Unlocking the Secrets to Cancer in China

Throughout the world, cancer remains a leading cause of death. All told, more than six million people around the globe die of the disease each year. Cancer has become a particular concern in China, where the mortality rate from the disease has been on the rise. In fact, some 1.5 million people in China died of cancer in the year 2000.

For Chinese men, the most common form of cancer is cancer of the stomach, followed by liver cancer, cancer of the oesophagus, lung cancer, and intestinal cancers. Stomach cancer is also most common for women, followed by uterine, oesophagus, lung, and liver cancer.

An Increase in Western Cancers

Because of the increase in economic development in China, it appears that the nation is witnessing an increase in cancers most common in the West. As a result, the incidence of breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers in China is expected to rise exponentially. This stands to reason, given the fact that such cancers have increased a great deal in Taiwan and Hong Kong as those nations have modernized.

In an effort to stem the cancer tide, the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association is screening a million Chinese women over six years. The project is designed to help save lives through early detection.
Geographical Considerations

Cancers in China also appear to vary by geography. For the most part, cancer is most prevalent in East China, North China, and Northwest China. Cancer is decidedly less common in South China, Southwest China, and Northeast China. It has been said that the highest cancer mortality rate occurs in the city of Shanghia and in the provinces of Jaingsu, Fujian, and Zhejiang.

For cancer of the oesophagus in particular, the worst mortality rate occurs in North China, specifically the Henan, Hebei, and Shanxi provinces. It appears that, in the outer reaches of these provinces, the mortality rate is less severe than in the inner reaches. There is some indication that oesophagus cancer may be linked to nitrites, although the evidence is not conclusive.

The Tobacco Factor

Because of widespread tobacco use in China, cases of lung cancer in the nation are expected to increase significantly. Currently, China is home to some 320 million smokers--in fact, it's considered to be the smoking capital of the world. By the year 2025, as many as two million Chinese residents may die of lung cancer and other tobacco-related diseases each year.

Other Risk Factors

There are additional environmental factors which may contribute to the increase in cancer in China. For instance, an upsurge in the Hepatitis B infection may be responsible for the high incidence of liver cancer in the Asian nation. And stomach cancer may be exacerbated by the Chinese diet of high-salt fermented food and unsanitary food storage procedures.

Examining Oesophageal Cancer In-Depth

Because of the prevalence of cancer of the oesophagus in China, it only makes sense that researchers would take a closer look at ways the Chinese might be able to cut their risk for this form of cancer.

A research team at the Harbin Medical College in China decided to zero in on the factors leading to oesophageal cancer in northeast China. In an article entitled, "Risk Factors for Oesophageal Cancer in Northeast China," J. Hu and his research team document a hospital-based study of oesophageal cancer in the Heilongjiang Province.

It should be pointed out that this province is actually a low-risk area for this form of cancer. However, from May of 1985 to May of 1989, dozens of cancer patients were interviewed in the wards of several major hospitals for the purpose of the study.

Serious Risk Factors

The research team gathered evidence relating to diet, socio-economic status, incidence of smoking, and alcohol use. Not surprisingly, the researchers found that smoking and alcohol consumption appeared to be significant risk factors for cancer of the oesophagus. Those people who had smoked handmade cigarettes were at the greatest risk.

Reducing the Risk

The Chinese researchers found that there were demonstrated ways that people could reduce their risk of developing oesophageal cancer. For instance, eating a greater amount of fruits and vegetables lowered oesophageal cancer risk by 35 percent. By the same token, upping vitamin C intake by 100 mg reduced the risk of cancer of the oesophagus by 39 percent.

The researchers also found that using salt did not seem to increase the risk for oesophageal cancer. Likewise, foods preserved in salt and pickled vegetables offered no heightened risk.

Combating Cancer Over the Long Term

Treating cancer of the oesophagus and other cancers is a particular challenge in China and the rest of the developing world. That's because the cancers tend to be discovered late when the chances of successful treatment are much lower. Treatment may also be difficult because the nation's pain medications tend to be less effective than those found in the West. As a result, groups such as the American Cancer Society are working to improve the quality of life for Chinese cancer patients, particularly in the area of pain medication.

How Lung Cancer Support Groups Are Helping Cancer Victims

On Feb. 16, 2009, a non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) victim, Karen Parles died of complications from her illness. In her 11 year struggle, Karen courageously searched out means and ways through the establishment of her website for the benefit and information of lung cancer victims and their families. She joined forces with other advocacy and support groups. Before she passed away, her efforts bore fruit and now lung cancer patients, survivors and caregivers have gained a new sense of respect from the worldwide community with all kinds of assistance being provided.

In 1978, Richard A. Bloch decided to fight back after being told that he had only 3 months to live with his stage 4 lung cancer. He fought aggressively and after two years of various treatments, he was declared cancer free. Richard devoted the rest of his life to provide hope for cancer victims to fight back and beat this deadly disease. He and wife Anne wrote two books, Guide to Cancer Supporters and Cancer... There's Hope and Fighting Cancer.

The R.A. Bloch National Cancer Foundation was set up in 1980 to help patients seek prompt, proper and thorough treatment. Their 24/7 hotline provides peer-to-peer counseling by phone that matches patients with a network of nearly 500 cancer survivors with a survivor with the same type of illness. Their head office volunteers answer calls and emails worldwide and provide information, inspiration, encouragement and support to patients who are eager to hear that there is hope of survival. They also give the Bloch books for free except for shipping fees for bulk cases.

Treatment of cancer is expensive. Another support group is CancerCare. For more than 60 years, this organization has provided financial assistance to help victims defray expenses for homecare, childcare and pain medications with their CancerCare Financial Assistance. Their social workers have the knowhow to provide the appropriate assistance. They also have a Co-Payment Assistance Foundation who gives financial help to NSCLC patients who have difficulties in their insurance payments for medications.

CancerCare is also a part of the association of online lung cancer support groups. They serve patients and their families throughout the United States. Their well-trained oncology social workers provide support by phone calls and emails through internet 24/7. They have online support groups for teens from 13-19 years old who have parents with cancer. It is called CancerCare for Kids.

Another online group is the Cancer Survivors Network, a part of the American Cancer Society which facilitates discussion groups and chat rooms for survivors and their loved ones. A free online community for survivors is Gilda'sClub Worldwide. They also have clubhouses nationwide for a person-to-person support. For matching services for one-on-one cancer interaction, the Lung Cancer Alliance (LCA) offers the Phone Buddy Program where NSCLC survivors and caregivers are matched with other NSCLC survivors and caregivers. Another matching scheme offered by Cancer Hope Network is the matching of patients with trained volunteers who have undergone the same cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation.

Other online groups are the CaringBridge which provides a website where cancer survivors and their loved ones can keep in touch with families and friends, post updates and send notes of support and encouragement to other cancer members. There is also the Lung Cancer Forum which is a source for asking questions and knowing how other cancer survivors are coping with their long illness. More lung cancer support come from the LungCancerOnline Support Group of the Association of Cancer Online Resources Inc., the Lung-Bac, Lung-Nsclc and Lung-Sclc, the Wellness Community and the Cancer Compass.

Lung Cancer support groups can offer unquantifiable benefits when you or a loved one are coping with this dreadful illness. They advise family and friends on how to relate to a family member afflicted with lung cancer when it comes to the use of body language, emotions, words and behavior. Because these volunteers have experienced cancer themselves place them in a position of credibility to inspire and give hope to the families of cancer patients to continue fighting back. The psychosocial needs of patients and their inner circle are very important to help them live out their best. Professional counseling help patients make logical choices while adapting to the effective ways of dealing with lung cancer.

Was Your Ovarian Cancer Misdiagnosed?

As many as 30,000 U.S. women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year. In 2006, between 15,000 and 16,000 women are likely to die from this silent killer. Ovarian cancer is the 5th leading cause of death among women, and it is responsible for about five percent of all cancer deaths. Chances are your doctor may have misdiagnosed you. That is often the case. A recent British study found 60 percent of all U.K. general practitioners had misdiagnosed their patients.

Three-quarters of British doctors surveyed incorrectly assumed that symptoms only occurred in the late stages of ovarian cancer. Based upon that information, it should be no surprise that Britain has one of the lowest survival rates for ovarian cancer in the Western World - of 6,800 cases diagnosed each year, more than 4,600 die.

A similar discovery was made by University of California researchers, who announced last year, "Four in 10 women with ovarian cancer have symptoms that they tell their doctors about at least four months -- and as long as one year -- before they are diagnosed." According to their study of nearly 2,000 women with ovarian cancer, the researchers discovered physicians:

o First ordered abdominal imaging or performed gastrointestinal procedures instead of the more appropriate pelvic imaging and/or CA-125 (a blood test that can detect ovarian cancer).

o Only 25 percent of patients, who reported ovarian cancer symptoms four or more months before diagnosis, were given pelvic imaging or had CA-125 blood tests.

Patients with early symptoms are frequently misdiagnosed. Abdominal imaging or diagnostic gastrointestinal studies are less likely to detect ovarian cancer. According to the American Cancer Society's website, "The most common symptom is back pain, followed by fatigue, bloating, constipation, abdominal pain and urinary urgency. These symptoms tend to occur very frequently and become more severe with time. Most women with ovarian cancer have at least two of these symptoms."

By the time a woman reaches the fourth stage of ovarian cancer, her first-line treatment is often Carboplatin, Paclitaxel and Cisplatin as the specific chemotherapy for ovarian cancer. In the first stage, cancer is contained inside one or both ovaries. By stage two, the cancer has spread into the fallopian tubes or other pelvic tissues, such as the bladder or rectum. When the cancer has spread outside the pelvis area into the abdominal cavity, especially when tumor growths are larger than two centimeters on the lining of the abdomen, then ovarian cancer has reached stage three. The fourth and final stage of ovarian cancer is reached when the cancer has spread into other body organs, such as the liver or lungs.

If detected early, survival rates can be as high as 90 percent. Detected in the advanced stage, the survival rate falls to between 30 and 40 percent. Various imaging tests such as computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, and ultrasound studies can confirm whether a pelvic mass is present. A laparoscopy can help a doctor look at the ovaries and other pelvic tissue to in order to plan out a surgical procedure, or to determine the stage of the ovarian cancer. A biopsy, or tissue sampling, would confirm if there is cancer in your pelvic region, and would help determine how advanced it is. An elevated CA-125 blood test typically suggests the cancer has progressed to the advanced stage.

