. The following are extracts from an article written by Peter Leando PhD.

"Controversy has raged for years as to whether the risks related to the radiation exposure suffered from mammography are justified by the benefits gained ...... new evidence relating to the particular type of radiation used and the hard evidence relating to the clinical benefits of mammography have caused a serious re-evaluation of the justification of mammography as a screening test.

Radiation from routine mammography cannot be directly compared to other types of X-ray like chest X-ray etc because they are very different types of radiation.

The comparisons that have been used between a chest x-ray and mammography, 1/1,000 of a rad (radiation-absorbed dose) for a chest X-ray and the 1 rad exposure for the routine four films taken of both breasts for a mammographic screening exam results in some 1,000 times greater exposure. (This refers to the US, where they do four-way screening. In the UK typically only two-way screening is offered.)

This is considered a significant risk factor when extended over a ten year screening period and a potential accumulative dose of 10 rads. Unfortunately this is not the major risk posed by the particular type of radiation used by mammograms, mammography X-rays use a low energy form of ionising radiation that causes greater biologic damage than the high energy X-ray. The very low energy electrons affect the density of ionisation tracks that pass through the tissue, which can cause complex damage to the DNA and carcinogenic changes.

The radiation used by mammography is almost 5 times more effective at causing cancer." So, women do need to start checking their breasts from their early twenties and we cannot rely on mammograms 100%, particularly for younger women who would have a greater exposure to radiation during their lifetime if they were offered mammograms from a younger age. Also mammograms do not detect Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) which is a much rarer form of the disease and does not involve a lump. This would only detected by a woman looking for changes to her breasts and reporting them to her doctor.


Amongst the hundreds of women I have talked to about breast health, the vast majority were under the false impression that breast cancer is primarily hereditary. They were surprised to hear that fewer than 10% of cases occur to women who have breast cancer in the family.

In fact, every woman is at risk and should take control of her own breast health to give herself the best possible chance of prevention or early detection.

The other most common acknowledged risk factors are:

  • Age - breast cancer is more common in women over 50
  • Early puberty - it is worrying that puberty is starting younger, with most girls starting their periods at primary school
  • Late pregnancy - many woman are opting to have children later
  • Late onset menopause
  • Not having children and not breastfeeding - this was known as early as the 18th century when a doctor in Italy noticed that nuns had higher levels of breast cancer than the general population
  • Being overweight - this applies mainly to post-menopausal women
  • Alcohol - over-consumption increases the risk of breast cancer

Acknowledged risk factors account for around 50% of breast cancer cases. For the remainder, there are no definite reasons.

There are a growing number of scientists, commercial companies and individuals who believe that this remaining 50% is due to the rise of the number of chemicals which have been introduced over the past 50 years. They are used in our food, in our toiletries, in the workplace, in our clothes, in our furnishings - in fact, in every aspect of our lives. Many of these chemicals are endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC's), also known as hormone disruptors or oestrogen mimickers. In simple terms, they act like oestrogen in our bodies and could be responsible for changing our delicate hormone balance which controls events like pregnancy, puberty, menopause.

An interesting example of the levels of oestrogen of British women was examined in a collaborative study undertaken in the late 80's between Oxford University, the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine Beijing, Guys, and the Dept. of Preventive Medicine, L.A., California. They compared blood-serum concentrations of hormones linked to breast cancer between women in rural China and in Britain. The results showed that British women who are exposed to toxic chemicals in their everyday lives had increasingly higher levels of oestradiol (oestrogen) than women living a rural lifestyle in China (see table below).

On this theme, the Guardian online reported on 22/05/07 that 'Beijing blames pollutants for rise in killer cancers'.

Oestradiol levels higher in British women by: Age 35 - 44 36% Age 45 - 54 90% Age 55 - 64 171%


As we know, billions of pounds are raised every year worldwide in the name of breast cancer and most of this money is received by the mainstream breast cancer charities. In my opinion, the areas which should be targeted by these funds are prevention, treatment and care. You would probably expect these areas, at least, to be treated with equal importance and the funds available allocated accordingly.

Let's first take a look at the mainstream breast cancer charities in this country, namely Cancer Research UK (who obviously deal with all cancers), Breakthrough Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Campaign and Breast Cancer Care.

Cancer Research UK has done a huge amount of research into breast cancer and their website has a wealth of useful information with a lot of detail on breast cancer. Their slogan is 'Together We Will Beat Cancer'. The charity offers funding schemes to scientists. Their research strategy is directed at reducing mortality from cancer and more women are surviving breast cancer than ever before. Cancer Research UK is looking trying to prevent breast cancer in women known to be at high risk of developing it (approx 10% of sufferers). Doctors have looked into using tamoxifen and other hormone blocking drugs such as anastrozole (Arimidex) to lower the risk of breast cancer in women with a strong family history. This work has to be done very carefully. These women are healthy and the treatment aimed at preventing breast cancer must not risk their health in other ways.

Breakthrough Breast Cancer supports a programme of cutting-edge biological research to reach their vision of 'a future free from the fear of breast cancer'. Breakthrough set up the UK's first dedicated breast cancer research centre in 1999, the Breakthrough Toby Robins Breast Cancer Research Centre. Breakthrough is funding The Generations Study whosepurpose is primarily to investigate environmental, behavioural, hormonal and genetic causes of breast cancer, and secondarily to investigate the causes of other cancers and diseases, by means of a UK cohort study to be established of more than 100,000 women in the UK aged 18 years and older at entry.

However, when you look at environmental factors as a possible risk factor, it seems to be dismissed because it is too difficult to research due to the huge amount of chemicals to which we are exposed in our everyday lives. You can read more at their website under "risk factors".

As I have mentioned, I am one of the many people who believe that certain chemicals which act like oestrogen in our bodies are a contributing factor in rising breast cancer rates. I am disappointed to see that Breakthrough are not even including this as a possible risk factor, particularly as we know that excessive oestrogen has been linked to breast cancer cell growth.

Breast Cancer Campaign cites its mission is to beat breast cancerby funding innovative world-class research to understand how breast cancer develops, leading to improved diagnosis, treatment, prevention and cure. The charity is supporting 97 projects worth over £12.8 million in 41 locations throughout the UK. Over the past 13 years, Campaign has awarded 232 grants with a total value of over £23 million to universities, medical schools / teaching hospitals and research institutes across the UK. Campaign's breast cancer research gap analysis document has been published by the open access journal Breast Cancer Research. The document entitled 'Evaluation of the current knowledge limitations in breast cancer research: a gap analysis' is the product of two and a half year project. It involved around 60 of the key breast cancer scientists in the UK.

Through their website, they sell products of various types and the companies who own those brands donate part of their profits to the Campaign. They include things like lip gloss, perfume, toiletries, clothing and stationery. Some of us would say that many of the products include harmful ingredients and are not actually contributing to the breast health of the ladies buying them! I was also disappointed that, although they mention prevention in their mission statement, I have one of their leaflets that shows prevention only receives 1% of their budget.

Breast Cancer Care, as its name suggests, is primarily concerned with the care and treatment of ladies going through breast cancer. It provides invaluable information and support.

I applaud all of these organisations who are dedicated to their work to help us understand and treat breast cancer.

However, I still believe that the risk factor of certain chemicals affecting our delicate hormone balance should be taken seriously and that all the available research should be studied. It is important to note that only 50% of breast cancer cases can be put down to one of the acknowledged risk factors. What is this remaining 50%? What has changed in our world over the past 50 years? It is also interesting that other countries are recognising the dangers of these chemicals and banning substances. I also believe in adopting the 'precautionary principle', which means that if there is a doubt over the safety to public health, then we should not wait until it is too late but take action as soon as possible. It has also been proved that there are alternatives to these potentially harmful chemicals when we see the growing number of companies who are selling safer food, cosmetics and toiletries.