About 50 percent of ovarian cancer patients are already at an advanced stage by the time a correct diagnosis is made. Only 10 to 14 percent of women with advanced cancer are likely to survive more than five years.

Evaluation of Therapies

While research shows drinking black (or green) tea or taking the herbal supplement gingko biloba may be useful, as a preventative measure, or to reduce risk, a woman has few choices when her cancer has moved to the advanced stage. In the first stage, a woman faces surgical removal of the tumor, and possibly one or both ovaries, to increase her chances of survival. Beyond that, her choice is chemotherapy.

One major problem with chemotherapy is the side effects. The more advanced the cancer, the weaker one may be, reducing the survival rate potential. Survival rates have not changed very much over the past fifteen years. Chemotherapy can increase survival time by as much as 50 percent. But, quality of life suffers. The side effects and increased toxicity, accompanying chemotherapy, reduce how one spends the prolonged survival time.

Some of Paclitaxel's minor side effects, as reported by Medline Plus, may include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, change in taste, thinned or brittle hair, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, changes in the color of nails, and/or tingling in the hands or toes. More serious side effects may include mouth blistering or fatigue. Some alarming side effects could include unusual bleeding or bruising, dizziness, shortness of breath, severe exhaustion, chest pain, or difficulty swallowing. The most common side effect of Paclitaxel is a decrease of blood cells.

Carboplatin has its own list of side effects. It can reduce platelet production, which can interfere with your blood's ability to clot. You may become anemic, feeling tired or breathless. Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and a general feeling of weakness are common with this chemotherapeutic agent.

The latest breed of drugs, such as Eli Lilly's Gemzar, are hardly getting praise. On March 10th, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said it was skeptical of the benefits Eli Lilly's Gemzar, which was being used with Carboplatin to treat ovarian cancer patients. The FDA felt the 2.8 months increased survival time, provided by the Gemzar/Carboplatin combination failed to offset the treatment's increased toxicity.

In January, the New England Journal of Medicine reported on a remarkable new delivery system of chemotherapy, called the "intra-abdominal, or intraperitoneal, chemotherapy. Those who received the "belly bath" as it is now being called by the media can survive 16 months longer than those receiving intravenous chemotherapy. The major drawback is that 60 percent of the women in the study were unable to complete all six cycles of this chemotherapy. Those who did survived longer, but only two in every five women were able to advance to the end phase of the therapy.

One novel approach, now in Phase III trials at more than 60 research centers across the United States, is OvaRex ® MAb, a murine monoclonal antibody, a type of biotech drug derived from mouse cells. It is being tested by highly regarded United Therapeutics, based in Silver Springs, Maryland. Their lead drug Remodulin, an injection which treats pulmonary arterial hypertension, is currently being marketed inside and outside the United States. More than $32 million has been spent researching, and on the development of, OvaRex and may have it available on the market by 2008.

OvaRex was developed in Canada by a company called ViRexx Medical Corp, and first tested in that country. According to Dr. Lorne Tyrrell, Chief Executive of ViRexx, "The whole study has been set up with the FDA. This is a study where the drug has been given fast track approval and orphan drug status." Dr. Tyrrell is also on leave (until OvaRex become commercially available) as a Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Alberta, and Director of the National Centre of Excellence for Viral Hepatitis Research.

OvaRex was tested in Canada, prior to the current Phase III trials in the U.S. "There have been a number of patients that have received OvaRex," said Dr. Tyrrell, "We've had really no adverse effects from these patients." Dr. Tyrrell explained the procedure, "After being injected intravenously, OvaRex binds to an antigen circulating in the blood." An antibody's general purpose is to neutralize an antigen. After an OvaRex injection, the murine monoclonal antibody binds to the CA-125 antigen.

In a way the body is tricked. But, the body is tricked in order to help "save" itself from the harmful antigen. When the OvaRex antibody is bound to the CA-125 antigen, the new combination is identified as a harmful unit. Before then, the antigen wanders through the body, without alerting the body's defense systems, the dendritic cells, to attack and destroy the harmful antigen. Because the body is trained to identify and zero in on a foreign protein, in this case a mouse protein, it alerts the dendritic cells. Until then, the dendritic cells "tolerate" the cancerous cells. The tolerance is what permits the cancer to spread throughout the body.
OvaRex seeks to break that tolerance. The murine monoclonal antibody is designed to target and bind exclusively to free floating CA-125 antigen.

The dendritic cells refuse to tolerate the foreign protein. When the antibody binds with the free-floating antigen, the dendritic cells recognize the complex (antibody plus antigen) as being foreign and engulf the new unit. The dendritic cells break down the key proteins of this unit, presenting all parts on the cells surface. At the point, the body's killer T-Cells are alerted to fight the internal threat to the body. Once activated, the T-Cells will replicate and create more killer T-Cells. Any tumor cells expressing the CA-125 antigen is targeted for destruction. The army of T-Cells move to attack the ovarian cancer tumor.

The principle behind OvaRex is to re-program the immune system to harness the body's defenses to prevent the growth and spread of the ovarian cancer. Will it cure ovarian cancer? "In most cases, it will be a delay," explained Dr. Tyrrell. "However, I think that, and everyone hopes that, often in some of these tumors, you're making incremental progress through careful clinical trials and adding new therapy. Each thing we do that improves the outcome when you start to look at the long term benefits of these, we hope that one day we will be able to cure this disease. We think this is a step. This has the potential to be an important step at helping to stimulate immune response to achieve a better outcome. Hopefully, one day we can improve that to where it is a cure."

COPYRIGHT © 2007 by StockInterview, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Common Cancer Facts That Women Need to Know About

Did you know that the most common cancers that affect women are breast, colon, endometrial, ovarian, skin, cervical and lung cancer?  By learning a little about these cancers you can know what actions you can take to possibly save your life or the life of someone you care about.

Breast Cancer

The most common cancer that women may have to face in their lifetime is breast cancer.  This disease can strike at any age, but it most common among women 40 and older.  There are certain risk factors that may dramatically increase your chances of getting breast cancer, such as a family history of breast cancer.  All women should know about breast cancer and what they can do about it.

 Steps You Can Take

The very best way to defend against breast cancer is to detect it as early as possible when it is much easier to treat.  Early detection is the best weapon against breast cancer.

  • All women should have yearly mammograms starting at age 40.
  • All women should have a clinical breast exam at least once every 2 or 3 years for women in their 20's and 30's, and every year for women in their 40's or older.
  • Women should report any changes in their breasts immediately to their doctor.
  • All women should perform a breast self-exam at least once per month starting in their 20's.

Women who are at an elevated risk for breast cancer (women who have a family history of breast cancer, a genetic tendency, or have had past breast cancer) should learn about the benefits of starting cancer screenings earlier, or have additional tests such as a breast x-ray, ultrasound, or MRI.  These women should talk with their doctors about these options. 

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer can affect women as well as men.  Any adult can get colorectal cancer.  It is most common among people 50 years old and above.  If you have a personal or family history of cancer, or have polyps in the colon or rectum, or inflammatory bowel disease, then you are more likely to have colon cancer.  Other risk factors are a diet consisting of high-fat foods (especially foods from animal sources), being overweight, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Steps You Can Take

Almost all colon cancer starts as a polyp in the colon.  If precancerous polyps are found and removed, then colon cancer has a great chance of being prevented.  Regular testing can find polyps before they become cancerous, and possibly save lives.

  • Eat a low-fat diet with an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables to help prevent colon cancer.
  • If you are 50 or older here are five recommendations about testing options.
  • Yearly fecal occult blood tests (FOBT) or fecal immunochemcial test (FIT) is recommended.
  • Every five years a flexible simoidoscopy is recommended.
  • Combine yearly FOBT and flexible sigmoidoscopy every five years is the preferred option.
  • Double contrast barium enema is recommended every 5 years.
  • Every 10 years a colonoscopy is recommended.
  • See your doctor and discuss these options and your risk for colon cancer. 

Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial cancer is cancer of the lining of the uterus and it occurs most often in women who are 50 or older.  Risk factors for this cancer are:

  • Estrogen therapy without also taking progesterone
  • Using Tamoxifen for breast cancer treatment or prevention
  • Early onset of menstrual periods or late menopause
  • A history of infertility or never having children
  • Obesity and diabetes
  • Personal or family history of hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer are more likely to get endometrial cancer.

Steps You Can Take

Signs and symptoms to watch for are unusual spotting or bleeding, not related to menstrual periods.  Report these to you doctor immediately.  At menopause, women should talk about endometrial cancer with their doctors.  Pap tests are not reliable for detecting endometrial cancer, only cervical cancer.  If you have risk factors for endometrial cancer, then yearly testing with an endometrial biopsy is recommended for women 35 or older.

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is more likely to occur in women as they get older.  Other risk factors are women who have never had children or have infertility, or women who had their first child after the age of 30; women who had late menopause (after the age of 50); women who use hormone replacement therapy for more than 10 years; women who have had breast cancer.  Even if you do not have any of these risk factors, you can still get ovarian cancer.

Steps You Can Take

Unfortunately, unlike getting a mammography to detect breast cancer, there are no proven effective tests to detect ovarian cancer early.  However, a pelvic exam should be a regular part of every woman's health exam.  Here are some other possible warning signs to discuss with your doctor: persistent swelling of the abdomen, persistent digestive problems (gas, bloating, losing your appetite), abdominal pain, pelvic pain, back pain, leg pain, feeling like you need to urinate all the time.  If you have any of these symptoms, discuss them with your doctor.

Skin Cancer

If ever spend time in the sun, then you could be at risk for skin cancer - which means anyone could be at risk!  Fair-skinned, blondes or red heads are more likely to get skin cancer than those with naturally darker skin and hair colors.  Other skin cancer risk factors are having a close family member with a melanoma, and anyone who had a severe sunburn before the age of 18.

 Steps You Can Take

Skin cancer is one of the few cancers that can (mostly) be prevented!  Avoid being out in the midday sun for long periods of time.  Wear wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, sunscreen and long-sleeved shirts.  Sunscreen should be SPF 15 or higher and you should use it on all exposed skin areas.  Don't let your children get sunburned!  Regularly examine your skin all over your body and have your skin examined during your regular health checkups.