This is why I am an active supporter of Breast Cancer UK, the only charity whose main focus is primary prevention. We are determined that breast cancer should be a 'preventable' disease not an 'inevitable' one. There is lots of research available on the link between endocrine disrupting chemicals and breast cancer. It is time that this was taken into account when looking at breast cancer risk factors.


Despite the huge focus on being breast aware, particularly during Breast Cancer Awareness month in October, the majority of women are not breast aware. In fact, most women pay little attention to their breasts and do very little to look after them, except maybe during breastfeeding. Our breasts represent our femininity - they make us feel sexy and they nourish our children. Yet most women don't even know what their breasts feel like, let-alone check them for anything unusual.

It is so important that women take control of their own breast health by undertaking monthly self-examination to check for any changes. If they find a lump and go to their doctor straight away, the chances are the lump will be benign (80% are) or, if it is cancerous, they are giving themselves the best possible chance of recovery. At Stage One, women have around a 95% chance of surviving beyond 5 years. At Stage One the lump is less than 2cm and has not spread to the lymph nodes or anywhere else in the body. At Stage Four this survival rate drops to 1 in 10. The average size of lump discovered accidentally by women who don't check their breasts regularly is approximately 3.6 cm.

I have spoken with hundreds of women through my breast education work and most women do not check their breasts because they don't know what to do, they don't realize that all women are at risk, they don't know about the four stages of breast cancer and the corresponding survival rates, they don't really think about the need to do anything to look after their breasts or they are afraid that they might find something.

According to research by Breast Cancer Campaign, breast cancer is the most feared disease amongst women. Fear is usually due to a lack of knowledge. This is certainly the case here. If women understood everything detailed here, they would want to give themselves the best chance of survival should they get the disease. The current approach to women's breast health obviously isn't getting through, which is why I believe it is time to get women to take control themselves and empower other women to do the same.


In the past, GP surgeries used to run Well Woman clinics where any woman could go and see a doctor or nurse and be given advice about looking after herself with practical information like being shown how to check her breasts. Very few surgeries offer these clinics now. This is one of the reasons that I started my Breast Health Presentations. I talk to women in the workplace or in other gatherings and empower them with information, which helps to remove some of their fear. I also show them how to check their breasts and talk to them about their bra-wearing habits, how to avoid harmful chemicals in their everyday lives and how to benefit from detoxifying breast massage.

As we know, breast cancer is the most feared disease amongst women and understanding how it develops, the risk factors and, most importantly, how to protect against it, will make women feel more in control and positive towards their breast health.

During October and other events during the year, the focus is on breast cancer rather than breast health. I am one of those people who believe that the more you focus on something negative, the more you will get of it. This is why it is time to change that focus.

I believe that it is definitely time for women to take their breast health into their own hands, which is why I have launched my new campaign "Healthy Breasts For Every Woman". You can read more at www.healthybreastscampaign.co.uk.


As I mentioned before, most women give very little thought to their breasts. They get up in the morning and they may give them a wash in the shower. They then shove them into a cage we call a bra (and most women wear a bra that doesn't fit them properly) and forget about them for the rest of the day. It is amazing that we live in a society which is obsessed with breasts and women do very little to protect this most precious part of their body. It is also amazing that women spend a fortune on looking after every other part of their body with creams and lotions and forget about their breasts! I know that once women understand more about breast health and don't feel so helpless in the face of breast cancer that they do want to be proactive and take control of their breast health.

Apricot Kernels, Cancer and Vitamin B17

Over the years there have been a number of mixed messages about apricot kernels, which contain the controversial vitamin B17 (also known as amygdalin), and their effectiveness in both treating cancer and keeping it at bay. Amygdalin is a molecule with four components - two of glucose (sugar), one of benzaldehyde and one of cyanide. It seems that the cyanide component of amygdalin is the one that either has everyone hitching up their skirts and running for the hills, or conversely, looking for a way to claim it as their own and using it as a potential cancer cure. It would appear that when the public eats apricot kernels, with the inevitable cyanide component, it may be very dangerous, but when scientists modify the cyanide component, and call it a treatment, it may be quite safe. Confusing isn't it?

On the 7th September 2000, 'The Independent' told us that scientists at Imperial College London had found that the 'magic bullet of cyanide could kill cancer cells'. Apparently, a Dr Deonarain from Imperial College stated that for the first time they had been able to show that they could kill cancer cells using a 'prodrug activation approach' (his words, not mine). The paper described the 'magic bullet' as a cyanide cocktail derived from the cassava plant. Could this be because, along with apricot kernels, the cassava plant also contains B17 (amygdalin)?

However, before we unhitch our skirts and return from the hills we need to know about the 'Fatal dangers of alternative cancer cures on the web' as reported in 'The Sunday Times' (3rd August 2004). It seems that 'thousands of cancer patients are risking their health by following the advice of alternative therapy websites promoting bogus cures'. Edzard Ernst, who is apparently the country's only professor of complementary medicine (clearly a lonely job), called for the government to steer people away from treatments promoted on the mighty interweb! Shockingly, researchers found that dozens of remedies were being promoted as curing or preventing cancer - including shark cartilage, coffee enemas, mistletoe and 'apricot extracts' - scary stuff!

The Sunday Times report clearly demonstrated the sheer foolishness of taking your health into your own hands. And as if their dire warning wasn't enough, in 2006 (11th April), the good old BBC let us know 'Watchdog warns over apricot seeds'. Is there no getting away from apricots! The BBC reported that the Food Standards Agency are concerned that cyanide can be poisonous in high doses, and that we should consume no more than two bitter apricot kernels per day. In the same report, Cancer Research UK (also apparently worried by apricots) warns us that the claims of apricot pips curing cancer are simply not true. They state that 'if simply eating apricot seeds could cure cancer, no one would be more delighted than us'. Perhaps they need to get together with Dr Deonarain from Imperial College?

In order to be able to make an informed judgment about what's actually going on we should really take a look at the science behind the headlines.

The orthodox theory of cancer

As most of us are aware, the conventional view of cancer is that the lump/tumour/growth 'is the cancer' and that this needs to be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or perhaps hormonal or immunotherapy. The idea is that by shrinking the growth, or cutting it out of the body, the cancer will be gone. This is unless the cancer has metastasised (spread to other areas), in this case another course of treatment may be suggested, or the patient may be told that the cancer has spread too far and nothing more can be done.

The alternative theory of cancer

The alternative view is that the lump/tumour/growth 'is not the cancer' but is the 'symptom' - a sign that something is going wrong with the natural balance of the body. It is thought that once the underlying problem is corrected the growth will simply be reabsorbed into the body. Although, it is agreed that if the growth is not reabsorbed and is unsightly, or so large as to interfere with the normal functioning of a particular area of the body, then it should be removed by surgery.

The growth is not considered to be 'pure cancer' - perhaps as little as 20% is actually cancerous, with the remaining 80% being non-cancerous. It is suggested that the cancerous area of the growth is more resistant to radiotherapy than the noncancerous area and therefore less likely to be destroyed. In other words, the growth may be reduced, but the cancer may still remain and can potentially spread.

If we injure ourselves a healing process starts and the affected cells are replaced with new cells. However, it is thought that cancer is a healing process that has not switched off. In other words, if the body is deficient in something that is essential for homeostasis it may not work effectively and the healing process may just continue going. The result is that the body will start to heal, and then heal again and again until a growth finally appears.

There are apparently two lines of defense against this over-healing process and the development of cancer. The first involves 'Proteolytic enzymes' (enzymes designed to digest protein), which are produced by the pancreas. The two proteolytic enzymes, trypsin and chymotrypsin, dissolve the protective protein coating around cancer cells and this effectively allows the body's white blood cells in to attack and destroy the cancer cells.

The second line of defense against cancer are substances known as nitrilosides. (It is thought that there are more than 800 foods in the nitriloside family). These nitriloside foods contain vitamin B17 (amygdalin) which is made up of four components - two of glucose (sugar), one of benzaldehyde and one of cyanide. The cancer cell wall has an enzyme called beta-glycosidase (also known as the 'unlocking enzyme'). When B17 (amygdalin) and the unlocking enzyme come into contact the cancer cell is destroyed. It's interesting to note that beta-glycosidase is found in cancer cells, and in no other cell in the body (therefore, no other cell can be destroyed). As author G. Edward Griffin points out in his 2005 presentation - 'this is an amazing mechanism of nature that could not have been accidental'. (See references and links below).

Therefore, in this alternative view of cancer, there is no 'cure' because cancer is in fact all part of the natural physiological processes of the body. It is only when the healing cells are allowed to develop unchecked, and our natural lines of defense are down, that it becomes a problem. Some people even feel that we probably develop cancer over and over again during our lives, but on most occasions our defense systems simply deal with it - we never know we have had cancer.

This theory seems to be backed up by G. Edward Griffin's fascinating explanation of the cattle on America's mid-west farms. In an interview for FHV (A Norwegian consumer health freedom organization) Griffin explains the following: In the mid-west part of the united states farmers found that, in the winter months, their cattle would develop cancers in their mouths. However, as the snow melted away and the spring came along, the cattle would start to eat the broad-leafed grasses (rich in B17) and the cancers would simply disappear.

Q & A's

If this theory of cancer is really true, why doesn't my doctor know about it?

This is a controversial subject because there seem to be a number of conflicting or competing interests involved. You might like to watch the second part of G.Edward Griffins explanation of the politics of cancer for a full understanding of why this information appears not to have filtered down to doctors and GP's. You can find this in the references and links section under: The Science and Politics of Cancer 2005, Parts 4 - 7, The politics of cancer therapy: The Pharmaceutical Cartel.

If we have two lines of defense to prevent cancer why would both of these fail?

It seems that our modern diets, full of animal fats and dairy products, use up huge amounts of pancreatic enzymes in order to break down this type of food - thereby depleting stocks when they are needed to combat cancer. There are also other reasons, such as having a condition like 'diabetes', where the pancreas is often weakened and therefore less able to produce these necessary enzymes. There may also be a hereditary factor where, again, the pancreas is weak and therefore unable to function fully or correctly from birth.

The breakdown of our second line of defense may simply be due to the lack of foods from the nitriloside family. Many of these foods often have a bitter taste and therefore may be avoided by most people - consequently they become less available in conventional supermarkets over time. Although, there is also the problem of foods such as bread that used to contain 'Millet flour' (rich in B17/amygdalin), but now mainly contain the cheaper 'wheat flour'.

Can cancer be cured?

The conventional view would be that scientists are definitely looking for a 'cure' for cancer. However, the alternative view of cancer seems to show that it is potentially a metabolic disease caused by natural deficiencies and therefore we need to introduce nitriloside foods back into the diet for the rest of our lives and perhaps think about modifying our diets. This is why people who are concerned about cancer may be focusing on apricot kernels - a food very high in B17/amygdalin.

Many people who hold the alternative view of cancer would compare it to a metabolic disease such as scurvy. Scurvy was only resolved by taking vitamins C, as most people know. However, vitamins C could not be said to be the 'cure' for scurvy because in order to keep the disease at bay you clearly need to consume foods rich in vitamins C for the rest of your life. A 'cure' implies that you just need to correct the problem once and then it is resolved.

Are there other factors involved in the development of cancer?

Yes, it would seem that toxins in our environment and toxins that we take into the body might produce a healing response in the areas that are affected by these toxins. For example, we may damage the lungs if we smoke and this could provoke an over-healing response - which may then not switch off if we are deficient in proteolytic enzymes or nitriloside foodstuffs. This could explain why some people who smoke develop cancer, whilst others don't.

Are there therapists who can use the alternative approach if someone already has cancer?

Yes, we believe that there are therapists who may be able to help. You could try the 'Gerson Support Group UK' or the 'Gerson Institute' - or perhaps the' World Without Cancer' website. (Although, we must stress that 'The Velvet Mind' and 'Andersen Counselling' has no affiliation with any of the websites (or publications) mentioned in this article and do not give medical advice of any kind).

Why is it sometimes suggested that people should eat pineapple and papaya melons to keep cancer at bay?

It's our understanding that these particular fruits mimic the action of some of the proteolytic enzymes - thereby dissolving the protein coating of the cancer cell. Papaya melons as a source of the enzyme papain, and pineapple as a source of the enzyme bromelain.

Are there any books I can buy that show me how to include nitriloside foods in my diet?

Yes, in 1976 a lady called June de Spain (former toxicologist and a pharmacologist for the Federal Food and Drug Administration in the U.S) wrote a book called 'The little cyanide cookbook - delicious recipes rich in vitamin B17'. There was quite a bit of controversy surrounding the writing of this book and her work for the FDA at the time - you might want to search 'Google' to learn more.I believe her book is still available through the 'World without Cancer' website or 'Amazon UK'.

Breast Cancer - Hereditary Breast Cancer

Cancer involves mutations, or changes, in genes. In most people affected by cancer, these genetic changes happen after birth later in life. In Hereditary Cancer, the cancer is caused by a genetic mutation that the person was born with. Some cancers, such as breast, ovary and colon tend to be hereditary, but that doesn't mean that you will develop a cancer in one of these areas if you have an immediate family member that has experienced the disease. Not all genetic mutations will develop into cancer, however, the mutation will increase the chance that the person will have a higher risk of developing cancer.

Only 10% of all breast cancer cases are thought to be hereditary. Some of the factors that increase the occurrence of hereditary breast cancer are breast cancer before age 45, male breast cancer, cancer in both breasts and many cases of breast and/or ovarian cancer on one side of the family. If you have two relatives from the same side of your family with breast cancer, your risk of getting the disease can be increased. However it does not mean that you will definitely get breast cancer. You also must keep in mind that the risk for hereditary cancer can be passed on from your mother or your father. You must look at both sides of the family.

The two hereditary mutations that are looked at for breast cancer are BRCA1 and BRCA2. The test for these two genetic factors are done by taking a blood sample. Both of these BRCA mutations (BReast CAncer 1 and 2) are associated with breast and ovarian cancers.

So what factors should you consider when thinking about genetic testing? The age and onset of breast cancer. What other types of cancer are present. What other family members have/had cancer and their relationship to you. When you meet with a genetic counselor, they will go over your family's medical history and information. This will include first-degree relatives, such as your parents, siblings and children. second-degree relatives like grandparents, aunts and uncles and your third-degree relatives or cousins.

Genetic testing can help a breast cancer patient make decisions about types of treatment and follow-care. A woman with the one of the BRCA mutations may decide to have both breasts removed completely to help reduce the risk of recurrence. Having your healthy breasts or ovaries removed to prevent cancer is called a "prophylactic surgery" and many women who test positive for the genetic mutations decide to go that route. They may just decide to take Tamoxifen to lower their risk.

Not only can women take advantage of risk reduction techniques based on the results of their genetic testing, there are also increased surveillance tools that can help high risk individuals with early detection. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and ultrasound are two tools that can be combined with a mammogram to detect breast cancer in its most treatable stage.

Not every person who carries a genetic mutation will develop cancer. You must remember that genetic testing does not detect breast cancer and it will not tell you if you will get breast cancer in your lifetime. The decision to participate in genetic testing is very personal and there is no right or wrong choice in making the decision to have it done.