Cervical Cancer

Women who have had sexual activity can get cervical cancer.  Risk chances are dramatically increased in women who have HPV (human papilloma virus).  HPV is passed on to women during sex.  You increase your risk factors as you get older, and if you don't have regular Pap tests, as well as if you smoke, have HIV or AIDS.

Steps You Can Take

Pap tests can find changes in the cervix which can be treated before they become cancerous.  Also Pap tests can detect cervical cancer in its early stages, when it is more likely to be curable.  All women should have regular cervical cancer tests after the age of 21 or within three years of beginning vaginal sex.  Testing should be done every year (for the regular Pap test) or every two years (for the newer liquid-based Pap test).  Starting at age 30, women with three normal Pap test results in a row can switch to testing every two or three years.  Talk with your doctor about how often you should have the test performed.  All women should take the newer HPV DNA test (talk to your doctor about it).

Lung Cancer

Smoking is the cause of over 80% of all lung cancers, but even people who don't smoke can get lung cancer.

Steps You Can Take

Lung cancer, like skin cancer, can often be prevented!  If you smoke - quit!  If you don't smoke - don't start!  Help and encourage others to quit smoking.

The Bottom Line About Cancer

Early detection is your best weapon against cancer.  Visit with your doctor about your risk factors and what tests and screenings are recommended for you.  Doing these things could save your life!

Prostate Cancer Diets That Can Help Control The Disease

Prostate Cancer Diets are a growing necessity with the growing number of men who are afflicted by this type of cancer. According to research a diet change and regular exercise can help to slow the growth of prostate cancer. A proper diet will be our focus for today.

So the question is basically, what can you eat? What can't you eat? We will cover foods and vitamins to take and avoid. We will discuss what not to eat and what you can eat to make a change in the cancer or to hold it steady. We will also discuss two diets that are very popular to control prostate cancer. There is so much information on the Internet today about different diets that can help with cancer patients diagnosis. Prostate cancer is one of the few that you can control in the early stages with a prostate cancer diet until you can get proper treatment.

Don't Feed Your Cancer, Starve It! (Certain Things)

Before we do that, I would like to cover some of the basic rules of thumb. First, you should keep your meals at about 500 calories or less. Run away from any fats or alcohol if you can. Do not consume more than 22 grams of fat per day. Cancer likes calories and both of these provide that to it. Stay away from meat in general. If you are going to eat meat, don't eat red meat at all. Limit your meat intake to a couple of days a week. Studies done by the Adventist Health group states that people who eat meat as a major part of their food intake are twice as likely to get colon cancer and the National Cancer Institute says that men who eat red meat 5 times a week are five times as likely to get prostate cancer. Drink about 2 quarts of water a day. If you want to drink something other than water, stick with green, red and white teas, not black teas. Get your fiber.

It is recommended that you get at least 30 grams of fiber a day when you have cancer. If you can't get it through foods, take a supplement. They have all kinds on the market that actually do taste pretty good now. Avoid oils that are high in Omega 6 fatty acids, such as corn, safflower, cottonseed and soybean oils. Why? Because they are associated with an increase in the number of tumors found in the body, according to Simpoulos, a doctor who specializes in cancers. You should limit your intake of calcium. This means that you should also limit your milk intake to 2 glasses a day. Men who consume more than 2000 mg of calcium a day, approximately 8 glasses of milk, have a higher chance of getting prostate cancer than those who drink less then 1/4 that amount. Other dairy products such as cheese, ice cream and yogurt should be taken in at a minimum, also. Dairy products have been proven to show a 50% increase in risk of getting prostate cancer. These are just some of the points we need to look at when considering what not to do.

What to Feed Yourself Instead of Your Cancer!

You are on your way to a better life already. Now lets discuss what you can eat to create a better, healthier diet and a show stopper for the cancer cells. Fruits and vegetables are your friends. I know you used to sneak them under the table to the family dog. (Some of you still do... :-) But instead of giving Fido all his daily vitamins, you should probably consume them for yourself. I will list specifics later in this section. Soy products are better for you than their dairy counterparts.

You should also consider, if you are going to eat a "meat", that you should eat fish. You see, by dietary standards, fish is not considered a meat. The reason fish is so good for you is because it has Omega 3 fatty acids, which are actually good for you. You can find them in Ocean fish and walnuts in its healthiest form. You should eat plenty of peas, beans and grains. Also, remember to take your Vitamins C, D and E, Selenium and Zinc, which are all very beneficial to you during cancer treatments. Always try to get your Daily Value from somewhere other than supplements. Supplements usually have a higher than needed amount in the bottle and your body doesn't always metabolize the full amount in the pills that are provided. Some of the fruits that are especially good for you include red grapes, strawberries, dried fruits, skins of citrus fruits and blueberries. Blueberries have also be found to reverse the aging process in a study that was done. This could be an added bonus. Fructose has been found to protect against prostate cancer in cancer research studies. They say that you should eat 5 servings of fruit a day. Further study showed that this may actually decrease your chances of having cancer by 37%.

Some others to consider include Shiitake Mushrooms, Legumes, broccoli sprouts, tomatoes, grains and fibers. High Fiber diets that include soy protein, which have isoflavins, are actually very good for you. Isoflavins apparently help with slowing the cancer down. For anyone wondering what fiber does to help with your cancer diagnosis, please read the following information. According to the National Academy of Sciences, "in addition to regularity, it reduces circulating androgen levels and thereby slows prostate cancer growth." You should consume around 25 mg a day of fiber. Grains have the best of everything in your prostate cancer diet. They will provide you with a low fat product that is rich in protein to help you replace the meat you are not eating and fiber to boot. You can find grains in many forms, including breakfast cereals and breads. Shiitake mushrooms are good for you because they have a compound that is used for many cancer patients in Japan. Lycopene, found in Tomatoes, is a powerful antioxidant.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition said that in 72 studies that almost half of them showed lowered cancer risk when an increase in eating tomatoes was present. This was particularly true for prostate patients, where the risk was lowered by about 40%, says the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The broccoli that your mother always tried to feed you and you told her you hated, well, it turns out that she really did know what was good for you. The only thing she didn't know what that 3 day old broccoli sprouts are even better for you than regularly matured broccoli. It contains 20 to 50 times more chemoprotective compounds according to the National Academy of Sciences.

Two Diets you can use right now to lower your risk of cancer include the Japanese diets and Southern Mediterranean diets. The Japanese diets are shown to reduce the risk of cancer. They include Green Tea, soy, vegetables and fish, also they are low in fat and calorie intake. The Mediterranean Diet is basically a fresh fruit and vegetable diet. It includes garlic, tomatoes, red wine and olive oil, and fish in the diet also. Neither of these diets include a lot of red meat.

There are many resources online to get your cancer diet headed in the right direction. Just look over the information and see what fits you, or what you can live with depending on how vital you find food to be in your life. You should be able to find plenty of foods to help with creating a variety of meals. The information above is limited, you can find much, much more information through doing more research. Never stop your search for great health.

Protection Against Digestive Cancer

There are numerous types of cancer that affect different areas of our digestive systems. Two of the most life threatening are cancers of the biliary tract and gall bladder tumors. Tumors and cancers in this part of the digestive system are rare, with only about 7500 diagnosed each year, but are more often fatal than many other forms of digestive system cancer.

Gall bladder cancer occurs more frequently in women than men, and your likelihood of contracting it increases as you age. Hispanics are more likely to get gall bladder cancer than any other population. It is not usually diagnosed until it is far advanced, which is why the prognosis is usually poor.

We don't fully understand the cause of gall bladder cancer, but we do know that people who suffer from gall stones are more likely to develop it later on. This appears to be because the gall stones cause chronic inflammation in the gall bladder, which can lead to the development of abnormal cells.

Other biliary tract cancers are diagnosed in about 2000-3000 Americans each year. Like gall bladder cancer, it is often not diagnosed until it has reached late stages and often metastasized. Again, the cause is not fully known, but, as with other digestive system cancers, it occurs more frequently in the obese. It also occurs more frequently in Hispanics, American Indians, Eastern Europeans and Japanese.

In recent years, there has been a fair amount of research on the cancer preventative effects of drinking green tea. It appears that green tea has the power to prevent many forms of cancer, including those of the digestive system, like gall bladder cancer and biliary tract cancer.

A study conducted in China attempted to establish a link between consumption of green tea and the prevention of these cancers. The study looked at a large segment of the population. It included 627 patients with various forms of biliary tract cancer (including gall bladder cancer), 1037 cases with biliary stones, and 959 randomly selected control participants.

This study concluded that the women who were regular tea drinkers had (meaning that they drank at least one cup of green tea a day for at least six months) a significantly lower risk of biliary tract cancer and gallbladder cancer - even if they had gall bladder disease - than those who did not drink green tea.*

For men, the study found a slightly lower risk of cancer among the green tea drinkers; however it was not enough to be considered significant. In addition, it was found that a higher than average number of the male participants in the study were smokers, so this may have skewed the results, since smoking increases a person's overall risk of cancer.

Why Green Tea?

Many of us may be surprised to find that green tea is so healthy. The reason is that it's loaded with anti-oxidants in their natural state. Black tea also contains anti-oxidants, but during the fermentation process that black tea undergoes, these anti-oxidants change, and become less healthy than in their original state.

The anti-oxidants in tea are called catechins, part of the flavan-3-ol class of flavonoids. EGCG is one of the catechins contained in tea, and is one of the most potent anti-oxidants around. Because green tea hasn't been fermented, the EGCG is in its most natural and potent state.

Anti-oxidants are so important because they combat the free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals are damaging oxygen molecules that occur as a result of our body's process of converting food to energy. If they are left unchecked, they cause cell and DNA damage, which eventually leads to aging and disease.

So, to protect our health, it's important to get anti-oxidants in our diet every day. Fruits and vegetables are good sources, as is coffee, black tea and dark chocolate. But, green tea is one of the very best sources. A diet rich in anti-oxidants can help prevent cancer, heart attack and stroke, as well as general premature aging.

The research regarding cancer is significant. In addition to the study mentioned above regarding digestive cancers, there have been numerous other studies suggesting that green tea can protect against many forms of cancer. In fact, Japan's medical community now considers green tea to be a known cancer preventative.