Digestion and Debt Relief For Pancreatic Cancer Patients

Since my mother passed away from Pancreatic Cancer I have dedicated a large portion of my life to writing articles that will help Pancreatic Cancer patients improve the quality of their lives. Life is precious and until some are faced with a life threatening disease such as this many don't take the time to realize how fragile and valuable life can be. What can you do when your most valuable possession which is life is jeopardized? The answer is that you cherish what you have and you take the steps to make the very best out of the time that you have. This article deals with digestion and debt relief for Pancreatic Cancer Patients and their families.  

Digestion and debt relief may seem like two peculiar subjects to tackle but in essence dealing with these two issues can make a world of difference for Pancreatic Cancer patients and their loved ones. First I will deal with the matter of digestion for those dealing with this brutal Cancer as proper digestion is vital for the Pancreatic Cancer patient. The reason for this is that people with this disease are fighting to live as the Cancer fights back to destroy them. We all know the frequently used expression, "You are what you eat." The problem is that if you can't eat you become nothing because you eat nothing or in other words you die if you are unable to nourish your body.  

There are tons of books with nutritional plans and diet suggestions for Cancer patients full of fantastic advice on foods that can heal you or help you live longer but you have to be able to consume them to make it work. Pancreatic Cancer robs you of your digestive abilities in so many ways from stealing your appetite to causing great discomfort when you do eat. You can eat several small meals throughout the day, ingest vitamin rich and protein rich supplements and you can even take your digestive enzymes which are all recommended but there are just going to be times no matter what you do when it is hard to eat.    

A nifty little trick my dad found out helped my mother when she did it and more than likely it will help you or your loved one as well and I encourage them to do this faithfully. Consumption of the proper diet during Cancer is vital for strength and for some even recovery. One crisis associated with Pancreatic Cancer specifically is that the entire digestive system is disrupted making it one of the worse Cancers in existence. One simple little item eaten with every meal and snack can provide digestive relief and that is a dill pickle. There is something in the makeup of a dill pickle that aids in digestion and helps prevent acid reflux, sickness and pain associated with diseases that make it difficult for people to eat and digest food. If you are not doing this already you should begin eating a dill pickle with every intake of food and watch the difference. You will be pleasantly surprised and you have nothing to lose. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice it is just something that could possibly help you or your loved one live longer based upon something I've witnessed first hand. Try letting the dill deal with your digestive issues.  

The more a Pancreatic Cancer patient is able to eat especially of Cancer fighting foods; the better their quality of life will be. It doesn't do anyone much good to live long with a disease if they have a poor quality of life and for the Cancer patient quality of life is a critical treasure as you never know how much life you have. What if the ability to eat the right foods helps you live longer on this earth? What if? Aren't dill pickles worth a try? It was very painful seeing my mother not be able to eat. We would get so happy when she had an appetite and then to see her racked with pain after eating was always a scene that killed the joy of the victory we felt we had jachieved ust moments before hand. When the dill pickles helped her digest her food without complications and pain I gained new hope of a prolonged life or recovery for her but she didn't stay consistent with it and that was the downfall.  

Thankfully, you can learn from our mistakes. Sometimes it is tough to get a Cancer patient to do what it takes to make them live when they are on mind altering pain killers like morphine. What I recommend is to make sure somehow that the Cancer patient you know, especially those with Pancreatic Cancer continues the dill pickle eating regimen faithfully no matter what it takes. It always amazes me how a component to a cure can be a simple item we never paid attention to before. Two other treatments I recommend that you research on the internet for Cancer are the baking soda treatment and the asparagus treatment. Try everything reasonable until you find something that works.  

Secondly, I would like to deal with the topic of debt. Cancer is a very difficult disease to treat and most people don't have enough insurance coverage to deal with the high Cancer treatment bills. All of the medications we had to get for my mother were so numerous and costly that our annual prescription benefits ran out. Some prescriptions cost as much as $800 for a 10 day supply. It is absolutely outrageous that when a person is dying and paying their debt to life they have to almost break themselves just to live or live a little longer in the most peace they can find with the disease. I have a few FREE suggestions for you.

First and foremost please come to the realization that Cancer can happen to anyone. Cancer does not discriminate and no one is exempt. Cancer comes to the rich and the poor, the famous and unknown, the young and the old, the black, white, brown, red and yellow. I would suggest Aflac to everyone and I am not an Aflac agent but I had it years ago and I know that they offer a Cancer plan that pays you a claim upon diagnosis and also helps to pay what the insurance doesn't cover along with supplemental income payments. You would have to contact an agent to get more details. I just wanted to tell you a little about it in this article.

Next I would research studies that are being conducted for Cancer patients. Pancreatic Cancer is a Cancer that has been underserved when it comes to Cancer research and even recently bills have been passed for more Pancreatic Cancer research to be conducted. If a Pancreatic Cancer patient gets accepted into a study they are many times able to receive the latest cutting edge treatments for the disease and at no charge. I definitely recommend taking part in a study but if the treatment seems too hard on your body don't continue. Since Pancreatic Cancer is so difficult to diagnose it usually isn't diagnosed until it is already stage four and at that stage many times there is very little benefits that come from chemotherapy. My mother tried an experimental chemotherapy that did show improvement but  she was unable to continue with it due to its effects on her.

The third thing I want to share on the subject of debt relief is in regards to life insurance. The only thing I really have to say about this is make sure you have more than just enough life insurance to cover the funeral. Life insurance should be at an amount that covers funeral arrangements, as well as, bills and living expenses for those left behind. I am both sorry and not sorry to say that. Sorry because the reality that death may occur is very difficult to deal with. It is extremely hard to think about the one you love or even yourself not living anymore. I'm not sorry because it is a possible reality that must be dealt with. My mother left a lot bills for my father to deal with and in his and the family's grief it would have been nice not to have bill collectors callings while we ourselves were grieved to death from our loss. You have to think about income replacement, funeral expenses, bills and existing debt ahead of time. It will make things easier in the long run so please just do it.  

In addition to providing people with Pancreatic Cancer and Cancer in general with useful information based upon my experience with Cancer through my mother I have started a business that helps people become mortgage and debt free. Imagine the burden that can be lifted off of you when you own your home outright and have no mortgage payments. Now imagine what it would be like to not only have no mortgage payments but for your bills to be paid off as well such as car notes and credit card bills. Cancer can leave behind devastating debt such as medical and prescription bills on top of debt that was already present before the bills associated with the disease surfaced. Many Cancer patients have to get home care and then there is hospice, legal fees and funeral costs. My job is to help people clear the debt out of their lives so that they can go on living with less pressure.

The way I do this is by introducing people to a little known financial system developed in Australia that is now available in the US and Canada. It is not a bi-weekly or debt roll down program but an advanced financial system that allows people to pay off their mortgages and debt in one third to one half the time allowing them to save thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars in interest while becoming mortgage and debt free. It would have been so much easier on my dad if his home was paid off while my mother went through her dramatic episode with Pancreatic Cancer. Had his mortgage and debt been paid off before she was diagnosed more money would have been available during the Cancer treatment process. You would be amazed as to how many people go into debt while they or a loved one has Cancer. Debt can add up quickly by charging medical bills and medication on credit cards. Some people even skip their house notes to pay medical bills as it is the most important issue at that time. I don't want to help you prioritize debt I want to help you be free from the burden of debt and if you are a home owner I want you to be mortgage free as well.

One person that recently went through this program that I am offering had 8 years left on their mortgage when they started and paid off their mortgage, truck note and credit card debt in less than 13 months with virtually no changes to their current lifestyle on the same income they had always been on. Cancer really hurts badly for the Cancer patient and for those who know and love Cancer victims. I will give you a free analysis on how you can be mortgage and debt free in 1/3 to ½ the time on your current income to see if I can help you in any way. I am also available for contact for more suggestions on dealing with Cancer; specifically Pancreatic Cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Breast Cancer Survivors - How to Prevent Cancer From Returning After Chemo Or Radiation Therapy

The most common cancers are the prostate (for men) and breast (for women), followed by lung and colorectal cancers. Next is bladder cancer for men, uterine cancer for women, lymphoma for men, ovarian cancer for women.