This news is, of course, quite exciting, but it goes even further. There have also been studies that suggest that green tea may be helpful in treating cancer, too. Several studies have shown that when green tea was used as an adjunct therapy along with traditional chemotherapy, the chemotherapy was more successful. Cancerous cells showed a higher concentration of the cancer drugs when green tea was administered along with the medication.

Some studies have even suggested that green tea may be beneficial in preventing the spread of cancer. It appears that the growth of cancer cells slows significantly or even stops when patients of certain cancers are given green tea in significant quantities.

Of course, green tea is not a magic bullet, and is not designed to replace traditional cancer treatments. However, it certainly appears that green tea is an important tool for protecting your body against many types of cancer and other illnesses, and may even be an effective adjunct treatment for those who already have cancer.

So, add some green tea to your diet. It's delicious and you have nothing to lose. There are no side effects and green tea is well tolerated even by the caffeine sensitive. Drinking green tea may be the simplest thing you can do to protect your health.

Breast Cancer - Signs and Symptoms

The cancer found in the cells of the breast is Breast cancer. A mass of breast tissue that is growing in an abnormal and uncontrolled way is a cancerous tumor. A cancerous tumor may attack the surrounding tissues or shed cells into the blood stream or lymph system. After lung cancer, breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer found world wide and fifth most common cause of cancer death. This is the most common cause of cancer among women in incidence as well as death. It caused 502,000 deaths worldwide in 2005. The number of cancer cases increased from 1970 which should be blamed on the modern styles of the present day world. Breast cancer is the most feared disease by women than the much more common fatal heart attack among women. The death rates for this cancer are declining for the last few years.

This type of cancer also occurs in men as the breast in males and females consists of same type of tissues. But it is 100 times lesser than the women and it has the same survival rates as women. The tumor in the breast is very hard to feel and have and irregular shape and not smooth. During a breast self exam the cancerous tumor may not move but the tissues around the tumor may move.

The cancer begins as single or more cells which lost its control of differentiation and increase but remains restricted with in the basement membrane of the duct. These divides and they invade the basement membrane of the duct and ultimately spread to distant organs also.

Four different classification or groups based on different reason and have a different purpose describes breast cancer:
(a) Pathology - Each tumor based on its histological appearance and for other reasons is categorized by the pathologist. The categories are invasive ductal carcinoma, malignant cancer in the ducts of the breast, invasive lobular carcinoma and the malignant cancer in the breast lobules.
(b) The pathologist determines the histological grade of the tumor under a microscope. A low grade tumor resembles normal tissue. A high grade tumor does not look like a normal tissue and composed of disorganized cells. Intermediate grade is in between the high and low grade.
(c) All breast cancers should be tested for expression or detectable effect of the estrogen receptor(ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2/neu proteins and are done by immunohistochemistry and will be shown in the pathologist's report. To predict the prognosis, the profile of expression helps the oncologist to choose the proper treatment.
(d) Stage of a tumor-The TNM classification is the currently accepted staging scheme and it is as follows:

Tumor- Depends upon the presence or absence of invasive cancer, the dimensions of the invasive cancer and the presence or absence of invasion outside of the breast there are five tumor classification values (Tis, T1, T2, T3 and T4).

Lymph Node- Depends on number, size and location of breast cancer cell deposits in lymph nodes there are four lymph nodes classification values (N0, N1, N2 and N3).

Metastasis- Depends on the presence or absence of the breast cancer cells in locations other than breast and lymph nodes there are two metastatic classification values (M0 or M1).

Breast cancers are not always classified by its histological appearance. Breast tumor is dense mass of cells appear whiter than the tissue around it. Benign masses are round or oval in shape but a tumor may be partially round with any shapes according to its circumference. If the mass has a multi pointed star shaped outline, it is known as speculated.

If there is a dense mass appears as tumor in a mammogram, ultrasound should be taken for that breast mass. If the mass shows an irregular outline or having fuzzy edges and is pressing the tissue around it, the person needs a biopsy of the mass. The most accurate way to diagnose its actual nature is an analysis of the tissue sample.

The exact cause of the this cancer is not known. The healthy BRCA 1 and 2 genes act as a tumor suppressor for breast and ovarian tumors. The mutated BRCA genes due to radiation or chemicals can give rise to cancer. The risk of tumor increases as the age increases. About 17% of women were diagnosed with breast cancer were in their 40s and 78% were older than 50.

General terms for this cancer
(1) Carcinoma is the term to describe a cancer that begins in the epithelial cells of organs. Most of the breast cancers are carcinomas.
(2) Adenocarcinoma which starts in glandular tissues. Glandular tissues in the breast are ducts and lobules and because of this it is known as adenocarcinoma.
(3) The early stage of cancer, when it is limited to the layer of cells where it began is described by the term Carcinoma in Situ. The cancer cells remain restricted to ducts and lobules are in situ especially in breast cancer. These types have not invaded in to the deeper tissues in the breast or spread to other organs of the body and are referred as non-invasive breast cancer.
(4) The one that has already spread beyond the layer of cells where it started are invasive or infiltrating cancer. Most breast cancers are invasive. Breast cancers are either invasive ductal carcinoma or invasive lobular carcinoma.
(5) Cancers that starts from connective tissues such as fat tissue or blood vessels are sarcomas. In the breast sarcomas are rare.

The different types of breast cancers are ductal carcinoma in situ, lobular carcinoma in situ, invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma. Less common types of breast cancers are inflammatory breast cancer, mixed tumors, medullary cancer, metaplastic carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, Paget disease of the nipple, tubular carcinoma, papillary carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, phyllodes tumor and angiosarcoma.

Signs and Symptoms

The primary sign of this cancer is a lump that feels different that the surrounding tissue. Lump in the breast of 80% cases are discovered by the women herself. Lumps found in lymph nodes located in the armpits or collarbone can also indicate breast cancer. Other indications are change in breast size or shape, skin dimpling, nipple inversion or spontaneous nipple discharge. To determine the breast cancer, pain is an unreliable tool but can be due to other breast related problems such as mastodynia. Most of symptoms do give rise to breast cancer. Some of the common causes of breast disorder symptoms are mastitis and fibro adenoma. Any symptom should be taken seriously because there is a possibility of having cancer in the breast at any age.


Intake of plant estrogen in early adolescence such as soybeans may protect breast cancer in later life. But the intake of plant estrogen in later life is not likely to influence either positively or negatively. Avoid exposure to smoking or secondhand smoke. Passive smoking also causes breast cancer. The removal of ovaries in the high risk individuals after child bearing can reduce the risk of cancer in the breast by 60% and also in reducing the risk of developing ovarian cancer.


The most common methods for the test of breast cancer are self and clinical exams, x-ray mammography and breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


By examining the surgically remove breast tissue, the breast cancer can be diagnosed. The breast tissues can be taken by fine needle aspiration, nipple aspirates, and ductal lavage, core needle biopsy and local surgical excision. The accurate diagnosis of this cancer includes radiographic imaging along with these diagnostic steps. To detect metastasis imaging tests are sometimes used and it include chest X-ray, bone scan, CAT scan, MRI and PET scanning. Microscopic evaluation of a biopsy specimen can give a cancer diagnosis.


The main treatment is the surgery of the tumor with the hormonal therapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In individuals with high risk hormonal therapy has been used for chemoprevention. The US food and drug administration approved raloxifene for preventing invasive breast cancer in post menopausal women.

Little Did We Know That Prostate Cancer is the Most Common Non-Skin Cancer Amongst Men

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed non-skin cancer, has overtaken lung cancer as the leading cancer affecting all men and followed by colorectal cancer.

Statistically, 80 percent of prostate cancers occur in men over the age of 65. Although this cancer can also occur in younger individuals, it is very rare under the age of 50. As males age the prostate can develop problems.

Annually, one out of six American men will develop it in the course of his lifetime. Little did we know the fact a man is 33% more likely to develop prostate cancer than a woman is to get breast cancer.

In 2004, it is estimated that 234,000 new cases of prostate cancer diagnose in the United States. That makes it the most common cancer among American men, next to the skin cancer. More than 27,000 deaths due to prostate cancer are expected to occur annually.

One new case every 2 1/2 minutes. One new case every 150 seconds.

While in UK, nearly 35,000 men are diagnosed and about 10,000 men die from prostate cancer annually. This means over one man die every hour in UK.

Today, about two million men are fighting prostate cancer, and over the next decade, as baby boomer men reach the target ripen age for prostate cancer, about three million more will be compelled to join the battle. It is estimated that by 2012, the number of new cases in the U.S. is expected to increase to more than 300,000 new cases per year by 2012.

One new case every 100 seconds. One man dead every 13 minutes.

What is prostate?

Prostate is a male sex gland, the size of a walnut, located behind pubic bone in front of the rectum that encompasses lower part of a bladder. The tube that carries urine (the urethra) runs through the prostate. At birth the gland size is small like a pea and it continue to grow until age of 20 when a man reaches adulthood. Male hormones (called androgens) is responsible for this growth. The gland size will not change until 45, when it starts to grow again.

Its primary function is to produce thick fluids that nourish the sperm, as well as helping propel sperm through the urethra and out of the penis to reach and fertilize an egg. Even though prostate is not a primary component of urinary tract, but it is very important for urinary health.

In older men, the part of the prostate around the urethra may keep on growing. This causes BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) which cause problems passing urine. BPH is a problem that must be treated, but it is not cancer.

What is prostate cancer?

The body is made up of different types of cells. Normally, cells grow, divide and then die. Sometimes, cells mutate and begin to grow and divide more quickly than normally. Instead of dying, these abnormal cells clump together to form tumors. If these tumors are cancerous or so-called malignant tumors, they can invade and kill healthy tissues in the body. From these tumors, cancer cells can metastasize (spread) and form new tumors in other parts of the body. In contrary, non-cancerous tumors or so-called benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body.

Prostate cancer is abnormal cells grow out of control forming small nodules or bumps (overgrowth tissue) on the surface of in the prostate gland. In some cases, the overgrowth tissue is benign and this prostate condition is called Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH). Other times, abnormal cancerous cells characterize the overgrowth of tissue, and this is referred to as a malignancy or prostate cancer.