This insidious disease is not limited to just men and women, even children and some of our pet animals become victims to this dreadful disease.


Next to heart disease, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. All cancers results from a mutation or change of genes that control cell growth (American Medical Association).

The causes of this mutation includes: carcinogens, cigarette smoke, heavy metals, pesticides, radiation from X-rays, radiation from the sun, poor diet and etc.

It must be emphasized that many cancers can be prevented through the three-fold regiment of diet, avoidance of carcinogens(cancer-causing agents) and reinforced bodily defenses.


According to the American Medical Association (AMA) there are nearly 180,000 new cases of breast cancer in American woman each year, and more than 40,000 deaths from the cancer. Five to 10 percent of women with breast have a mother or sister with breast cancer (two gene mutations called BRCA1 and 2)

Now here's something interesting. The vast majority of women who develop breast cancer have no family history of the disease. So now, with that behinds us let's focus on getting helpful suggestions on how to handle this health challenge successfully.


Diet... Fiber intake---Boosting fiber consumption to between 20 and 30 grams daily-- double the amount of most people-- may lower the amount of estrogen circulating the bloodstream. Eat more beans, lentils, fresh fruit, veggies and whole grain (AMA).

Reinforced Bodily Defense... The most powerful protector and fighter against cancer is Glutathione (GSH). Hundreds of medical articles have been written describing the role of GSH in cancer prevention and cancer treatment. They fall into the three main groups:

Prevention- includes detoxification of carcinogens, anti oxidation and heightened immune response.
Therapeutic possibilities- anti-tumor methodologies and the treatment and prevention of wasting.
Special role for GSH- in chemo therapy and radiation therapy whereby it minimizing it's side -effects.


Dr. Jimmy Gutman in his book "Glutathione Your Key To Health" page 6 says- GSH is the most powerful antioxidant occurring naturally in your body. The effectiveness of other antioxidants like vitamins C and E depends on glutathione.

A study published by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute illustrated that a well-functioning glutathione enzyme system wards off cancer. Glutathione (GSH) soak up oxy-radicals and other radicals as they form in the cell.

GSH therefore provides both preventative and therapeutic advantages. This is mainly because elevated glutathione levels enable the body to produce more white blood cells (cells that protect the body from disease and infection)


I had the pleasure and opportunity to interview Susie of Florida.

Interviewer--- Susie, when were you first diagnose with breast cancer?
Susie-----------In January 2003.

Interviewer---- What was your first concern?
Susie----------- Find some help with my procedures. You see, I had no insurance to cover my expenses, so I was looking for some less expensive but effective alternative.

Interviewer----- What options came to mind?
Susie------------ First, and foremost was to get a second opinion.

Interviewer------ What procedure was done in your case?
Susie------------- Surgery to remove the infected lymph node.

Interviewer------ What followed, chemotherapy or radiotherapy?
Susie-------------- Neither, I refused both because of side-effects. My doctor disagreed initially with my decision. A friend got me in contact with a immune system research company that provided me information on a clinically proven natural technology that helps the immune system fight cancer. This whey protein isolate help optimize my immune system to produce more glutathione.

Interviewer------ What is your prognosis now?
Susie------------- As of April 2008, my doctor told me that my test shows me to be cancer free.

Interviewer------- What post-cancer suggestions would you like to share with other breast cancer victims?
Susie-------------- After you complete your procedures, exercise regularly, diet (include fruits and veggies), take high quality nutritional supplements and most importantly, attain and maintain a healthy immune system by raising glutathione levels. I take my special whey protein isolate every single day, because it saved my life. I am convinced that by doing these I will prevent my cancer from returning!

A weak or compromised immune system leaves the body cells vulnerable to free radical damage that can trigger cancer. There are other factors that creates a cancerous environment. Both humans and animals can become victims to cancer.

The most powerful and aggressive fighter against cancer is the master antioxidant.. Glutathione. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Raising Glutathione(GSH) will help to protect your body against. CANCER.

Cancer: Healing the Mind and Soul Besides Going After the Tumor

Cancer: The Monster That Kills?

For most people, a cancer diagnosis means death. Unfortunately, the world is primed to the idea that cancer always kills. It is not necessarily so. I have often told cancer patients: You don't have to die of cancer. I do not have cancer but I may die earlier than you. So take it easy and don't worry so much. It is not good for your healing. I do not say this just to please them. I have seen so many miraculous healings of cancer cases that I remain in awe, preferring to experience them, rather than to reason.

Karl Menniger (in The Vital Balance) wrote: "Cancer is said to kill some patients who would otherwise not have died so quickly from it". Abraham Khazam (in You Don't Have to Die From Cancer) said: "You don't have to die from cancer and many people die unnecessarily and prematurely from this wrong word, which is a wrong belief that produces a wrong mental set."

Mindset of Cancer Patients

Cancer patients are not ordinary people. They may show the following characteristics:

1) Cancer patients are very frightened people even though some of them do not show their fear. They may put up a false front.

2) Cancer patients are people in distress. At the back of their mind they only think that they are going to die soon. The future can never be certain anymore.

3) Cancer patients are intensely anxious people. They may be in a hypnotic-like state. As such, they are highly gullible and are highly receptive to any suggestion. They would grab at any straw that promises a cure.

4) Cancer patients are emotional people. They are not capable of rational thinking. Reasoning and logic do not apply to the emotional mind.

5) Cancer patients are highly sensitive persons. They will find reference to their problems just about everywhere. Every word and action of people surrounding them appeared to be directed at them.

6) Cancer patients are demoralised people. They feel hopeless, helpless and are in great despair. They feel powerless and frustrated. They feel that there is nothing that they can do to help themselves and there is nothing that others can do to help them. They suffer from the inside and the world does not seem to care or be able to help.

One Person, Two Diseases

When you are told by the doctor that you have cancer, what does he really mean? This is an odd question to ask, is it not? Many of us, doctors included, see only the biological cancer in you; that is to say, all of us think of cancer as the presence of malignant tumors in the body. We have been trained to think in terms of the visible and measurable aspects of the body.

Let me tell you that there is more to having cancer than the mere presence of the biological disease. Medicine tends to ignore or neglect the fact that a person with cancer also suffers from emotional or psychological cancer. This type of cancer does not show up in the X-ray film or blood test results. Emotional cancer is equally serious if not more serious than the biological cancer. Emotional cancer leads to psychogenic death. Such death comes after patients are being diagnosed with cancer. They die unnecessarily so, long before the biological cancer may even have the chance to kill them. Such a death is a result of self-destruction arising from a wrong conviction that one must die when one gets cancer. In short, this is like the voodoo or bone-pointing death curse. Unfortunately, this death goes unrecognised and unrecorded because it is presumed that deaths of cancer patients is caused by biological cancer.

Today, cancer patients could be under a modern day voodoo curse. They are told that they have contracted cancer and with it too come the doctor's prognosis - only three to six months to live, etc.
There is no more chance. Death is inevitable. Prepare yourself. This curse is made real in the emotional mind of cancer patients in two ways:

1) The wrong mindset of the patients themselves. They fully believe in their doctors and what they say. As patients they feel hopeless and helpless. They believe they will die of cancer!

2) The social pressure brought about by the wrong mindset of family members, relatives, friends, doctors, nursing staff and many others. While these people may have good intentions, they may unfortunately have the wrong mindset.

I am reminded of Madam Kiew, a breast cancer patient who came to see me many years ago. She was warded in a private hospital after having her cancerous breast removed. A nurse came to her ward one day and said: "You must realise that you are suffering from cancer. This is a serious disease. You have no chance at all. You will die soon." Madam Kiew was devastated and confused. She came to my house crying and pleading with us to help her. She said she was not ready to die yet -- her only daughter was still small. We understood her distress. Of course the nurse did not realise that what she did and said was very destructive. It amounted to pushing Madam Kiew to her death -- to follow the usual, expected path. Many well-meaning friends, relatives and even doctors commit similar deadly mistakes.

Treatment of Cancer

Having understood the above, perhaps it would be easier now for us to understand that there is more to cancer treatment than the surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and drugs that the doctors ask you to undergo or take. Medical science only addresses the physical aspect of the biological cancer, leaving a big hollow or void with regards to the emotions. This is inadequate and unsatisfactory. What the world needs is to recognise and address the emotional or psychological cancers that exist in the patients. These are equally destructive forces that eat up the patients from within. Psychology is still often viewed with suspicion. Perhaps the study about the problems of the head is only relevant in cases of mad men? I have a strong feeling that it may take too long for modern medicine to come to terms with the new truth that man is not only a physical body but consists of the mind and soul. Healing must address all these three.

About Cancer Treatment

Cancer treatment is one of the key concepts related to the study of cancer. Understanding the treatment for cancer is very important to treat the tumors with maximum reliability. This also helps in treating the tumors with least damage to the body of the victim and proves advantageous in minimizing the chances of redevelopment of tumor cells.

Understanding cancer treatment

Treatment for cancerous infections is very sensitive and should be taken in the right manner. Taking any unsuitable or unreliable treatment for cancer can be very risky and cause an irreversible damage to the body cells and tissues. Intensity and tenure of treatment for cancer depends on the character and growth of malignant tumors. Tumor cells can be controlled effectively if detected in time. Chances of curing these malignant cells decrease with an increase in the intensity of cancerous infection. Thus, thorough detection and diagnosis of cancer tumors is very important to plan out the right kind of treatment.

Treatment for cancer usually means the efforts taken for diagnosing and treating the abnormal cells. Main aim of the treatment is to kill the malignant cells and prevent them from further infecting the victim's body. When the cancerous cells invade healthy cells and tissues, such normal tissues and cells are forced to behave abnormally due to lack of vital resources like oxygen and blood. Such abnormal behavior can cause severe damage to some of the vital parts of the body if not controlled in time.

Hence, one of the major concerns of the treatment for cancer is to restrict the cancerous cells from metastasizing. It may use some of the harshest medical techniques to curb or kill such cells as their presence cannot be tolerated for too long. Another main purpose of the treatment is to restore strong immune system in the victim's body to make him more resistible to cancer attack in future. This also helps in gaining maximum benefits from the prescribed medication.

Dimensions of cancer treatment

Taking an apt treatment for cancer is very important to eliminate or curb the abnormal cell growth. Origin of the cancerous cells is the most important aspect in planning a proper treatment for cancer. Not all cancers metastasize at the same pace. Some cancers like the ones originating in the bones, head and neck areas, bloodstream, lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes and breast grow at a faster pace as compared to other forms. Also, these forms of cancers contribute to the maximum cancer deaths worldwide and need a severe form of treatment.

Treatment for cancer also depends upon the nature of tumors. Tumors are usually benign or cancerous. Benign tumors are also termed as non-cancerous or pre-cancerous and are generally harmless to the human body. They do not kill or invade normal cells and tissues and restrict themselves to a particular region. They can be controlled easily because of their inability to metastasize. Also, some of the basic forms of treatments like surgery and regular medication are sufficient to control such tumors and they show very less chances to redevelop.

Cancerous tumors are the ones that are actually responsible for cancerous development in the body. These tumors damage the live cells and tissues very badly and do not allow them to function efficiently. Such cells become abnormal over a period of time and accumulate to form a lump or tumor. These cancerous tumors have high chances of recurrence and metastasize very rapidly. Such malignant tumors need a harsh form of treatment as compared to the benign ones and should be treated under thorough medical supervision.

Age, sex and personal or medical history of the disease also matters in prescribing a viable treatment for cancer. Personal habits and physical attributes also play a main role in undergoing cancer cure. Causes and symptoms may vary form person to person and primarily depend on the organ or the area in which the malignant tumors develop.

Cancer Treatment

Common cancer treatments

Treatments for cancer can be of various types and usually depends upon the cancer stage a person is suffering from.

Surgery is the most common and basic kind of treatment. It is very effective for treating benign tumors. It can also reliably treat the cancerous tumors formed in the initial or the first stage of cancer. Surgery is also recommended for treating tumors in the second and third stages of cancer but can be accompanied by some other treatments like chemical and radiation therapy.

Chemotherapy is another important kind of treatment to cure cancerous tumors. It is usually recommended if the cancer has reached an advanced stage. This treatment can also be prescribed in second and third stages of the disease and can be undertaken simultaneously with surgery.

Radiotherapy is the most advanced form of cancer treatment and is usually taken as the last resort for treating malignant tumors. It focuses more on killing the cells and destroying the infected areas instead of treating the tumors individually. Thus, this also leads to a severe damage to the cells and tissues adjacent to the infected areas and causes a permanent damage to the overall body-functioning.

Cancer treatments are usually severe and should be taken after considering the overall ability of the victim to tolerate such treatments. Treating cancer is a continuous process and depends mainly upon the response of cancer patient. The disease can be treated effectively if the patient responds well to the treatment and undergoes minimum side effects.

Do I Have Cancer?


There are over 100 different types of cancer. Each type of cancer can have different symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment options. As a result, there are many terminologies and phrases that are used to describe the type, symptoms and diagnosis of cancer, and treatment methods. It is often very confusing as well as frustrating for the readers if too many medical jargons or terminologies are used in describing this condition. It is difficult for readers to understand the context of the topic or take any action, if required, after reading any article or book on cancers. As a result, the information is often misinterpreted or not fully understood or comprehended.

In this 3rd article of my cancer series, I would like to explain in very simple terms all phrases and terminologies used in describing a cancer. This will help readers in understanding the cancer terms, types of cancer, common diagnosis and treatment terminologies, and the health personnel involved in management of cancer. These are described in alphabetical order here.

Ablation: removal or destruction of body part or tissue. Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) therapy involves destroying cancer tissue with heat. RFA is commonly used in the treatment of lung, liver and kidney tumors.

Adenocarcinoma: cancer that begins from lining of internal organs or from skin

Adenoma: a non-cancer tumor that starts from glands

Adenopathy: swollen glands

Adjunct or adjunctive therapy: another treatment used together with primary treatment. For example, radiotherapy is sometimes given after surgery to treat cancer as adjunctive treatment.

Anal: of anus, anal cancer

Anorexia: an abnormal loss of appetite for food.

Asbestos: a group of minerals that are found in the form of tiny fibres. It is used as insulation against heat and fire in buildings. Asbestos dust when breathed into the lungs can lead to cancer of lungs and mesothelioma.

Asthenia: feeling or weakness or lack of energy. This is common in late stage cancer.

Astrocyte: this is a type of cell in the brain or spinal cord. Astrocytoma is a tumor that begins in astrocytes.

Asymptomatic: having no signs or symptoms of disease. Most cancers are asymptomatic in the early stages.

Axillary lymph node dissection: removal of lymph nodes in the axilla. This may be done in the treatment of breast cancer.

B-cell lymphoma: A type of cancer that forms in B cells.

Barrett esophagus: this is a condition where the cells lining the lower part of the esophagus have changed or been replaced by abnormal cells that could lead to cancer of the esophagus. The regurgitation of the contents of stomach into the esophagus over time can lead to Barrett esophagus.