As its close proximity to the bladder, prostate disorder might interfere with urination and causing bladder or kidney problems. It is also located immediately next to the nerves responsible for erections hence it might interfere with sexual function as well.

Although more than 70% of all prostate cancer cases are diagnosed in men over the age of 65, doctors recommend that every man above the age of 50 should have a PSA test and a rectal exam. According to statistic African-American have almost twice as much prostate cancer incidence rates as Caucasian American, hence they should start getting tested at age 40. The same is true if you have a
family history of prostate cancer.

One-third of men over the age of 50 have some cancer cells within their prostate and nearly all men over the age of 80 have a small area of prostate cancer. In most men, these cancers grow extremely slowly, particularly in elderly men, and it will never cause any problems. Even without treatment, many of them will not die of the prostate cancer, but who, but rather live and die of some other unrelated cause before the disease takes its toll.

However, similar to most types of cancer, if left completely unchecked prostate cancer can be aggressive, grow more quickly and may spread (metastasized) to other parts of the body, particularly lymph nodes or the bones. This makes treatment much more difficult.

What are the symptoms?

Prostate cancer often does not cause any symptoms for years. When symptoms do occur, usually the cancerous cells have spread beyond the prostate, this is why regular check up for men age of 40 and above is necessary and recommended. The symptoms include:

  • Urinary problems:
  • Dull pain in the lower pelvic area, hips, or upper thighs
  • Not being able to urinate
  • Sensation that your bladder doesn't empties
  • Having a hard time starting or stopping the urine flow
  • Problems with urgency of urination and difficulty in starting
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Weak flow of urine
  • Urine flow that starts and stops
  • Pain or burning during urination
  • Difficulty having an erection
  • Pain at ejaculation
  • Genital pain
  • Blood in the urine or semen

Note: Other health issues such as urinary infection or inflammation; bladder problems or kidney stone can cause exactly the same symptoms. Hence, should those symptoms occurred and accompanied with blood in your urine, painfully ejaculation and general pain in your lower back, hips and leg bones, significant lost of weight - you must inevitable visit your urologist for a thorough check up.

Who are at risk?

Risk factors consistently associated with prostate cancer include:

  • Age: After the age of 50, the chance of developing prostate cancer is higher. More than 80 percent of all prostate cancers occur in men 65 years and older.
  • Race: African American men have a 60% higher risk of prostate cancer than white men, including Hispanic men
  • Ethnicity: More common in North America and northwestern Europe and occurs less frequently in Asia, Africa, Central America and South America.
  • Family history: Appears to have a genetic link. Having family history of prostate cancer, a father or brother with the disease doubles a man's risk of developing it. Man whose brother had a prostate cancer have 4.5 times higher risk of prostate cancer and 2.5 time higher if his father had a prostate cancer.
  • Vasectomy: Men who have undergone vasectomy (a surgical procedure that renders them sterile) may have an increased risk.
  • Men who have diabetes have less risk of getting the disease, although no one really knows why.

How to prevent?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best way to reduce the risks from all forms of cancer:

  • Diet: The results of most studies show s diet high in animal fats and low in fresh fruit and vegetables have an increased chance of developing prostate cancer.
  • Studies show a diet high in lycopenes (found in higher levels in colorful fruits and vegetables), selenium, goji berry, broccoli and turmeric may lower the risk of developing prostate cancer.
  • Exercise: Maintaining a healthy weight along with regular physical activity may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
  • Get plenty of rest- regularly scheduled bed time is important for overall health.

How is prostate cancer detected?

There are three common screening methods for prostate cancer:

  • Digital rectal examination (DRE) A digital rectal examination as part of an annual physical exam in men age of 50 or older (and in younger men who are at increased risk). During this test, a doctor inserts a gloved and lubricated finger into the rectum to feel for abnormalities. While the rectal exam may be a bit unpleasant, it is done quickly.
  • Blood test for prostate specific antigen (PSA) The PSA is a blood test which measures a protein in prostate gland cells. The American Cancer Society recommends the test to be executed once a year for men 50 and older, and for younger men with higher prostate cancer risk.

Results under 4 are usually considered normal. Results above 10 are considered high. Values between 4 and 10 are considered borderline. The greater the PSA level, the greater the chance that prostate cancer exists.

The test need to be validated further with a biopsy as the PSA test cannot be used as a foolproof test for prostate cancer:

  • 2 out of 3 men with a high PSA values show no cancerous cells in their prostate biopsy.
  • 1 in 5 men with prostate cancer will have a normal PSA result.
  • Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) TRUS will be done if the digital rectal exam or PSA levels are abnormal. A probe is inserted into the rectum and pictures are recorded using sound waves, which create an image of the prostate gland. The test is usually done in outpatient setting and usually takes less than 30 minutes. Based on results from these screenings, additional tests may be recommended.

A positive biopsy is needed to confirm the diagnosis. If a biopsy reveals cancer, additional testing is done to see if it has spread to other organs:

  • Blood tests- may be taken to see if the cancer has spread
  • Bone scan- to determine if the cancer has spread to the bones
  • CT scan- a series of x-ray images taken of the pelvis or abdomen, often used to determine general signs of disease
  • Chest x-ray- to determine if cancer has spread to the lungs
  • MRI- magnetic resonance imaging to detect cancer in lymph nodes and other internal organs

What is the usual treatment for prostate cancer?

There are several treatments to treat prostate cancer: These include surgery, radiotherapy and various forms of drug treatment. Hormone therapy is commonly used. It blocks the action of testosterone, a sex hormone that prostate cancers need in order to grow.

Three treatment options are generally accepted for men with localized

  • Radical prostatectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the entire prostate gland and nearby tissues. In some cases the lymph nodes in the pelvic area are also removed. This procedure is performed using nerve-sparing surgery which might prevent damage to the nerves needed for an erection. However, nerve-sparing surgery is not always possible.
  • Radiation therapy: Using energy to the prostate using an external beam of radiation. Patients with high-risk prostate cancer are candidates for adding hormonal therapy to standard radiation therapy.
  • Active Surveillance may be an option recommended for patients with early-stage prostate cancer, particularly those who have low-grade tumors with only a small amount of cancer seen in the biopsy.

Are there any side effects?

As with all disease, treatment may result in side effects. The most concern side effects of are impotence, or erectile dysfunction, and incontinence.

Researchers still do not fully understand what causes prostate cancer, or how it develops - and they urgently need to improve on current treatments.

Dietary Salt (Sodium) Increases Stomach Cancer Risk

Cancer of the stomach occurs only about half as commonly today in the United States as it did 30 years ago, but it remains one of the "bad actor" cancers that are associated with a high likelihood of death. On a global scale, stomach cancer remains the #2 cause of cancer-associated death, while in the United States, gastric cancer is currently the #7 cause of cancer-associated death.

Known risk factors for stomach cancer include chronic infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacterium (and other causes of chronic gastric inflammation), smoking, obesity, decreased acid secretion within the stomach, stomach ulcers, pernicious anemia, a family history of stomach cancer, certain inherited cancer syndromes, and other less common risk factors. As with other GI tract cancers, diet also appears to play an important role in gastric cancer risk. For example, gastric cancer is more common among people who eat a lot of processed meat and red meat, smoked foods, and salt-cured or pickled foods. On the other hand, stomach cancer is less common among people who consume a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables.

The role of salt in gastric cancer risk has been a subject of some debate, as clinical research studies have come to varying and contradictory conclusions regarding this issue. However, a newly published public health study, which appears in the current issue of the British Journal of Cancer, appears to strongly link excess salt consumption with an increased risk of developing stomach cancer. In this case-control study, 442 patients with stomach cancer, and 649 healthy patients without any clinical evidence of cancer, were evaluated. Multiple previously validated dietary questionnaires were administered to all of the study volunteers, with particular attention to dietary salt intake.

The results of this public health study indicated that the risk of stomach cancer was twice as common among patients who regularly consumed the highest amounts of salt, when compared to patients with the smallest amount of regular salt intake. After adjusting for other risk factors known to be associated with gastric cancer risk (including Helicobacter pylori status, smoking history, and other known gastric cancer risk factors), increased salt intake was still associated with a doubling of gastric cancer risk.

While case-control studies, such as this one, do not offer high-level clinical research evidence (unlike the "gold standard" prospective, randomized, blinded clinical research trials that provide "Level 1" clinical research data), the findings of this observational study nonetheless add to an increasing volume of data linking increased salt intake with gastric cancer risk.

Excessive salt intake has also been clearly linked to a significant increase in the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. Most hypertension experts are currently recommending that we lower our average daily intake of sodium, from the current 3,500 to 4,000 milligram (mg) per day level in the United States, to somewhere around 1,500 mg per day. At this level of sodium intake reduction, significant improvements in high blood pressure, and in the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease, have been demonstrated by multiple high-quality clinical research studies. (An excellent pamphlet on the topic of dietary sodium reduction, as part of a heart-healthy diet, has been published online by the National Institutes of Health.)

As with many other dietary and lifestyle factors that have been shown to reduce cancer risk, reducing sodium intake, by reducing your dietary salt consumption, can pay big health dividends not only in terms of cancer risk reduction, but also in terms of reducing those other great global killers of mankind, cardiovascular disease and stroke!

For a complete discussion of the role of diet in cancer prevention, and other important evidence-based approaches to cancer prevention, order your copy of my new book, A Cancer Prevention Guide for the Human Race, now! For the price of a cheeseburger, fries, and a shake, you can purchase this landmark new book, in both paperback and e-book formats, and begin living an evidence-based cancer prevention lifestyle today!

For a groundbreaking overview of cancer risks, and evidence-based strategies to reduce your risk of developing cancer, order your copy of my new book, "A Cancer Prevention Guide for the Human Race," from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Vroman's Bookstore, and other fine bookstores!

On Thanksgiving Day, 2010, A Cancer Prevention Guide for the Human Race was ranked #6 among all cancer-related books on the Amazon.com "Top 100 Bestseller's List" for Kindle e-books! On Christmas Day, 2010, A Cancer Prevention Guide for the Human Race was the #1 book on the Amazon.com "Top 100 New Book Releases in Cancer" list!

Disclaimer: As always, my advice to readers is to seek the advice of your physician before making any significant changes in medications, diet, or level of physical activity

Dr. Wascher is an oncologic surgeon, professor of surgery, cancer researcher, oncology consultant, and a widely published author

Herbs and Plants - Used In the Treatment Of Cancer

The following is a list to supplement a previous article published in Ezine by the same author, entitled 'ABC Herbs and Plants Used in the Treatment of Cancer'.

These represent some of the many herbs that have been used in traditional medicine over centuries and remain in use even by modern herbalists of our day.

Other herbs have been successfully employed in production of modern medical drugs. The wholesome properties as nature offered us in the raw plant materials, are far superior to the 'active ingredients' isolated from the plant sources and used in drug manufacture.

Many hundreds of herbs are still being researched for effective use in the treatment of different types of cancer and require further scientific approval before general acceptance by the medical profession. Nevertheless increasing numbers of independent doctors dedicated to their professional healing ethic are motivated by the unsatisfactory methods in common medical practice today and are willing to trial 'alternative' methods.

Echinacea angustifolia Echinacea is Dr Vogel's particular recommendation for its beneficial action on the whole body when under stress of cancer or other serious disease. This medicine is followed by many who wish to follow non-invasive methods of treatment.

Ganoderma lucidum Reishi Mushroom has strong anti inflammatory action. It has been used for centuries in eastern medicine in the treatment of cancer. Modern tests show that the powder from the gills or spores of these mushrooms can give as much relief from inflammation as hydrocortisone and aspirin with none of their side effects, whether administered orally or topically. It is regarded as the most valuable cancer remedy in Chinese medicine. It has equal use as a cancer preventive when incorporated into the regular diet.

Glycyrrhiza glabra Licorice Root, Sweetwood is rated highly by herbalists in treating many diseases including cancerous conditions.

Grifola frondosa Maitake Mushroom or Dancing Mushroom is very large in form and the most potent immunio-stimulant amongst all mushrooms. An adaptogen used for cancer, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, HIV infection. Effective in treatment of lung cancer, breast cancer, skin cancers, prostate cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer. In Chinese medicine it also is used for leukaemia and in treatment of fibroid tumours. Its wonderful properties are valued in research for treatment of HIV and Aids.

Lappa major syn Arctium lappa Burdock Root is favoured as a food when young shorts and roots are used in stir fries and the extract is used as a mild cancer inhibitor.

Larrea divaricata Chaparral is a North American cure for cancer which has very high success rate. Leaves and stems are used to make a tea and this is taken - 3 x per day.

Lentinula edodes Shiitake Mushroom has marked anti-tumour activity and prevents cancer recurrence of metastasis after surgery. Shiitake contains lentinan and is taken as tonic and immune booster. Shiitake is an edible mushroom native to East Asia, which is cultivated and consumed in many Asian countries, fresh as well as being dried.

Lycopersicon esculentum Tomatoes contain nitrosamine blockers. Nitrosamine can negatively encourage cancer. It is understandable that tomatoes are highly valued in our diet both as antioxidants and to inhibit cancer. Some genetically engineered new varieties such as the purple tomato are under trial for special benefits. We await results.

Mandragora officinarium Mandrake - the European herb provides a traditional remedy when used with caution. Not to be confused with the American mandrake, Podophyllum peltatum.

Panax ginseng Oriental Ginseng and P. quinquefolium American Ginseng, Xi Yang Shen
One of the most revered traditional remedies to balance the cells of body and brain and particularly successful in treatment of cancerous conditions.

Petasites officinalis syn P. vulgaris Butterbur is perhaps the most important first consideration of herbalists prescribing for cancer in western communities. The famous Swiss Dr. Vogel claims it has remarkable results, even when merely used in conjunction with an improved and natural lifestyle.

Pfaffia paniculata Pfaffia, Suma, Brazilian Ginseng, Amazon Ginseng from the rainforests of the Matto Grosso region of Brazil is known by many common names. The root is used in medicine for treating cancer amongst other diseases. Its action enhances physical immunity and chronic infections. It is proven to inhibit certain cancerous cells and is used as a reliable traditional remedy.

Scutellaria barbata Scullcap is a plant used in China as in western herbalism when S. lateriflora or Virginia Skullcap is used.

Solanum family has many species that offer healing properties as well as needing caution in their use as medicines. Of these, it is Dogbane - Woody Nightshade and Milkweed extracts that have active-compounds useful in treatment of Cancer.

Symphytum officinale Comfrey provides a soothing herb for those suffering cancer of the gastro-intestinal tract.

Tamus communis Black Bryony is highly toxic although used with care by experienced traditional herbalists.

Taraxacum officinale Dandelion leaves are added to salads and the roots grated or taken as a coffee alternative. It is a cottage remedy for liver problems.

Taxus brevifolia Pacific Yew Tree is the source of the new modern medicinal drug 'taxol'
that seemed to offer great promise as a potential cure for cancer.

Trifolium pratense Red Clover is particularly useful in treatment of irregularities of the blood and gaining recognition as a positive benefit in various cancer treatments.

Triticum aestivum Wheatgrass Juice - a little each day of the juice of common young wheat is claimed as a home cure as proven by Anne Wigmore.

Tylophora indica, T. Asthmatica from India and also Australia is a twining plant has an alkaloid shown to shrink cancer in rats. These species are regularly used in traditional medicine in India. In Australian laboratories two alkaloids have been isolated that would indicate its proven benefits in the treatment of cancer.

Vinca major Periwinkle is well known in the successful treatment of leukaemia and some claim in other forms of cancer also.

Viola odorata Violets of several species are used in cancer cures including the famous Hoxsey remedy. Leaves are made into a tisane and used for external bathing and also as internal tonic. It is an ancient remedy for relieving pain as well as to cure tumours.

Viscum album - Mistletoe is an old traditional European cancer medicine to help balance cell metabolism. It is surrounded with legend and implication that gives almost magical healing when the dose is accurately prescribed. It is commonly given in homoeopathic form.

Zeodary, Curcuma zedoaria and Tumeric, Curcuma longa - anti-mutagens and anti-oxidants - anti cancer agents. These are regularly enjoyed in foods and claimed in India to prevent cancer and reduce tumours.

It is not possible to give details beyond this basic outline of some of the herbs and plants that promise success in the treatment of cancer. Nor have we been able to detail how herbs are best employed in self help when cautions must be strictly observed. We suggest you consult a professional herbalist if you need more practical information.

However there is much we can do to help ourselves. We can become familiar with the vast amount of information available on the Web. We can focus upon a study of the causes and known carcinogens and avoid these factors as much as possible.

We can use our common sense in adding natural plant substances to a diet is based upon a predominance of fresh, natural produce and incorporate the culinary herbs that are specific tonics and preventives.

We can also persevere in attempting to align our physical and psychological attitudes in a positive fashion and will be bound to enjoy positive results.

It is a good idea to keep abreast of the most recent 'new' findings of science and modern medicine as research continues all over the world. For instance, a plant receiving much recent attention is a milkweed plant that is yet to be officially identified, found in Central America. There the villagers have used the plant for centuries, not only as a traditional heart stimulant but as a remedy for cancers, warts and similar growths - they call it "cancerillo"!

Traditional Chinese medicine offers no single word to identify what they consider are the many complex conditions and manifestations of the disease that western medicine includes under the one name 'cancer'. In the ancient system of medicine in China, cancer is seen as a complex disease and treated accordingly. Although this philosophy has been shared by western naturopathy for generations it is only now being seriously considered by modern medicine.

So remember, we do not have to suffer surgery, chemotherapy and other medical procedures that cause us to suffer serious side effects in addition to the symptoms directly related to the disease. We have free will that allows us to seek for alternatives and we can do no better than to look to the natural plant medicines used in the various enduring cultures of the world.

These are best applied in conjunction with your doctor.

Beat Cancer - Graviola and the Rainforest Healing Powers

A Miracle Plant from the Amazon Region
Latin Name: Annona Muriaca


"The time has come" - how many times we are hearing this sentence, nevertheless it is true because we are living in times of huge challenges, changes and shifts where secrets of many different aspect of life are getting revealed to be known by the public - people also are more courageous to speak out what all should know and YES, if millions KNOW a fact, those who are hiding solutions, will have to surrender.

The biggest lie about Cancer Treatments and Chemo Therapy

The Powers of Graviola (Guanabana in Brazil - Soursop USA)

1) Beats 12 kind of types of cancer such as Breast Cancer, Abdominal Cancer, Ovary Cancer, Uterus Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Boon Cancer, Pancreas Cancer, Skin Cancer, Blood Cancer (Leukemia), Bladder Cancer, Liver Cancer


Salubrious way back to a healthy state

2) The Fruit contains a substance called ACETOGENIN that has been proven as 10.000 (ten thousand times) stronger as ACETOGENIN, the drug used for Chemo therapy all over the world with the result of 90% to 10% survivors only - a Bingo Game with the life of people in all nations because the cure is already known.

3) As it is a NUTRIENT it works from INSIDE OUT - eating up the cancer cells, any kind of viruses, bacteria etc. Nutrients have no side effects on our body!!! - unbelievable, miraculous, BUT TRUE (I had the honor to experience many people with cancer even in a very advanced state who were getting well with a Power Juice containing Graviola and there are 1000s in Latin America who had the chance to know about it since 9 years of applications. Solution, Real Cure and permanently heal without Chemo. In case that the doctors ordain Chemo this Special prepared Juice has the powers to protect the healthy cells from burning and allows just the cancer cells to be destroyed, no nausea, no hair loss, neither any other common side effects taking that power plant of healing simultaneously.

MY mother would not be alive without Graviola.

It is TIME TO SHARE and to SHAKE the World of Cancer and to shift the 90% to 10% into a 10% to 90% of survivors!!!

here is the chance to learn about a fact that there is something that has the power to cure cancer, that it has been scientifically proven and that it has been hidden away from people because it comes from Mother Nature and can not be patented in any way.

General Information: About the Plant:

Graviola is an ever green tree growing in the Amazon region of Brazil and in other countries that are touched by the Amazon Forest. It also grows in the tropical rainforest of North America. He grows up to 15 meter high covered with green, long and glossy leaves. His divine fruit is green sometimes a bit yellow shining, has the form of a human heart with a skin looking kind like a big cactus. Its white fruit flesh is eatable and people can buy it on the local Markets. The diameter of the fruit is 20 to 40 cm and local people are eating it out of the hand, the pulp is used to produce a refreshing sour-acid drink or as sorbet.