Basal cells: they are small round cells found in the lower part of epidermis. The cancer that begins in the basal cells is called basal cell cancer or basal cell carcinoma.

Benign: not cancerous, also called non-malignant. Malignant tumor is a cancerous growth.For example, fibroadenoma is a benign tumor of breast whereas as adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumor of the breast.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia: this is a non-cancerous condition of prostate where there is overgrowth of prostate tissue.

Biological therapy: this is a type of treatment that uses substances made from living organisms or its products to boost or restore the ability of the immune system to fight cancer. Examples of biological agents include vaccines, interleukins and monoclonal antibodies.

Biopsy: the removal of cells or tissues from the cancer or suspected cancer area for examination by a pathologist. This is the most sure way of diagnosing cancer.

Bone marrow ablation: This is a procedure that is used to destroy bone marrow using radiation or high doses of anticancer drugs. It is done before a bone marrow or blood stem cell transplant to kill cancer cells and bone marrow cells. This is a part of intensive treatment of some leukemias.

Bone marrow aspiration: this is a procedure in which a small sample of bone marrow is removed with a wide needle and syringe and sent to laboratory to check for cancer cells. If a small sample of bone with bone marrow inside it is removed, it is called bone marrow biopsy.

Bone marrow transplantation: A procedure that is used to replace bone marrow that has been destroyed by treatment with high doses of anticancer drugs or radiation.

Bone metastasis: cancer that has spread to bone from the original (primary) site.

Brachytherapy: it is also called internal radiotherapy. In this type of radiation therapy, radioactive materials sealed in needles, seeds, catheters or wires are placed directly into or near a tumor.

BRCA1 and BRCA2: these are genes on chromosomes 17 and 13 respectively. A person who is born with changes (mutations) in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes has higher risk of getting breast, ovaries and prostate cancer.

Breast reconstruction: a surgery that is done to rebuild the shape of the breast after removing breast.

Breast self-examination: a woman examines her breasts to check for lumps or other changes.

Bronchogenic carcinoma: cancer that begins in the tissue that lines or covers the airways of the lungs.

Cancer antigen 125 or CA-125: a substance that may be found in high amounts in the blood of patients with certain types of cancer, including ovarian cancer.

Cachexia: loss of muscle mass and body weight. Cachexia is seen in patients in late stage cancer.

Cancer: this is a condition where there is uncontrolled division of abnormal cells.

Carcinogen: any substance that causes cancer, for example, tobacco smoke contains more than 50 carcinogens. Benzene is a carcinogen for leukemias.

Carcinogenesis: it is a process whereby normal cells start changing into cancer cells.

Carcinoma: it is a cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line the internal organs of the body. For example squamous cell carcinoma of skin or adenocarcinoma of gallbladder.

Carcinoma in situ: these are abnormal cells (not cancer) but can become cancer cells and spread. They are also said to be in stage 0 of cancer for example, cervical carcinoma in situ.

Carcinoma of unknown primary (cup): in this type of cancer, cancer cells are found in some parts of the body, but the place where the cancer cells first started to grow cannot be determined.

Cervical: of cervix, cervical cancer

Colostomy: colostomy is an operation that connects the colon to the outside of the body through the abdominal wall.

Cryosurgery: this is a procedure in which tissue is frozen to destroy abnormal cells. Liquid nitrogen or liquid carbon dioxide is used to freeze the tissues. It is also called cryotherapy or cryosurgical ablation.

Cyst: a sac in the body; cysts in the ovary are very common.

Cytotoxic drugs: drugs that kill cells.

Dilatation and curettage (D&C): this is a procedure where some tissues are removed from the lining of uterus or cervix. The cervix is first made larger (dilated) with a instrument called dilator and another instrument called cutrette is inserted into the uterus to remove the tissue. The removed tissue sample may be sent to laboratory to check for abnormal or cancer cells.

Debulking: this is the surgical removal of as much of a tumor as possible. This type of operation is usually done to relieve symptoms of cancer in the late stages of the disease.

Dermal: of skin

Duodenal: of duodenum, duodenal cancer

Dysplastic nevi: it is also called atypical moles and have a tendency to develop into melanoma.

Endometrial: of endometrium, endometrial cancer

Esophageal: of esophagus, esophageal cancer

Euthanasia: the intentional killing of a person to end his/her sufferings. It is also called mercy killing.

Excision: removal by surgery, for example, excision of melanoma from skin.

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP): this is an inherited condition in which many polyps form on the inside walls of the colon and rectum. FAP increases the risk of colorectal cancers.

Familial atypical multiple mole melanoma syndrome (FAMMM): this is an inherited condition that increases the risk of melanoma and pancreatic cancer.

Familial cancer: cancers that occur in families more often than in general population, for example, breast or colorectal cancer.

Fecal occult blood test (FOBT): this is a test to check for blood in the stool. This is a screening test for bowel cancer.

Fibroadenoma: this is a benign tumor of breast.

Fibroid: a benign tumor that arises from smooth muscle, for example, uterine fibroid.

First-degree relatives: this includes the parents, brothers, sisters, or children of an individual.

Fistula: an abnormal opening or passage between two organs or between an organ and the surface of the body.

Follow-up: monitoring a person's health condition over time after treatment.

Gardasil: this is a vaccine to prevent infections by human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16, 18, 6 and 11. It is used to prevent cervical, vulvar, and vaginal cancers caused by these viruses.

Gastrectomy: an operation to remove all or part of the stomach.

Gastric: of stomach, gastric cancer

Gastric feeding tube: a tube that is inserted through the nose, down the throat and esophagus, and into the stomach to give liquid foods, liquids and drugs. Feeding tubes are often inserted in patients who have mouth, throat, neck and esophageal cancers, particularly when the surgery is extensive or combined with radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Gastrotomy or PEG tube: this type of tube is inserted directly into the stomach through an opening in the skin and abdominal wall. This type of tube can be used for long-term feeding.

Gene: genes are pieces of DNA and contain the information for making a specific protein that is passed from parent to offspring. Genetic means related to genes.

Genetic counselor: a health professional trained in counseling on the genetic risk of diseases. This may involve discussing the person's personal and family medical history and may lead to genetic testing.

Genetic testing: this is analyzing DNA to look for genetic change (mutation) that may indicate increased risk for cancer.

Genital warts: these are raised growths in the genital areas caused by human papilloma virus HPV) infection.

Germ cells: these are reproductive cells of the body and include egg cells in women and sperm cells in men. Tumors that arise from germ cells are called germ cell tumors.

Gleason score: this is a system of grading prostate cancer tissue based on how it looks under a microscope. Gleason scores range from 2 to 10 and indicate how likely it is that a tumor will spread. A low Gleason score means the cancer tissue is less likely to spread whereas a high Gleason score means the cancer tissue is more likely to spread.

Hematuria: blood in the urine.

Hemoptysis: coughing out blood from the respiratory tract.

Hemorrhoid: swollen blood vessel, usually seen in the anus or the rectum

Hepatic: of liver, hepatic cancer

Hepatoblastoma: it is a type of liver cancer more common in infants and children.

Hepatocellular carcinoma: this is the most common type of liver cancer.

Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC): this is an inherited disorder in which the affected individuals have a higher-than-normal chance of developing colorectal cancer.

High intensity focused ultrasound: (HIFU): this is a procedure in which high-energy sound waves are aimed directly at the cancer or abnormal cells. These waves create heat and kill the abnormal or cancer cells. Some types of prostate cancers are treated with HIFU.

Histology: the study of cells and tissues under a microscope.

History: the signs and symptoms the patient may have for a particular disease

Hysterectomy: an operation where uterus and/or cervix are removed. When both uterus and the cervix are removed, it is called a total hysterectomy. When only the uterus is removed, it is called a partial hysterectomy.