Indian Tribes use Graviola as medicine since Centuries

Graviola counts with a very long history in the tribal herbal natural medicine. There are Healing substances in every part of the plant: a part of the powerful effects of the fruit we find high effective substances in the leaves, the roots, the trunk, the bark and the seeds. Indian Tribes know about the value of that miraculous tree and they are using the different parts tor multiple and diverse diseases and health Imbalances. Some examples:

In Brazil Roots, Trunk and leaves are used as sedative tee and against nervousness, in other Latin America countries as sedative and as heart tonic medium, also for Diabetes. The leave tee is also used for lever problems and mixed with olive oil it is used for Rheumatism, Arthritis and Osteoarthritis pain in Peru. In Brazil they prepare a mixture out of an immature fruit mixed with Olive oil as extern treatment against Arthritis and Rheumatism.

Leaves are also used against Parasites in Brazil and against Catarrh in Peru.

Fruit, Seeds and Leaves are applied against fever, all kind of parasites, worms, diarrhea, in Brazil also to help increasing the milk of women after giving birth.

In other countries such as Haiti, West Indies and Jamaica are using Graviola as anti spasmodic, sedative, coughs and flu, as nerve strengthening tee, for asthma, hypertension and all kind of parasites, diarrhea and problems at childbirth.

Graviola and Science -

Cancer Research - Scientific Results on Graviola

The Graviola Fruit is already under research since the late 39 of last century - At that Time the science found out that the plant has components, natural principles and properties called "Annonacaeous Acetogenins", natural chemicals that are confirmed to be highly effective against many kind of tumor cells with components that are found as toxins that kills the cancer cells in a very specific way. Simply spoken Graviola has components that are able to isolate every cancer cell, to build a kind of bubble around it avoiding that the cancer cell can get any further nutrient, so it dies. The dead cancer cells are eliminated by the own body system without any side effects. Those components are hidden in all parts of the tree and in different combination they are used for many different kind of disease. They are documented as anti-microbus, anti-parasitic, antitumorous, anti-cancerous, anti-depressive and anti-spasmodic. Several study results have been published but few people reacted.

Since 1976 profound researches of the National Cancer Institute of the USA resulted in curing an "Adenocarcinoma" of the large intestine after short time. The therapeutic effect confirmed the power of Graviola and her components. This powerful component has been discovered by the German Research Scientist and Oncologist Helmut Keller and with three more Scientists they realized many studies on Graviola. As the Plant does NOT ALLOW any chemical process without losing the healing powers never nobody got to know about this effective cancer treatment. WHY??? - because it only works in natural form and a plant cannot be patented in any form, so the Pharmaceutical World and the Monopoles could not get any profit from it and that is the reason they hided the information.


Graviola contains very active, cytotoxic effects against cancer cells with a chemo therapeutic power that is 10.000 x stronger as Adriamicin, the drug that is used for traditional Chemo Therapy, - without any kind of side effects!

(Since a while the HSI is offering now the copies of the results that can be bought for 25,00USD)

After the confirmation that Graviola can cure naturally Cancer the National Health Institute has indicated 20 Labs to studies the plant during 20 years without any result to transform the active principles into a valid remedy. At the end they gave up and let the miraculous findings in the drawer of their institutes.

Since 1996 other groups of scientists did researches on Graviola and found out that the fruit possesses characteristics against tumor formation and that it produces selective toxins against different kinds of cancer cells, without attacking healthy cells. They confirmed the findings of their results were published 8 different clinical studies.

The different studies of different laboratories resulted in incredible findings that the Acetogenines of Graviola have an unbeatable component in prevention of enzyme formations, which are only found in the diaphragm by tumors and cancer cells. That is the reason, why they are poisonous only for cancer cells without attacking healthy cells. The Acetonines recognize the sick cells isolates the individual cancer cells and for missing nutrients the cancer cell dies.

In the year 1997 a small group of scientists found out, that Graviola contains also alkaloids which have an anti-depressive effect. In the same year the PARDU UNIVERSITY published the information that they discovered even more powers within Graviola. Their clinical studies confirmed that the "Annonacae Acetonine" in Graviola are so effective, that they do not only kill normal cancer cells, but that they are also very effective in killing those cancer cells that are resistant on Chemo Therapy. This investigation explained how that is possible: Those cancer cells that survive the Chemo Therapy are developing resistance against many other kind of drugs, called Multi-Drug-Resistant (MDR) what makes them immune against any treatment and leads the patient 100% to death.

After 20 Year of research the Pharma Industry got aware of the Plant and started research by their own seeking a form and way to transform the active principles and components into a cancer remedy. They also failed. Graviola does not allow any kind of chemical reproduction. It is reconfirmed that Graviola only works as it grows in nature and it beats cancer better then any synthetic drug or heavy poison rays. Until today many different groups of scientists are still researching to create a similar product as Annonacins and it still works only like it grown in Nature.

All that information has been kept in secret because Pharmacies could not transform it into something that would give them a huge profit. So they gave proof that they are not really interested in heal people but in making huge profits from those who are already sufficiently hidden by the disease itself. Why would somebody create so many unnecessary pain when there is something much stronger and without any life threatening side effect.

At the end of the nineties one of the Scientists who was part of one of the research teams broke the silence for reasons of consciousness and some of the reports were accessible for the medicine world. Simultaneously some people from Brazil got kind of divine guidance to go to the Amazon and to study the Plants of the Rainforest. They were integrating the native people to learn from them as their knowledge about healing plants of the Rainforest is reaching back in time for many centuries.

The good thing is that for one time in this world the science is NOT finding a way of manipulation - the power of healing cancer lies in Graviola and several further plants that God preserved to be used like the Almighty lets it grow. It is a blessing for Mankind and a gift from Mother Earth - A wake up call to become conscious and to start honoring the gifts we have forgotten that they exist. When we destroy the rainforests we destroy the lungs of our planet and without oxygen all life will die. We need to open up our hearts to understand that all what we experience has a solution and all what we suffer of different kind of disease has a natural way of cure in nature.

Graviola shows us the way

Nutritive Values of Graviola

Iron, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, Selenium, zinc,

Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C

In addition
Dietary fibers, Tannin, Proteins, Lipides

Ethno-medical Uses of Graviola in different Tropical Countries and USA

Latin America:

Abscesses, Tumors, Edemas, Worms, all kind of Parasites, Bronchitis, Breathing Difficulties, Coughs, Diabetes, Digestive Imbalances, Dysentery, Intestine Parasites, the Intestinal/Colic Attacks, Fever, Liver Problems, Neuralgias, Nervousness, general Body Pain, Rheumatism, Tetanus

Tumors of all kind, Intern Ulcers, Parasites, Lice, Hypertension Diabetes, Dysentery, Indigestion, Inflammation, Flu, Liver Disorders, Spasms, Fever and as a Sedative

Tumors, Ulcers, Parasites, Worms, Digestive Disorders (Dyspepsia), Diarrhea and Kidney Problems: Renal Insufficiency - Renal Failure

Tapeworm, Indigestion, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Fever, Chest Colds, Ringworm, Scurvy, Styptic (bleeding)

The Caribbean:
Colds, chills, fever, flu, diarrhea, indigestion, nervousness, palpitations, rash, spasms, skin disease, and as a sedative and calmative agent

Gallbladder Problems, Nervousness, as a Sedative and Calmative Agent, Childbirth

Parasites, Lice, Flu, Digestive Sluggishness, Diarrhea, Fever, Coughs, Pain, Weakness, Wounds, Pellagra, Nervousness, Cardiopathy, Spasms, Sedative, Lactation Aid after Childbirth,

Parasites, Worms, Asthma, Fevers, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Lactation Aid after Childbirth, Nervousness, Sedative, Spasms, Tetanus, Water Retention and general Weakness,

Ringworms, Blood Cleaning Agent, Hypertension, Palpitations, Fainting, Insomnia, Lactation Aid after Childbirth, Flu,

Cancer, Tumors, Ulcers, Fungal Infections, Intestine Parasites, Hypertension, Depression

Asia - Malaysia
Furuncles, Coughs, Colds, Diarrhea, Dermatosis, Hypertension, Rheumatism, and to Reduce Bleeding

British West Indies:
Tumors, Intestine Parasites, Asthma, Childbirth, Lactation Aid, Hypertension

Other Countries:
Cancer, Kidney Problems, Bladder Insufficiency, Liver Disorders, Dysentery, Malaria, Stomach Problems, Ringworm, Lice, Parasites, Childbirth, Asthma, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Scurvy and as a Sedative

Native Wisdom

After learning about ethnological medicine and their high evolved knowledge we should ask ourselves who is more advanced. They have no hospitals and they have NO CANCER or did you ever see a Native in a Cancer Department of a Hospital? They do not have Laboratories, they don't transform any plant into a pill and they are heal.

The Natives still show us today how to live with nature and how nature provides all what we need for a healthy life. What do we as the so called Civilized World with Nature and with ourselves? We allow destructive exploitation, depletion, exhaustive cultivation, robber economy, not only with Mother Nature but also with our own lives. We burn the candle at two ends disrespecting the holiness of our body. We abuse a maximum and the end is deadly disease. Is that a wonder? No it is just a consequence of our issues, our habits, our believe systems and our actions, of out thoughts, words and the ability to look away when things are not in harmony with the cosmic order. We just don't care when it does not hit us personally. To heal really we have to heal ALL THE REALMS we are living in otherwise we only get a momentum cure. Can you feel that? It is NOT a question of understanding but of feeling!!!!! We shot our feelings down

You go against your feelings and you get sick!!!

How many times a day we do that???? We have to come back to the heart and stand up to safe the natural resources that are still intact like the rainforest as biggest source of healing plants that exists in our world.

A German Doctor made holiday in the Amazon Region and he was wondering how many natural remedies are there on the market. He took some of the to try and as I started to teach in Germany about Graviola and the Rainforest he showed up and said: I am director of a Hospital and I was looking for a way to make people the Amazonian Healing Powers available. I our Hospital we have a new system and are open for alternative healing methods. We offer open Seminaries and you can come whenever you want to talk about cancer and other disease. I did for Diabetes..... it was amazing

So the Western Countries are learning about Graviola and the Healing Powers of Graviola, the miraculous fruit that brings never ending surprises to people with cancer and other heavy disease. Graviola is a chance for all those who are hidden by Cancer or one of the other diseases of civilization.