Immunotherapy: a treatment that boosts body's immune system to fight cancer, for example, immunotherapy of bladder cancer with BCG vaccine.

Implant: a substance or object that is put in the body as prosthesis, for example, breast implant after removal of breast for cancer.

Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT): this is a type of radiation therapy that uses computer-generated images to show the size and shape of the tumor and direct thin beams of radiation at the tumor from different angles. This type of radiation therapy reduces the damage to healthy tissue near the tumor.

In situ: means 'in its original place'. Carcinoma in situ means the abnormal cells are found only in the place they were first formed and have not spread nearby.

Incidence of cancer: the number of new cases of a cancer diagnosed each year.

Incision: a cut made in the body by a surgeon to perform surgery.

Induction therapy: this is the initial treatment given to reduce a cancer, for example, induction therapy for acute myeloid leukemia.

Intrathecal chemotherapy: treatment in which anticancer drugs are injected into the fluid-filled space between the tissue that cover the brain and spinal cord.

Intravenous (IV) chemotherapy: treatment in which anticancer drugs are injected into a vein through a canula.

Labial: of lip

Laryngeal: of larynx, laryngeal cancer

Laser surgery: a surgical procedure that uses intense, narrow beams of light to cut and destroy cancer tissue.

Leukemia: a cancer that starts in blood forming tissues such as bone marrow.

Lymphedema: a condition where extra lymph fluid builds up in tissues and causes swelling. This can be seen in the arm after breast operations.

Malignant: means cancerous. Malignancy is the term used to describe malignant cells that invade and destroy tissues.

Mass: a lump. It can be benign mass or malignant mass.

Mastectomy: removal of breast.

Medical oncologist: a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating cancer using chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, biological therapy, and targeted therapy.

Mesothelioma: cancer arising from the mesothelial lining of the pleura (covering of lung)

Melanoma: the cancer that begins in melanocytes. Common site is the skin but can also occur in the eyes.

Metastasis: the spread of cancer from one part of the body to another. The cancer that is formed by cells that have spread from original site is called metastatic cancer or metastatic tumor.

Mucosal: of mucosa, mucosal lining of vagina

Mutate: means 'to change'. Mutation means change in DNA of a cell.

Nasal: of nose, nasal polyp

Neoplasia: it is an abnormal and uncontrolled cell growth.

Neoplasm: it is an abnormal mass of tissue. Neoplasms can be benign or malignant (cancer).
Nodule: it is a growth or lump or mass that can be benign or malignant.

Oncogene: this is a changed or mutated gene and may cause growth of cancer cells.

Oncology: the study of cancer

Oncologist: a doctor who specializes in treating cancer.

Oral: of mouth, oral cancer

Ovarian: of ovary, ovarian cancer

Palliative therapy or treatment: this is the treatment given to relieve the symptoms and reduce the suffering of cancer patient. Palliative care aims to improve the quality of life of patients.

Pancreatic: of pancreas, pancreatic cancer

Pharyngeal: of pharynx, pharyngeal cancer

PAP test: this is a procedure in which cells are scraped from the cervix and examined under a microscope. This test is done to detect cancer or to detect changes in the cervix that may lead to cancer.

Partial: not whole, partly, for example, partial gastrectomy which means part of stomach is removed.

Penectomy: surgery to remove part or the entire penis

Penile: of penis, penile cancer

Plastic surgery: a surgical procedure that improves the appearance of body structures. The person who does plastic surgery is called plastic surgeon. Plastic surgeons are involved in many reconstruction surgeries of breast, vagina or face after cancer treatment.

Polyps: these are small growths that arise from mucous membrane of colon and rectum.

Precancerous (premalignant) is a condition that may become cancer later.

Proctoscopy: examination of the rectum using a proctoscope, inserted into the rectum.

Prognosis: the likely outcome of cancer. The prognosis of most cancers in advanced stage is poor.

Prophylactic surgery: this is a surgery to remove part of a body or organ with no signs of cancer but in an attempt to prevent development of cancer in that organ in future. For example, prophylactic mastectomy or prophylactic removal of ovaries are sometimes done.

Prostatic: of prostate, prostatic cancer

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA): this is a protein produced by prostate gland. The level of PSA in blood may be increased in men who have prostate cancer or enlarged prostate.

Pulmonary: of lung

Radiation oncologist: a doctor who specializes in using radiation to treat cancer.

Radiation physicist: a person who makes sure that the radiation machine delivers the right amount of radiation to the correct site in the body.

Radiation therapist: a health professional who gives radiation treatment.

Radiofrequency ablation: a procedure that uses radio waves to heat and destroy abnormal and cancer cells.

Recurrent cancer: cancer that has come back after treatment or after being undetectable for a period of time. The cancer is said to have recurred.

Refractory cancer or resistant cancer: cancer that does not respond to treatment.

Regimen: it is a treatment plan where the dosage, the schedule and the duration of treatment is specified.

Relative survival rate: it is an estimated number that compares the chances that a person with cancer will survive after the diagnosis or treatment of a cancer with those who do not have the cancer. It is usually calculated in terms of 2, 5 or 10 years. For example, the 5-year relative survival rate for colorectal cancer in America, if detected and treated early, is 90%.

Remission: this means disappearance of or decrease in signs and symptoms of cancer. A cancer is said to be in complete remission when there are no signs and symptoms of cancer; it is in partial remission if some signs and symptoms of cancer have disappeared.

Renal: of kidney, renal cancer

Resection: removal of part or all of an organ.

Risk factor: a risk factor is something that increases the chance of developing a cancer. For example, smoking is a risk factor for many cancers.

Screening: checking for diseases when there are no symptoms of cancer. Examples of cancer screening tests include PAP tests, mammogram, and colonoscopy.

Sentinel lymph node: it is the first lymph node to which cancer is likely to spread from the primary tumor.

Staging of cancer: this is doing examinations and tests to find out the extent of cancer in the body and also whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Staging cancer helps to give best treatment to the patient.

Stem cell: a cell from which other types of cells develop. For example, red blood cells develop from blood-forming stem cells.

Stent: it is a device that is placed in a body structure to keep it open. For example, a stent may be inserted in the bile duct if it is blocked by cancer of gallbladder.

Stoma: this is an opening made surgically from an area inside the body to the outside. For example, colostomy has a stoma in the abdominal wall.

Surgical menopause: a woman stops to have menstrual period following removal of her ovaries. This is seen in operations on cancers of ovaries or uterus.

Surgical oncologist: a doctor who performs surgical procedures in cancer patients.

Systemic chemotherapy: treatment of cancer with chemotherapy drugs that travel through bloodstream and reach cells all over the body.

Targeted therapy: a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs or other substances to identify and attack specific cancer cells.

Testicular: of testis, testicular cancer

Thermotherapy: treatment of disease using heat.

Topical treatment: medicines that are applied on the surface of the body, for example, Aldara cream is applied topically on the skin to treat basal cell cancer.

Ulcer: this is a break on the skin or in the lining of an organ. For example, an ulcer on the face may be a sign of basal cell carcinoma.

Urethral: of urethra, urethral discharge

Uterine: of uterus, uterine cancer

Urologic oncologist: a doctor who specializes in treating cancers of the urinary system.

Vaginal of vagina, vaginal cancer

Visceral: of the viscera, viscera mean internal organs. Visceral pain is pain coming

Vulval or vulvar: of vulva, vulval pr vulvar cancer

Wart: a raised growth on the surface of the skin or other organs.

Watchful waiting: This involves closely watching a patient's condition but not giving any active treatment. This is used in certain cancers like prostate or myeloma where the cancer progresses very slowly.

Wedge resection: this is a surgical procedure where a triangular piece of tissue is removed in order to treat a cancer.