This Newsletter again is a Wake up Call and a Chance to survive Cancer. I

Graviola is not only a miracle against cancer cells, but has also components (results of researches) that can eliminate other chemicals like cortisone, drugs and all kind poisons in our body. This is UNIQUE as Cortisone remains into people's bodies forever with the horrendous side effect that people are gaining weight fro nothing. Graviola is the power of life that is able to clean all poisons we are exposed today in our daily life in air, water and nutrients. It has the amazing natural potency to clean and to regenerate our body cells. Just remember that our body is the Holy Temple of Life that deserves all our respect because the body makes us the gift to be alive and to experience this wonderful personal journey on this beautiful planet, to have fun and grow in all senses when we maintain us in a healthy state.

This Plant and many others are a gift of Divine Source and Mother Earth preserved for our times to remember the love we should have for our divine vehicle, for ourselves and for all life. Divine Source and Mother Earth have the medium for people who have lost faith in the daily battle for survival.

This fruit has the form of a huge heart to show you even by its form that only the heart can heal without any kind of human manipulation, pure and natural like it is given.

A little insight of my own experiences:

As Multi-Dimensional Free Way Healer I learned to go straight to the cause of a disease that is created by denying feelings, psychic shocks, and heavy experiences on heart and soul level as well as body misuse of any kind. It can be karmic origin or even living on a place that is over poisoned by electricity or environmental. Nevertheless we can never get sick when our body defense is working properly and that opens the door to all what we experience. The way of cause and effect never fails and even incurable disease is curable by cosmic law. I always was driven to the Rainforest and I knew deep within that some kind of cure for the physical body should exist in that huge natural pharmacy of Mother Earth. I asked God to get something into my hands that helps people faster to understand and faster to heal so they can learn on big scale and not just one by one.

7 years ago - I was at about to travel to Germany and the day before a friend of my spiritual group from years ago over sudden crossed my way and she asked me when I am going to travel again to Germany and if I could help the next time I go to open an enterprise that sells Amazon Natural Nutrients that are a power house of healing and there is nobody who speaks well German. Well, the word Amazon was hitting me like an electric shock and I was just going the next day... Is this the answer of my prayers I thought. After one week something drove me to get in touch and I felt the obligation to call. The representative came to present the products, 7 at that time. He started to explain each one and as I held the bottle of a mixture of Graviola and 6 other anti cancerous components in my hands instantaneously my entire body was increasing tremendous heat waves and source transmitted: that is what you have asked for. Of course I studied all I had to and stood in Germany for 9 month to get the information out fighting the meanings and beliefs of traditional cancer cure.

There are so many cases I was testimony of that it would fill books and it would made you cry as it does with 100s of people when they hear at the annual gathering people telling their stories of survival in the last moment - their despair facing death and their families without a penny left because no assurance would take the bills anymore - family selling everything they have to safe a beloved one.

One friend of mine Brazilian Plastic Surgery Specialist got Leukemia Myeloid and the needed urgently a cell transplant - she was on a list number 989 - I past 4 month with her working on her and finally we could access the products and the doctor of the enterprise said to her: You know that you are in the hands of God? Yes - but nevertheless we will give it a try - you got to take 5 different products and we found a sponsor - today she has a foundation for abandoned animals - she left her wheel chair behind and she is fine!!!!

All those experiences are divine one by one but I think that more people need to know about it - from mouth to mouth it is just to slow - there are so many people suffering for nothing. The Lady who became director of the German enterprise had 5 types of cancer - 5 children - her best friend a director of a Hispital - he told her to go home and to spend the last time with her children - that his art has come to an end and that he is so sorry. At home a friend passed by and told her about those products - she loves life and she took one product only - after a week she felt stronger - her life powers came back she felt that she could make it and she said she would only go and show up front of her doctor and friend when she was fine. After 6 month she visited him in the hospital - he cried and asked what she did - she talked about the products and halleluiah the doctor today is working in his hospital with those products too. There is not only hope THERE IS HEALING OUT THERE and people need to be informed!

Here some more evidence I found in different reports of the 100 strongest Underground Cures:

CANCER "MAGIC BULLET" DISCOVERED - but drug giant hushes it up!

10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy with no adverse side effects

DARYL S. HAD 12 TUMORS IN HIS PROSTATE. But he received a cutting-edge treatment that helped save his life. And... In 3 months, his PSA dropped AND THE TUMORS DISAPPEARED

HOW? Daryl's secret was the help of an amazing tree that grows deep in the Amazon rainforest. Called Graviola, it may well prove to be the ultimate cancer-fighter. Studies by the National Cancer Institute already show that Graviola extract is 10,000 times stronger than top chemotherapy drugs...

Yet it's incredible precision hunts down cancer cells while leaving healthy cells completely alone! Graviola just seems to "know" which cells to kill and which to avoid. There's no nausea, no hair loss, no weight loss, no weakening of the immune system.

The news about Graviola sent shockwaves through HSI's extensive medical network. But the story behind Graviola is just as shocking.

As we learned, this lifesaving discovery was very nearly denied to mankind. And I'm sorry to say the reason is that somebody sat on the research. The trail of evidence clearly shows...

For 7 long years, a billion-dollar drug company covered it up!

What's more, this is undoubtedly not the first time that something like this has happened. Following is a textbook example of how modern drug research works, and how your health falls victim to the pursuit of money and power:

It all started in the early 1990s, when this well-known drug giant started pouring money into the search for a cancer cure...

What gave Jacqueline the power to CONQUER BREAST CANCER?

JACQUELINE HAD BREAST CANCER, but she also had a huge advantage in her battle. Best of all, it works by using your own body's army of natural "killer cells." So, it actually makes you feel more energetic, rather than sapping your strength. Like many such firms, they were intrigued by the healing powers of rainforest plants. They discovered that Graviola was being used by Amazon Indians to treat a huge range of diseases. And when they tested its cancer-fighting powers, bingo, they discovered a revolution...

But you can't make megabucks from any cure UNLESS YOU PATENT IT...

And no one can patent a tree that's been around for millions of years. So the drug firm tried for seven years to come up with man-made duplicates. But they hit a brick wall. Try as they might, they couldn't match Mother Nature. Finally, they tossed in the towel...

Okay, they're in business to make money. Fine. But let me ask you...

If the research files for this breakthrough were sitting on your desk, what would you do with them? Call a news conference? Send out press releases?

At the very least, wouldn't you publish them all in a prominent medical journal? After all, more than 6 million Americans have died from cancer in the last few decades.

Think how many might have been saved if a discovery like this had been available. But, instead of turning it over to independent researchers.......-

They boxed it up, put it on the shelf - AND TURNED OFF THE LIGHT

Happily, one courageous researcher just couldn't live with that decision. He spilled the beans... and the result may turn out to be the most life-saving substance on earth. More clinical trials are needed, but more than 20 studies to date have already established that...

Graviola can wipe out 12 types of cancer cells, including breast, prostate, colon, lung and pancreatic tumors

Yet, unlike any chemotherapy drug, it leaves healthy cells undamaged.

A miracle? Perhaps. Yet even now, not one drug company we know of has picked it up and run with it.

WHY? Same reason. No one can legally patent it.

Are you starting to see?

AMAZON MIRACLE TREE fights much more than cancer

While scientific research on Graviola has focused on its cancer-fighting powers, the tree has been used for centuries by tribal healers to treat an astonishing array of diseases:
*muscle spasm
*diarrhea neuralgia


My report continues here: Healings -Cures - and Lies about Conventional Treatments

True example: In Germany one of the Patients of Dr. D. Hamer (working on the psychic shocks for cancer cure) suffered breast Cancer and she was asked three times in the hospital if she is Jewish and she denied - she had family members who were but she wasn't. She was wondering first why they asked that. The next day another doctor appeared in her Hospital room offering her a heavy treatment apart of the chemo therapy and he told her that people with cancer have only 10% chances to survive but she could be one of the 10% when she would accept this incredible expensive proposal. The got aware of why she was asked if she is Jewish and as it was not the same doctor, she answered, sorry I cannot do that as I am Jewish - the doctor replied: oh I didn't know and leaving the room he remarked: you will be fine anyways...... can you believe that? But that is the truth about heavy and expensive treatments and people believe the Chemo (90% are not making it) and suffer for nothing.... The Lady reported the doctors and left the hospital. One thing is the big lie about Cancer - the other side has the solution and is not sufficiently known yet to help many people and children avoiding so much unnecessary pain. You will become porter of the secret - during May I will send out a report about the plant and how to get the juice product that is saving 1000s of lives since 9 years in Latin America and 5 other countries - not in USA yet apart of some friends of mine I sent the product to help them get well.

(She is German and the report is to find on Dr Hamer's German Website)


What more can I say now as that I have experiences with Graviola since 7 years - As I learned by guidance how cases are set into motion that ends up in heavy disease or chronicle disease, even aids is one of the biggest lies, during this year I will publish more reports on products and natural powers for many of diseases that are used by the science to as a good income instead to inform about simple cures from inside out. Graviola helps reproducing the killer cells without our body that is the reason self defense it growing fast as the own body helps the nutrients to fight the sick cells in the body structure -any of them.

The latest studies in Brazil have confirmed that the product combination with Graviola has a component that kills even the Hospital Virus - this is a killer virus without cure until today that is 1000% deadly - we got results that are amazing. In the meanwhile the component who does that that been found.

We are working to get information out to doctors and alternative healers. There is so much to learn and to do because the greatest shift has to be done in education. It is not easy to teach people who have been driven in only one direction to believe denying all other ways,even if their own life depends on that.

The reason of cancer is a psychic shock and it is not so difficult to learn about it - recreate your life from inside out and use the fruits, plants and natural elements that Mother Earth grows so we can get well. Let's open our hearts and minds for the Amazon Rainforest and join people work fro the protection of this last wonder of an intact ecosystem and stop burning down 5000 square miles each day so some people can make their profit. They are killing life itself and we are the crown of creation and should honor all LIFE in first place as holy!!!!

And don't forget: Miracles of life are there for everybody

Blessings and time for reflection

Regina E.H.Ariel